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Hi all...itz the 8th day of our renovation today...making good progress...so far no complains.

Our 4ng is at AMK ave 10...we bought the resale flat in early feb this year. My wife wanted the contractor who renovated her parents' flat back in year 2000....on grounds that he is very trustworthy. The company that the contractor used to work in is no longer around, and he is currently part boss(i think) of Home Concepts Interior and Design. Very nice guy...very experienced...and some say very expensive haha...but i find ok leh. The stuff that he thought we din need he would tell us to save our money. I have also seen my wife's parent's house..and the cabinetry is good. Design wise I had to put in more ideas...because our ID/contractor is "lau jiang hu" so sometimes the ideas provided by him i personally find abit obiang...but he's really flexible..and i like flexibility.

Man i must say renovating a house is sure an exciting experience. Imagining what you want for your house then visualize it..and then wonder how it would turn out...spending more money then i have ever now...but the thought of the ideas being conceptionalise sure is good.

Will post the pics of the house in original condition in awhile. :D


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Welcome to Reno T-blog! :dunno:

Hope to see more photos in the future! :P

Thanx! in fact im waiting for the uploading to be done at photobucket...duno why so slow today... :sport-smiley-004:

This is really a nice forum. Never saw so many friendly people and good advise in other forums. I learnt quite abit from reading through this forum b4 my reno started... :D


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Thanx! in fact im waiting for the uploading to be done at photobucket...duno why so slow today... :dunno:

This is really a nice forum. Never saw so many friendly people and good advise in other forums. I learnt quite abit from reading through this forum b4 my reno started... :D

Yeah, who come up with this forum anyway? :P Really provided a good place for newbies like us to get experience from.

I am using photobucket too, so far no problem, maybe its your photo file size? Just a small advise, maybe you can resize your photo to maybe width 400pixels so that the photos will not filled up the whole place. :P:sport-smiley-004:


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tim_chenie...thanx for the advise...but heh heh i already uploaded the pics so here goes...i'll try to resize it down even more for the subsequent pics... :D yes i agree VERY much that this is a wonderful place for us newbies to go ard and learn. What are u using to downsize your pics? photoshop? cos i dun have dat..

Ok herez a few pics of th resale flat in original condition...

The living room


The kitchen


The spalling at the kitchen, HDB officer confirmed itz spalling...not leaking from upstairs...


Itz a 23 yrs old 4ng...so condition not that great. Itz on the 11th floor...alot of wind, which i like...later i scan the floor plan and put it up.

more pics of the original condition...

View of living room...from the kitchen


The Common toilet


The master bedroom



The master bedroom toilet


The study room


View from my parents' room...yup..gonna live with my parents


Edited by jamez

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welcome to renotalk

spam chop from me :D

must be really exciting to transform this flat into something of your dreams :P:wub:

your floor plan looks like the carbon flip of my cousin's place i.e. left on right and right on left

ave 10 also :D


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welcome to renotalk

spam chop from me :D

must be really exciting to transform this flat into something of your dreams :D:bangwall:

your floor plan looks like the carbon flip of my cousin's place i.e. left on right and right on left

ave 10 also :bangwall:

Hello applefreak.... :P

Yes yes...itz totally so exciting. Itz tiring also...looking at magazines...looking at renotalk...deciding what we really want...the look and feel of the house is important to me. Not my wife though...she prefers it bright and functional and easy to clean...while im the vain one haha. So in the end itz a mixture of both.

Hmmm....maybe your cousin is the other side of the corridor...corner unit right? :bangwall:

The 3d drawings from the ID...not finalised yet..some colour changes here and there + +...

The living room, with mirror feature at dining area...


Not gonna use the ceiling light design in the picture. Any recommendations anyone?

Simple living room with simple tv feature wall.


See the door? Not gonna use that as well...itz gonna be all walnut colour with metal strip for the actual thing.

The Kitchen


Black and white...my idea

The kitchen floor tiles I chose is not very black. Actually i wanted like super duper black for kitchen floor tiles...but when we were at white horse dunno **** eye or what go and chose one that is like black/greyish one. Since itz my fault and i only discovered it when it was already delivered... i figured bo chap lah..the light black/dark greyish also goes with the design above...or not huh? :wub:


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yes yes, but her block is three room units on the corridor and four room units at the two corners

yours the same?

actually bright and functional and easy-to-clean can still look and feel good

as long as you go for better material and clean lines should be able to achieve all of that :D


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yes yes, but her block is three room units on the corridor and four room units at the two corners

yours the same?

actually bright and functional and easy-to-clean can still look and feel good

as long as you go for better material and clean lines should be able to achieve all of that :P

Oh...yes yes itz the same....3 room at corridor and 4 room at corner. Think your cousin really lives close to me.. :D

Edited by jamez

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actually bright bright hor, why not use black countertop and white glossy laminate for your kitchen cabinet?

that means reverse the colour for the kitchen cabinets?

guess it'll make the bottom cabinet look brighter and yet kinda conceal the top ones?

just some thoughts :D


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actually bright bright hor, why not use black countertop and white glossy laminate for your kitchen cabinet?

that means reverse the colour for the kitchen cabinets?

guess it'll make the bottom cabinet look brighter and yet kinda conceal the top ones?

just some thoughts :dunno:

yup itz a good idea...but i scared too much white later on become too much beige down the road haha...some more the kitchen wall tiles also white in colour. i kinda like contrast..datz y the colour combo. black counter top my wife dun like also... when initially i suggested black counter top >>> 8| haha.

Spam chop from me too.

nice design. :)

hope to see the renovation pics. :)

thank u. yup i will post the pics


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What are u using to downsize your pics? photoshop? cos i dun have dat..
Hi jamez, :)

The one we are using now is ACDSee, software that comes along with the digital camera I bought, I believe most digital cameras comes with their own version of software. There are also freewares avaliable, such as Google image software, think its Picasa, but can do a search for it. Hope it helps. :good:

By the way, glad to see your original state photos, hope to see more in the future! :P:good:


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If u are using Microsoft Windows XP, then u can go to Microsoft Website.


And download the free Image Resizer.

After installation, point the mouse to the image u wanted to resize and right click.

u will see the "Resize Image" Option. Clicking on it will bring up a dialog Box that have some option for u to resize the image. Quite an easy to use tool.


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