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helllooooo Angelwrath! Welcome! how come you got ur keys so fast wor? u also did the apr balloting? which blk did u get?

yeh the mthly instalments are one of the reasons other half doesnt want keys too early... heh


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helllooooo Angelwrath! Welcome! how come you got ur keys so fast wor? u also did the apr balloting? which blk did u get?

yeh the mthly instalments are one of the reasons other half doesnt want keys too early... heh

ya i also apr balloting de. 510A

i request them to expendite mah, cause wedding soon. i think it's because they nv touch up and retile my place ba. well it works out the same, since now still have to wait for them to retile.


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oh. hmmm ya i think they started in june... Heh... or late may.. oh well... hope all goes well im pretty sick n tired of sourcing for things for the home, comparing prices as well as sorting out the wedding stuff.... we r deciding whether we really need the wedding dinner or not... thinking of making do with jus church wedding n buffet after that at the church... wld save a lot of money and time n headaches! wana marry n buy hse so mafan man! ZZzzZzz


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oh. hmmm ya i think they started in june... Heh... or late may.. oh well... hope all goes well im pretty sick n tired of sourcing for things for the home, comparing prices as well as sorting out the wedding stuff.... we r deciding whether we really need the wedding dinner or not... thinking of making do with jus church wedding n buffet after that at the church... wld save a lot of money and time n headaches! wana marry n buy hse so mafan man! ZZzzZzz

oooh, We also in the same situation. the house and wedding preparation happening concurrently. bridal shoot, wedding prep, house reno, tons of things to buy. i havent even start short listing down the list of things to buy like electrical appliances and furnishings.

we wont be having the wedding dinner, settling for a simple church wedding then buffet after.

there's still the housewarming coming up... :notti:

Edited by Angelwrath

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Hi all Selenal, candyprincess, alberttcs, Kayser,

booohoooooooo, how come HDB automatically will retile and change to new stuff for u guys want....

why i dont have?! i gotta hand in a 2 pages defect list lor.

then i rather dont get keys 1st wait for them finish then get. now get keys le still gotta wait for them to finish, stall my renovation wor. :notti:

It's not cannot get keys during 7th month, it's that u will have to start renovation during the 7th month. old folks say not good. =/

wah got sales, but tamp so far....

hello albert!

can pm me his contact? and where to see his sample shoots ar?

pm you le. As for the sample shoots, i think you can arrange with them to either view @ their shop or maybe could arrange to meet you at somewhere convenient


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just some update, a reply i gotten from my HDB office when i enquired what are the rectification work going to be done to our units, here's her reply.

Other than tiling works, the Branch Office will replace all locksets, sanitary & electrical fittings. Please note that the electrical wiring are concealed and no replacement of wiring can be carried out


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pm you le. As for the sample shoots, i think you can arrange with them to either view @ their shop or maybe could arrange to meet you at somewhere convenient

thanks albert =)


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just some update, a reply i gotten from my HDB office when i enquired what are the rectification work going to be done to our units, here's her reply.

Other than tiling works, the Branch Office will replace all locksets, sanitary & electrical fittings. Please note that the electrical wiring are concealed and no replacement of wiring can be carried out

thanks for sharing the info... hee... almost all new...


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hmmm canot replace but cn add on wiring? hmmm

Angelwrath - same! we also gona have church and buffet after. Heh decided no dinner for us. :thumbs up: feel really relieved now. Heh.

Went to see Courts jus nw... they're clearing some display items and was very very tempted to get the washing machine. Its electrolux 8kg and its going at $899(usual is $1329). The one in my list is 7kg and its going at $104x(cnt recall the last digit. heh). I thought it was really worth getting but other half doesnt wan it. I feel for washing machine display set is okie cos they cant possibly being using the machine in the store can they? If you talk abt TV of cos i wont consider getting diplay cos dont knw hw long they've been using it olredi right?

Anyway, FH says no lor. Can save $$$ leh. *siGhx* He says he remembers that we did nt choose this model and the other one becos the other cleans better and saves more electricity or something lidat lor. *siGhx* oh well... am tryin to convince him now.. HAHAHAHA. *sianz*


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Sigh.. wish I don't have to do dinner too but think my family will :thumbs up:

No reply from my HDB officer yet.. as expected..

I'm goin back Malacca for my photoshoot on Friday.. goin off tomolo. Last weekend oso went back to choose the gowns, then fell sick.. still having cough. Thank goodness technology allows them to "touch up" my dark circles ard the eyes!!

Me having banquet n church wedding in M'cca too. So, photog prob will get fr Msia.. :dunno:


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Sigh.. wish I don't have to do dinner too but think my family will 8|

No reply from my HDB officer yet.. as expected..

I'm goin back Malacca for my photoshoot on Friday.. goin off tomolo. Last weekend oso went back to choose the gowns, then fell sick.. still having cough. Thank goodness technology allows them to "touch up" my dark circles ard the eyes!!

Me having banquet n church wedding in M'cca too. So, photog prob will get fr Msia.. :)

wow u have relatives in Malacca? i have in penang. wil most prolly have small dinner in msia when i go there. :)

u using which BS ? do share ! :) enjoy ur PS and trip!:P!


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Hehe.. i'm actually a Malaccan Nyonya.. my hubby is fr Mauritius but oredi a Sg Citizen. Me stil PR..

So, we having our wedding all in M'cca. Makes more sense coz most of my relatives r in Sg, altho some r in Sg.. plus, alot cheaper too!! :P

I'm using Bridal Palace in M'cca.. got attracted by their outdoor shots at this nearby island off M'cca. I prefer outdoor shots. But unfortunately, their gowns r abit lacking, which I found out last weekend. Sigh.. so now, i have to spend more $$ to tailor my main gown but of coz also in RM... hahaha...

Lots of work to do.. now, house on hold till next week..


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hmmm canot replace but cn add on wiring? hmmm

Angelwrath - same! we also gona have church and buffet after. Heh decided no dinner for us. :curse: feel really relieved now. Heh.

Went to see Courts jus nw... they're clearing some display items and was very very tempted to get the washing machine. Its electrolux 8kg and its going at $899(usual is $1329). The one in my list is 7kg and its going at $104x(cnt recall the last digit. heh). I thought it was really worth getting but other half doesnt wan it. I feel for washing machine display set is okie cos they cant possibly being using the machine in the store can they? If you talk abt TV of cos i wont consider getting diplay cos dont knw hw long they've been using it olredi right?

hehe, wont be so tiring. i find my ROM so tiring le, that's why want to save the hassle.

Which courts having sale?! Yesterday i went Best Denki they having promotion, free 2 years warranty till this sunday, so 5 years warranty! on top of that the LG LCD I've been eyeing has this free HTS/Handphones/HD box/$400 NTUC or Shell voucher promotion. Free wall mount too. tempting wor. Worth it?

Sigh.. wish I don't have to do dinner too but think my family will :~

No reply from my HDB officer yet.. as expected..

I'm goin back Malacca for my photoshoot on Friday.. goin off tomolo. Last weekend oso went back to choose the gowns, then fell sick.. still having cough. Thank goodness technology allows them to "touch up" my dark circles ard the eyes!!

Me having banquet n church wedding in M'cca too. So, photog prob will get fr Msia.. :notti:

I wanted to take PS overseas, but FH think it will take too much traveling. end up our BS package cost us $8k. ><

Edited by Angelwrath

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