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Newbies @ Jalan Membina

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  nemofc said:
the base is to raise up to a certain level (correct me if wrong) so that when u wash your kitchen area, your fridge & washing machine will not get wet. In short, is to protect your machine from getting wet if washing your kitchen area.

:dunno: i guess, better not to voice much of the design ... what if the owner see our views.. :unsure: still no so good right....

Dont worry about owners see our views.

Blame it on the contractor worksmanship.

But if you compare to the condo showflat, it was such a drastic different.

The worksmanship is excellent!

I think they (blk 25a) forgot to do one thing.

Turn on the air con.

Pple mind will change!:unsure:!


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  jasch said:
yah i tink the security meant 27B will hand over first cos 27B windows are all shut already.. tink that means they have locked up all the units in that block le..

whereas 27A windows are still open and you still can see workers working inside.. so most prob 27A will get keys in Oct ba.. :unsure:

yah maybe the security mixed up 27A and 27B... or mybe it's me who got it mixed up. :unsure:


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  nemofc said:
the base is to raise up to a certain level (correct me if wrong) so that when u wash your kitchen area, your fridge & washing machine will not get wet. In short, is to protect your machine from getting wet if washing your kitchen area.

:unsure: i guess, better not to voice much of the design ... what if the owner see our views.. :unsure: still no so good right....

Hi all,

If it's very crowded at the Philips Carnival sale, then I may as well buy all my electrical items from those neighbourhood electrical shops. Cheap too!

I'll be staying at blk 26B. Hope I can do my reno on time before the CNY.

I've went up to level 6 showunit to see too. It isn't impressive and the cost is quite high too. I won't be buying those electrical items first. Just trying to tabulate my purchased list and it's long!

Now my status is to wait for my ID to get back to me on their schedule and go for selection of tiles. After we picked the design of the tiles, then we got better idea on how to do our interior furnishings.

PM me if you are interested in my ID. :dunno:


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  binzz said:
Hi neighbours,

sorry to side-track, may i know what is the standard payment terms for ID/Contractors, or rather payment terms that ID/Contractors will accept but is also safeguarding our interest? Any advise? Thanks...

u can actually negiotiate with the ids/contractors for the payment term. pretty standard is

10% upon confirmation

40% upon uplifting of materials

40% upon commencement of capentary

10% upon handover

work out something that u r comfortable with and is fair to the ids/contractors.


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  h4happy said:
Mine is 25b.

Got problem liao.

Jan 08 take key...very near cny!:unsure:!

If cannot find contractors, die on the spot!:unsure:!

still got time to source for your ideal contractors... get the prepration work done before actual works starts... then maybe can still make it for CNY.

Btw it always peak period from Dec to Jan. Better to soft book the renov work before hand.


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  redbottle said:
hi h4happy,

"crazycar" is the person who met this ID... i merely commented on crazycar's post... :unsure:

the story is like that...

i met up with this id after he prepared the quotation. when i saw the item "replace all water pipes to copper", i just casually mentioned that my new place will have conceled pipes. then he say even concealed also better to change bcos HDB likely to give pvc pipes only. dunno whether he is just trying to 'fu yan' me.

the id is from quite a reputable one for that matter. if really interest can pm u.


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  kriegs said:
still got time to source for your ideal contractors... get the prepration work done before actual works starts... then maybe can still make it for CNY.

Btw it always peak period from Dec to Jan. Better to soft book the renov work before hand.

im preparing to source for few contractors this week..

can you quide me along? show them our floorplan & telling them what's our requirements will do?


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  crazycar said:
u can actually negiotiate with the ids/contractors for the payment term. pretty standard is

10% upon confirmation

40% upon uplifting of materials

40% upon commencement of capentary

10% upon handover

work out something that u r comfortable with and is fair to the ids/contractors.

open communication is impt. of cos dun pay all before the renov work done is up to your expectation :unsure:

  nemofc said:
im preparing to source for few contractors this week..

can you quide me along? show them our floorplan & telling them what's our requirements will do?

it easy. if u know what you want to do, what theme/mood to create, tell them abt it and ask for quotes.

if you are clueless, that easier. Ask them to propose the design and then quote.

For me, I have a rough idea of what I wanted to do and by talking with those IDs and contractor and them proposing new alternative to wat i wanted, the sketchy idea become a real design/plan.


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  h4happy said:
Mine is 25b.

Got problem liao.

Jan 08 take key...very near cny!:unsure:!

If cannot find contractors, die on the spot!:unsure:!

no need to die lah... do all the preparation work now. start looking for a id/contractor now. give yourself about 3 months to decide on the id/contractor, design etc. once u get your keys, then u can start reno straight away.


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  dorcas said:
Hi all,

If it's very crowded at the Philips Carnival sale, then I may as well buy all my electrical items from those neighbourhood electrical shops. Cheap too!

It will be crowded (as always with a real sale). Been to the philips sale a few times, some of the items sold are better priced than outside shops. And it happens only once a year (every Sept).

I looking to get their home appliances, like iron, rice cooker among others. Of cos if the savings is great! :deal:


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  nemofc said:
im preparing to source for few contractors this week..

can you quide me along? show them our floorplan & telling them what's our requirements will do?

my 10 steps guide to looking for an id/contractor: :deal:

1) read this forum extensively. list down all the ids/contractors that have fairly good comments. i have compile such a list. if u need i can pm u.

2) study your floor plan. decide what u want and whether it is feasible. e.g. where u want the kitchen cabinet to be. of course u can leave it to id/contractor. but if u have a clear picture of what you want to do, you can ask for quotation for the same items. this way u can make comparision of the quotes better later.

3) send your floor plan and list of items u want to do to the list of ids/contractors compiled in 1). for me, i even do up a proposed layout plan i have in mind.

4) wait and wait.... some ids/contractors will call for clarification. some will invite to visit tthem instead.

5) tabulate all the quotes received. rank them according to your criteria. for me, cost is fairly important. so i rank all the quotes according to cost. (of course at this stage, u need to do some minor adjustment. e.g. some ids will leave out some items, some will give u a quote with a different dimemsion.) for me, i eliminated the 3 cheapest and 3 most expensive quotes.

6) make appointment to met those that you have shortlisted. during the meetup, clarify the quotes with the ids e.g. material used etc. at this stage, some ids will also give u new ideas. it's like hhmm... how come i neve think of this before.

7) go back home, discussed with your so. at this stage, the thing to look out for would be how comfortable u r with the ids.

8) shorten your list to about 3. ask for re-quote incorporating new ideas that u have etc. ask to visit their existing project too.

9) discuss with your so again.

10) *drumroll*..... id confirmed.

Edited by crazycar

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for those who curious on the w/m & fridge base.. the idea was from the 70's or 80's i heard.. ppl back then used to wash (i mean really splash buckets of water onto floor n wash) the kitchen.. so to avoid damaging ur fridge n w/m.. ppl used those stone or stand to "lift up" these electrical things.. eventually they renovate the kitchen with a "permanent" step for these appliances..

but nowadays not many ppl washing their kitchen in that way anymore.. being some seldom cook or fry thus not oily kitchen floor.. some others saving for water bills (like my family) would jus mop the floor... thus these kind of "permanent base" become obsolete n useless n in fact create more troubles when we need to move out the fridge to clean or vacuum its back or when it spoil gonna hv a tough time to move it out for a change..

so do consider ur usual lifestyle.. do things according to your life.. not trend or the "common practise".. many things get obsolete as time goes by.. designs is to make ur life easier :deal:


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I feel it is better to have a base for wm, fridge and cabinet.

I have this experiences, I forgot to close the kitchen window and happen that in the moring (I am in the office) it rains very very heavily and water splash in until my kitchen floor sock with water!

Luckily, wm, fridge and cabinet not spoilt as there is a base!

Another incident is washing my cloths, I went out lah (never sit and wait for it to finish), somehow, wm spoilt and splash out all the water!:deal:

Also, once in the blue blue moon, it is better to splash water and scrub the kitchen floor, at least kids love to play with it hahahaha...


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  h4happy said:
I feel it is better to have a base for wm, fridge and cabinet.

I have this experiences, I forgot to close the kitchen window and happen that in the moring (I am in the office) it rains very very heavily and water splash in until my kitchen floor sock with water!

Luckily, wm, fridge and cabinet not spoilt as there is a base!

Another incident is washing my cloths, I went out lah (never sit and wait for it to finish), somehow, wm spoilt and splash out all the water!:jawdrop:

Also, once in the blue blue moon, it is better to splash water and scrub the kitchen floor, at least kids love to play with it hahahaha...

:sport-smiley-004: you are right. especially when bbq or cook very oily stuff... can splash & wash the kitchen floor.


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