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Aircon Quotes (From Aron)

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hi pls pm for

mitsubishi inverter system 2 for 2 bedrm, pls include bracket as it is for an old 3rm flat.

mitsubishi inverter system 3 for 3 bedrm + system 1 for 5rm living. (my new home)



I have just PMed to you.

Thank you,

Aron (aronputt@gmail.com)


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Hello , can I get for PM quotation for

1. Mitsubishi Starmax Inverter Sys3

2. Daikin Inverter sys3

3. Fujitsu or any other brand.

currently surveying for models

House is Old 5 RM Flat in Yishun


I have just PMed to you.

Thank you,

Aron (aronputt@gmail.com)


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Hi, can u also quote me for Mitsubishi starmex inverter system 4( 1 living room and 3 bedroom- pls list the BTU? ) And how is the warranty?


I have just PMed to you.

Thank you,

Aron (aronputt@gmail.com)


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Please quote me Mitsubishi Starmex system 4 (10K x 3/ 18k x1) and (10k x 3 / 24 x 1). And whats the details. ThankS!


I have just PMed to you.

Thank you,

Aron (aronputt@gmail.com)


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can quote me for panasonic and starmex system 4 pls.



I have just PMed to you.

Thank you,

Aron (aronputt@gmail.com)


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May I find out based on your experience, which of these brands less problematic & easier to service? Toshiba, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi Heavy & Mit Electric.

I'm considering system 3 from

a) Toshiba RAS3M20SACV +RASM10SKCV x3 (cos Made in Japan Condenser, but does it really matters?)

b) Fujitsu AOAG24LAT3 +ASAG09LJ x3

Pls kindly PM me asap. Thank you.

Edited by jjsk88

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Hi Aron,

can you pm me your quote for the below:

1. Mitsubishi Starmax Inverter Sys3

2. Daikin Inverter sys3

3. Fujitsu or any other brand.

4. Any other brand you recommend for typical new 4rm flat (need just for the 3 bed rooms)



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Hi Aron,

Could you kindly quote me the following from Mitsubishi Starmax Inverter:

1 x 24 BTU

1 x 18 BTU

1 x 9 BTU


1 x 24 BTU

3 x 9 BTU

Please also quote with the following requirements (mostly which you have already stated except a few others):

1. Using of "4c70" control wiring. (From Keystone)

2. Class "0" and 1/2 inch thick insulation (From Yamato)

3. G23 copper pipe

4. 16mm drainage pipe

5. 2 installation trips

Thanks alot.


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Hi Aron,

Can you pm me the quote for Mitsubishi Starmex Inverter for 3 bedrooms? Please also include installation details and warranty. Thanks!


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