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Anyone Has This Experience (planning For A Trip, Air Tix Book, Etc And Discover U R Pregnant?)

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luckily due to my :bow: memory...

in work, i sometime tio arrow and act like anything happen.

At 1st, my collegue like.. wah , so high level.. tio arrow also act like nothing happen. Then 1 of my closer colleague told her.. "is not that I high level, is I don't know I tio arrow"

Then she ask me "u kenna arrow leh.. u know???"

I blur blur look at her " got meh??? when???"

"just now, the so-so ask u sth and u reply this-this"

"Oh.. I thought he ask me question, then I answer lor. This one also consider tio arrow arrr"

2 colleague faint on the spot...


Hahaha.....wah lau u very cute....:P


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luckily due to my :bangwall: memory...

in work, i sometime tio arrow and act like anything happen.

At 1st, my collegue like.. wah , so high level.. tio arrow also act like nothing happen. Then 1 of my closer colleague told her.. "is not that I high level, is I don't know I tio arrow"

Then she ask me "u kenna arrow leh.. u know???"

I blur blur look at her " got meh??? when???"

"just now, the so-so ask u sth and u reply this-this"

"Oh.. I thought he ask me question, then I answer lor. This one also consider tio arrow arrr"

2 colleague faint on the spot...


ROFL, therat u very funny. I really laugh out loud. i think my colleagues think i go ki seow liao.


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I'm not preggy yet, but these things not certain one lor.

Cos u will noe only after 2 months ma, but trip will plan way way before lor. Wanted to visit relative in Austrialia, planing to go next year. In between so long, who knows, maybe really a "family" go visiting then :).


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Just what I suspect, always anticipate things that may happen.

Wah, like this short life leh. Many things to worry also.

Insurance can lighten your burden of worry.

Of course for a minimum sum.


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it really depends on yourself. if you are healthy and everything is stable, then go ahead with your trip. i am almost 4 mths preggie now and i have gone to spain for 2 weeks and melbourne for a week over the last 2 months and i was carrying my almost 30kg luggage up and down the trains. i have 3 more trips to do before i hit my 3rd trimester. but i am lucky as i did not experience any morning sickness, aversion or cravings.

but of cos, if you experience any spotting and physical discomfort, or anticipate that you will need to take part in any physical activities that are potentially harmful to the baby and yourself during the trip, then you better put your trip on hold.


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it really depends on yourself. if you are healthy and everything is stable, then go ahead with your trip. i am almost 4 mths preggie now and i have gone to spain for 2 weeks and melbourne for a week over the last 2 months and i was carrying my almost 30kg luggage up and down the trains. i have 3 more trips to do before i hit my 3rd trimester. but i am lucky as i did not experience any morning sickness, aversion or cravings.

but of cos, if you experience any spotting and physical discomfort, or anticipate that you will need to take part in any physical activities that are potentially harmful to the baby and yourself during the trip, then you better put your trip on hold.

Wah cactus....seems lk u r a healthy preggie woman...so strong..still can carry 30kg luggage...U hv my respect...Bt do be careful hor! Take care!


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It really seriously depend on your condition when you are pregnant. Some women are weak during 1st trimester, so sometimes the gyne will require her to have bed rest and/or injections to help prevent losing the baby. While there are some, who doesn't have any issue.

I travelled when I was pregnant. Both kids when I was 27 weeks preggy. Once also in the 1st trimester to genting...even sat the trill rides (though my parents warned me not to)...nothing happened. My gyne says clean bill and I request for a letter of travel by gyne (till 32 weeks) so that the airport customer service won't stop me (just in case).

So it really depends on the situation.


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Wah cactus....seems lk u r a healthy preggie woman...so strong..still can carry 30kg luggage...U hv my respect...Bt do be careful hor! Take care!

thanks karen. :yamseng: i hv always been exercising regularly and i guess it helps. my husband just asked me the other day why i do not have any of those preggie symptoms pple always talk about. felt like knocking his head.


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thanks karen. :( i hv always been exercising regularly and i guess it helps. my husband just asked me the other day why i do not have any of those preggie symptoms pple always talk about. felt like knocking his head.

No symptoms is good wat! Alamak, symptoms is very terrible ba....Yr HB v cute leh...


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thanks karen. :( i hv always been exercising regularly and i guess it helps. my husband just asked me the other day why i do not have any of those preggie symptoms pple always talk about. felt like knocking his head.

my husband also ask the same thing...

"how come ppl had, u don't have" :bangwall:


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You remind me of this author who once gave a talk on parenting. One participant lamented after that, "Dunno when my children will get a proper job". Concerned, the author asked how old her kids were. Then, she replied that she hadn't had any kids yet; she was just preparing for them! :sport-smiley-018:

Never mind, one research shows that the pessimists are usually the most prepared 'cos they worry so much. !!


You are really funny! :notti:


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