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Pls take note for those who're keen on getting a insurance; for most policies, in order to claim, there must be either a forcible entry into or exit from your place.

Edited by bobo_girl

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which means.. in the case of using master keys to open skillfully.. no damaged done.. means nothing can be claim? sigh...


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Pls take note for those who're keen on getting a insurance; for most policy, in order to claim, there must be either a forcible entry into or exit from your place.

huhhhhh.................like this no pt if u encounter thief like those who 'visited' vacis. :bangwall:

the insurance ppl think the thieves nowadays still so low tech?

Edited by apa

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insurance is like that. sometimes i feel that insurance is just a legalised scam. sorry to those in this line. just like car insurance. if a drunken bang into me, i cannot claim against his insurance. neither can i claim from my own. can only pay from my own pocket and hope to recover from him through legal means which everyone know is a costly process. as if i can choose who can and cannot bang. :bangwall::bangwall::bangwall:

Edited by crazycar

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Pls take note for those who're keen on getting a insurance; for most policy, in order to claim, there must be either a forcible entry into or exit from your place.


I bought the AIA one, can claim once there is a police report made..


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wow tat is scarli sia...

i tink no amount of insurance, alarm does help lor. If thief wanna to stuck it will be lor. Tink dun leave any valuable in the hse . Valuables such as jewellery, big amount of cash etc..

haiz.... i wonder will town council help lor. Coz tat time i call HDB, seems like the main con have not trf it to TC. Dunno y we pay for the conservatives charges when the blk is not washed n tidy up.


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I bought the AIA one, can claim once there is a police report made..

Binzz, good for you, and thanks for the info.

Others, do go thru "fine print" before confirmation.

Some to do list

- invest in quality lock set for both padlock & wooden door, eg highly secure door lock cylinder type (checked)

- weld at least 6 of the gate hinges/bolts (checked, welded 9, super kiasu)

- try not to store valuable items at home. If possible, leave them in the Save Deposite Box. (checked)

- get a CCTV / Alarm

- get a burglary inssurance. (checked)

- keep a lookout for other folks. (ongoing)

Edited by bobo_girl

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Change gate, change door, scarli they more want to break-in the particular unit how? Cos special mah, and scarli they looking for more challenge..

yes, i agreed. But firstly, can we change the govt's gate?

The gate I'm hoping to change comes with an internal & external lock. I'm referring to a 2nd level of security lock on top of the normal keys used.

so? banks also can get robbed... how secure can our house get with an alarm system?

like you said, if the people wanna steal from you, they'll do anything :)

buy home insurance is the best...

is there such gate?

home insurance covers internal as well?


I bought the AIA one, can claim once there is a police report made..

how much can claim up to? sometime is the memorable items that values not the monetary matter i feel


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yes, i agreed. But firstly, can we change the govt's gate?

is there such gate?

home insurance covers internal as well?

how much can claim up to? sometime is the memorable items that values not the monetary matter i feel

For what i remember, for break-in, got some money for the lock and door and also have for hp, and valuables up to a certain amount. The main reason i bought is because of Fire, will pay everything plus reno and hotel stay.. Also if the fire affect the neighbour, and neighbour sue, will also pay by insurance.. Its up to individual on insurance view, for me, i rather pay for "Just In Case"... :yamseng:


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is there such gate?

home insurance covers internal as well?

my wife got locked in, of course there is such a gate... I'll find out more if there are people interested to know.

home insurance covers thefts... but compensation has a limit to a certain amount. I was advised to keep my receipts which I duly did :D


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A friend installed keyless lock, using fingerprint technology for door access. $1K+.

Is this kind of lock best of all?

Edited by moonbell

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I don't think it's so nice to highlight the word INDIAN. For e.g., I have a CHINESE neighbour who's obviously the limpei wu lui kind and obviously do not know how to use the central refuse chute and has habit of chucking rubbish just on the floor at the refuse chute..

nasty neighbours come in all races and religions...

Well, I din mean to be racist but if you ask how many wld like to have a Indian neighbour, not many lor. Anyway, they are still hanging their clothes outside and it's been 3 days...sigh. Luckily the clothes are not smelly after washed. Haha...don't be surprised that some will still smell even after washed.

I am trying to find the town council officer to help me look into this matter but so hard to get them.



Hi Dorcas...sorry to hear that. but if you look at another pt of view, your house is very safe from intruder and those ba5tard housebreakers. No one dare to hack or drill your home any other day!

Hi MAKE....when I was in blk29, I also encounter what you have been but really get use to it. In the late night, pple suddenly shout GOAL!!!! I jump out of my sleep!

Hi h4happy,

You are right but thinking on the negative side, they may not bother if they hear any break in sound. They do not open their door every time too. So who knows?



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