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Come to think of it, I think it is better to close the BRC office. Waste of resources and money to engage a lady sitting down there doing nothing!

Should I write to the relevant authorities about this?

Happy, your toilet bowl really give you alot of headache... and that karin is another headache... :bangwall:

Cool down man...


Edited by kbp026

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Karin Chan is from China Construction (main contractor), I am gonna call up china construction and demand an apology from the company. Do you know that the main contractor sub to another contractor for plumber? The plumber will station here to work for the defects.

If Karin Chan flatly and rejected my defects for my toilet bowl, then for what the main con sub to another contractor plumber? The plumber station here to shake leg?

Karin Chan cost me $100 for the plumber work. Now waiting for the hdb (Mr Chan) to reticify and claim $100 from Main Con.

If failed, I will bring this case to Small Claim tribunal and Karin Chan will be in deep trouble.

Happy, your toilet bowl really give you alot of headache... and that karin is another headache... :bangwall:

Cool down man...



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Karin Chan is from China Construction (main contractor), I am gonna call up china construction and demand an apology from the company. Do you know that the main contractor sub to another contractor for plumber? The plumber will station here to work for the defects.

If Karin Chan flatly and rejected my defects for my toilet bowl, then for what the main con sub to another contractor plumber? The plumber station here to shake leg?

Karin Chan cost me $100 for the plumber work. Now waiting for the hdb (Mr Chan) to reticify and claim $100 from Main Con.

If failed, I will bring this case to Small Claim tribunal and Karin Chan will be in deep trouble.

Yup. good idea to report to SCT... if not they think we are " good to bully"

I also have problem with my electrician. He promised to come on last sat to finish off the leftover work... but in the end he didnot turn up. His hp was turned off and there is no way to contact him. I wasted my time waiting for him and still had to waste extra $$$ to engage another electrician to take over his "left over work". :furious: . I am going to complain to my designer tonight. If he cannot settle the problem, I will report to CASE...



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Today call China Construction South Pacific but was told to call back tomorrow.

I am going to call them to verify Karin Chan is their staff.

I am not happy and demand an apology from her.

It's her fault to turn down my defects on toilet bowl causing me to pay $100 to my plumber.

And I am going to pour out everything regarding about Karin bad attitude.

Until now, still boi siong!

Edited by h4happy

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Happy, cool down lah... aiyoooo...

tat time my hse oso got problem, seems like HDB ppl oso push here n there. Sometime its better to spent a little money to get stuff done lor unless u dun mind the time n energy spent to chase them lor..

sometime i feel so sian to chase HDB or china con ppl... they all the same kind like to push stuff ard.


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Today called up KAYLIM (Karin Chan company) Ms Cara (65791438) and she will investigate with the higher authority.

So China Con and Kaylim is the main con.

Also cll up Chin Con Ms Jessie HR (62274537).

I has spoken to Ms Cara about Karin case.

Told her will bring up to Small Claim Tribuanal if I am unable to get back my $100. Demand an apology from Karin.

Ms Cara will talk to one staff who got the power to mandate and will get back to me tomorrow.

Last resort, will call personally and even make appt with them.

Still very boi soing about Karin attitude!

1) PA to Chief Executive Officer Mdm TAN Swee Lan

64901005 tsl2@hdb.gov.sg

2) Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Building) LAU Joo Ming, PPA(P), PPA(G), PBS 64901003 ljm1@hdb.gov.sg

PA to Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Building) Mdm Tan Siew Keng

64901007 tsk5@hdb.gov.sg

Quality Service Manager Ms LAU Chay Yean, PPA(G)

1800-8663063 lcy2@hdb.gov.sg


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Today called up KAYLIM (Karin Chan company) Ms Cara (65791438) and she will investigate with the higher authority.

So China Con and Kaylim is the main con.

Also cll up Chin Con Ms Jessie HR (62274537).

I has spoken to Ms Cara about Karin case.

Told her will bring up to Small Claim Tribuanal if I am unable to get back my $100. Demand an apology from Karin.

Ms Cara will talk to one staff who got the power to mandate and will get back to me tomorrow.

Last resort, will call personally and even make appt with them.

Still very boi soing about Karin attitude!

1) PA to Chief Executive Officer Mdm TAN Swee Lan

64901005 tsl2@hdb.gov.sg

2) Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Building) LAU Joo Ming, PPA(P), PPA(G), PBS 64901003 ljm1@hdb.gov.sg

PA to Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Building) Mdm Tan Siew Keng

64901007 tsk5@hdb.gov.sg

Quality Service Manager Ms LAU Chay Yean, PPA(G)

1800-8663063 lcy2@hdb.gov.sg

hi h4happy

i hope things work out. though i have to say i did deal wif karin chan once regardin my leakin toilet b4 i start my reno. she was quite ok then n tried to expedite my request cos i was startin reno soon n the toilet leak badly. (floodin...)

most prob there was juz so much defect in the estate everyday tat she juz get fed up from the job. my work is a little related to customer service as well so i can pity her tat little bit. but of cos, rudness is no excuse for someone workin on the front line......u deserve to b treated better! support u in ur demand for righteous!

end of the day, it's all the fault of the sub-standard quality delivered by the construction co tat caused all the prob. juz saw tat the project @ clementi (next to the mrt station) is also done by china con. gd luck to the new residents there!

Edited by apa

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Hi APA...as a customer services manning the counter, you must be tactful and listen to customers problems and defects. When I told her my toilet bowl choke, she flatly told me it is my contractors' fault and contractors might pour cement onto it.

Tell me APA, how can she be so 100% or rather 200% so sure? What if it turn out to be not true? Means she's wasting my time and money as I have to ask my own plumber to come to change the pan collar.

This is the 2nd case, the first case is also toilet bowl water leaking, she also turn me down saying my contractor use water. My water bill is $300+ for 2 weeks. Tell me APA, $300+ water flow out, my fault? You mean my contractor use the water for swimming?

If APA said Karin got fedup on her job, then change job or ask the HR to put her to back office not front line. I am sure one of this day, there will be more mean customers and sure Karin will be in deep trouble if she still dont mend her attitude in helping out the customers/owners.

Dont assume that all is contractors fault. That is what Karin is doing right now. Very bad!

You know what? APA, I ask Karine which company you actually work in, she couldnt answer. Why? Scare pple to compain? If you do a good job, will you scare pple to complain?

When I waited at bsc office, Karin was using the phone....she talk and talk and I have to wait for her! From her teleconversation, she mentioned about something like "dont cc copy, wait for problem...."

Fishy? You guess.

Anyway, I am pouring out this problem hoping that someone out there will not got the same treatment from Karin Chan.

Btw, APA, do you know her full name? I go to the extend that I even tracked out her full name is Chan Puay Eng.

Dont blam me for that as she made me do it!


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hey h4happy......cool down......all ur actions are truly justified. i'm not makin any excuses for her as well wif my previous entry. (juz a little input on my side....treat it as me musing around)

like i say rudeness is no excuse. she needs to b dealt wif if tat's her way of solvin our problems. if u're takin strong measures wif her, it's not wrong at all seein the amt of troubles/$$$ u went through.

i juz hope everythin works out for u in the end. :)

ur water bill amt is horrendous :o .....r u claimin for tat as well?


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Hi APA...No problem...just to share what's going on with bsc Karin attitude towards the owners.

If in the first place, if she's wiling to listen and help by giving me alternatives and options, then I wont have to go into such a pain of calling my plumber, pay my plumber to change the pan collar, take leave and call up the main con HR and staff in charge......etc That make me hopping mad everytime when I think of it.

The issue might have been solve peacefully if the sub con plumber come and check right?

Eg) Karin may say this " I can refer your problems to the main con sub con plumber to check, anything like cement choke will have the owners bear the cost. Please write the defects on the defects list and I will follow up with the sub con plumber."

Hey, what is the sub con plumber station at our jalan membina for? Shake leg? Especially if Karin put a stop whenever toile bowl problems owner facing.

Maybe Karin see my appearance and outfit are those working in construction site, those knows nuts and wont complain. She's wrong. I can go all out if I find found that it is the main con fault.

For the water issue (bill) SP willing to absord 75% and the main con absord 25%. It has been solved. Same thing quarrel with Karin as she insists the owners should check before renov. Stupid excuses right? Maybe again she see me like those blanga workers, can step into my head.

APA, I am sure you also check the flashing of water right? What if the water dripping after you flash without your knowledge and you and your family went back home? Whos' fault? Karin told me my id use the water! Carry the water home and make my unit a swimming pool? Stupid excuses from Karin right? That time I am again hopping mad, shot emails after emails to SP and HDB and main con.

hey h4happy......cool down......all ur actions are truly justified. i'm not makin any excuses for her as well wif my previous entry. (juz a little input on my side....treat it as me musing around)

like i say rudeness is no excuse. she needs to b dealt wif if tat's her way of solvin our problems. if u're takin strong measures wif her, it's not wrong at all seein the amt of troubles/$$$ u went through.

i juz hope everythin works out for u in the end. :)

ur water bill amt is horrendous :o .....r u claimin for tat as well?


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my case is slightly luckier cos i submitted defect b4 reno so she have no excuse. if it broke after i reno (like ur case), i most prob will have to deal wif her bad service as well.

she really stupid enough to think tat reno use so much water?! who she tryin to kid? herself? usually if water usage suddenly shot up a lot, SP will notice n might contact hse owner to ask if they have a leakin prob @ home. so even SP knows better how to handle such prob.


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Hi APA...yeah, actually SP stick a notice on my door saying the meter shot up very high, asked me to check any leakage. And my floor tiles has just began only. I took the notice and let Karin see and she say all sort of excuses like I should submit the defects before reno...how I know.

Good thing is that one of the SP guy called me and told me to tell the main con to call him as he will shot back at them for spouting nonsenses especially Karin.

Btw, normally we test the flashing afterthat, I close the cover. Probaly that's why I couldnt hear the water flowing out.

Good things my tilers saw it and he switch off the tap.

Wow, you are so lucky...but anyway, the plumber told me a few units need to attend to. I wonder whether the units are empty (have not renovate)....

Pasar malam coming!!!!!!!! All the makeshift tent arre almost really. Will be pretty noisy and fun!

my case is slightly luckier cos i submitted defect b4 reno so she have no excuse. if it broke after i reno (like ur case), i most prob will have to deal wif her bad service as well.

she really stupid enough to think tat reno use so much water?! who she tryin to kid? herself? usually if water usage suddenly shot up a lot, SP will notice n might contact hse owner to ask if they have a leakin prob @ home. so even SP knows better how to handle such prob.

Edited by h4happy

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nice SP guy! even offer to back u up! karin cld learn some service skills from him.

wooo.....so fast have pasar malam here. ~~~ look forward to the food.


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Hi APA....

I have demand a written explanation from KAYLIM (Karin Chan is their staff).

Already talk to one of their head and they are investigating this matter seriously.



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hello all,

Pls pardon my ignorance, I will be moving in to this neighbourhood soon in a couple of months. Our flat is under reno now. Just happen to read abt the rooftop garden.

May i know where is it located?

Which block?



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