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Hi jamez, :)

The one we are using now is ACDSee, software that comes along with the digital camera I bought, I believe most digital cameras comes with their own version of software. There are also freewares avaliable, such as Google image software, think its Picasa, but can do a search for it. Hope it helps. :)

By the way, glad to see your original state photos, hope to see more in the future! :):P

I see...dunno my Canon got anot...later go check out. Picasa I have..i cun resize with Picasa.. :( anyway i used paint to resize...you guys find it ok? does the pics load slow?

Will start posting the renovation process pics...but gotta finish my work stuff first... :P

If u are using Microsoft Windows XP, then u can go to Microsoft Website.


And download the free Image Resizer.

After installation, point the mouse to the image u wanted to resize and right click.

u will see the "Resize Image" Option. Clicking on it will bring up a dialog Box that have some option for u to resize the image. Quite an easy to use tool.

thanx for the info...will check it out later... :P


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Pics of the renovation iteself....WARZONE!:bangwall:

Day 1




More Pics of day 1




And here's Day 2...man they work FAST.


The delivered tiles


Whole lotta sand


Edited by jamez

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Demolition Time! Destroy Everything! hahaha

Its great to see things being transformed from total wreckage to something nice! :bangwall:


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Demolition Time! Destroy Everything! hahaha

Its great to see things being transformed from total wreckage to something nice! :bangwall:

ya lor...haha...

anyway i saw your pebblewash floor...my entrance area also gonna have...then i saw u put the tiles in the pebblewash and im gonna copy that but with darker coloured tiles...im a leecher haha... :bangwall:


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hahaha. well, that is not leech lar. Ideas are being shared in the forum mah. i also found ideas here and there from the forums for my new house. :bangwall:

anyway, my pebble wash supposed to be darker color, but the dust from the renovation makes the pebbles wash looks white. Have to wait for them to wash the place, then can see the contrast. :bangwall:

Hope to see more photos soon. :furious:

Edited by eR1c

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Pictures I took today...Day 9 of reno


Kitchen wall tiles are up. Actually this wall tile design (from SBH) was not the first choice of my wife and I...it was the THIRD choice...first and second choice no stock so bo bian....still ok lah.


A strip of black glass mosaics for some contrast...

And heres a look at the very first piece of furniture we bought for our home...the dining table.


Sales staff say theres a 10 YEARS warranty for the metal parts...any rust they'll replace it. If they close shop then i also bobian what...but i like the look of it...and placed the deposit for it. itz gonna be 5ft by 3ft...scared too big but ID/contractor say no problem... :bangwall:

hahaha. well, that is not leech lar. Ideas are being shared in the forum mah. i also found ideas here and there from the forums for my new house. :furious:

anyway, my pebble wash supposed to be darker color, but the dust from the renovation makes the pebbles wash looks white. Have to wait for them to wash the place, then can see the contrast. :dunno:

Hope to see more photos soon. :rofl:

think my pebblewash is same colour as yours....my ID/contractor say if we mop and mop the lil pebbles will get more and more shiny cos itz natural stone...cool is'nt it?

Anyway think no more pics to show liao haha...updated till today...must wait for more progress before posting pics again. time for me to look at the beautiful homes of others now...hope mine turns out as well as others though. :bangwall:


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Anyway think no more pics to show liao haha...updated till today...must wait for more progress before posting pics again. time for me to look at the beautiful homes of others now...hope mine turns out as well as others though. :dribble:
Hi jamez, :(

Seems like your house will turn out just as nice and cosy as others. :yamseng: So whose T-Blogs you visited so far? And whose concepts you like? :notti::dribble:


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I think I know where did u buy your dining table...

Furniture mall right? We were aiming also for that dining table.. but it's more than our budget :unsure:

How much did u get it for If i may know...


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Hi jamez, :good:

Seems like your house will turn out just as nice and cosy as others. :D So whose T-Blogs you visited so far? And whose concepts you like? ;):notti:

thankz... i visited almost all of the t-blogs here...but sad to say i can't remember whose is whose...sometimes i come back and can't find the t-blog that i wanted to show my wife haha...im a sotong lah....some stuff that definately made an impression is eRic's t-blog (pebblewash floor with the beige cloured tiles in it...nicely done).....fteocs 's t-blog...he's a REALLY organised person and im really looking forward to seeing his pictures...your t-blog- your super duper white and bright tiles made me think why i did'nt choose that earlier on to be honest haha...Grey and Brownmse's new home...black black toilet...so posh...but my wife dun like black black so no go. And Melvin and Angeline's lounge...so cosy with all the dark colours...I love dark colours actually...but gonna be living with my parents and my wife also dun like dark dark one...so I go along with the bright themes. and therez many many more! They are all so nice!

wow, what a total revamp!:P!!

interesting man!:notti:!

Thank you! :notti:

I think I know where did u buy your dining table...

Furniture mall right? We were aiming also for that dining table.. but it's more than our budget :good:

How much did u get it for If i may know...

Yup at furniture mall...We bought the table in 5ft/3ft + 6 dining chairs total damage $2650...i dunno how much the table alone cost cost i kinda bought it as a package from the shop...

I walkd around and saw similar designs of this table at other shops also all about $1300+ to $1500+ range.

U wan i can call the shop that i bought it from to find out the price of the table alone? :P

Edited by jamez

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Went up juz now...took some pics and here they r...


kitchen n living room tiles are up...only left some corners n skirting...


this the entrance area...gonna be pebblewash...


some kinda chemical on the spalling ceiling that makes the metal reddish...


the tiles on the front steps...


a preview of the common toilet...

so far so good!


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Things seems to be moving good. So u also doing open concept for the kitchen?


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Went up juz now...took some pics and here they r...


so far so good!

Hi jamez, 8|

You got a very STUNNING common toilet there. !! Think your visitors will be so mesmerised :P before they can do their business. 8|

Seems like your renovation is going very well, really excited to see your house when completed. Keep us updated ok? :)


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And heres a look at the very first piece of furniture we bought for our home...the dining table.


Sales staff say theres a 10 YEARS warranty for the metal parts...any rust they'll replace it. If they close shop then i also bobian what...but i like the look of it...and placed the deposit for it. itz gonna be 5ft by 3ft...scared too big but ID/contractor say no problem... :yamseng:

think my pebblewash is same colour as yours....my ID/contractor say if we mop and mop the lil pebbles will get more and more shiny cos itz natural stone...cool is'nt it?


think u went to the same shop in Furniture Mall as me... Was thinking of getting the round table just next to the rectangle one u buy but price wise a bit ex.. can share u got it at and how much discount he gave to u?



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Things seems to be moving good. So u also doing open concept for the kitchen?

yup...itz gonna be open concept...make the space more airy and open...therez gonna be a small partition between the living and dining but thatz all... :)

Hi jamez, :)

You got a very STUNNING common toilet there. :P Think your visitors will be so mesmerised :D before they can do their business. :)

Seems like your renovation is going very well, really excited to see your house when completed. Keep us updated ok? :dribble:

haha...thank you for your kind comments tim_chenie. at first we choose some tiles from white horse for our toilet and i was thinking like quite dull..so our id/contractor bought us to sbh...where we saw all these colourful tiles and nice designs..so last minute change all the toilet concept.

I will post more pics when i go up again nex week...my work has been keeping me away from going up as mush as i like...now also find it difficult to arrange for time to go and buy the toilet bowl and sink and stuff...haiz... :dribble:


think u went to the same shop in Furniture Mall as me... Was thinking of getting the round table just next to the rectangle one u buy but price wise a bit ex.. can share u got it at and how much discount he gave to u?


oh u mean the round olive colour one? the olive colour also very nice...the shop is Luxur***t at furniture mall....at level 1.

at first it was $2600 for 4ft/2 half ft table and 6 chairs...then bargain with the lady until $2500 and placed deposit. Subsequently thought the dimensions of the dining table too small...so changed it to 5ft/3ft on advise by our id/contractor...become $2650..with 6 chairs...so discount not so much. yah itz a bit ex lah...but i like the sleek look and my wife simply loves it...so pamper ourselves loh. but our budget super burst liao loh haha...gotta cut back abit on other areas. !!


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