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I'm looking for Xuan Kan Sutra (not sure if spell it correctly). Something like chinese characters on wood, link together like a picture without frame.

Do chinatown have? Which part of chinatown?


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I'm looking for Xuan Kan Sutra (not sure if spell it correctly). Something like chinese characters on wood, link together like a picture without frame.

Do chinatown have? Which part of chinatown?

xuan kan? !!


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me also scratch hard that is that. ..

宣刊 ?

券槛 ?


maybe da bei zou or xin jing .... saw many many


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I already have xin jing. Now looking for jin kan jing (sorry, initial is wrong) but will be a lot bigger to cover my living room.


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I already have xin jing. Now looking for jin kan jing (sorry, initial is wrong) but will be a lot bigger to cover my living room.

xin jing - 心经

jin GANG jing - 金刚经

Bencoolen Building... as I mention earlier.


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Fu Lu Shou got limited....

Btw.. forget to mention .. try

Opp. of ChinaTown point ... the building next to it got lots of Chinese Art stuff...

Pearl Center or Pearl Building as well.


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Jin Gang Jing or commonly known as the Diamond Sutra ( Vajracchedika-prajna paramita sutra) can be obtained as a free publication is almost all major Buddhist temples. no need money.

However, pls do not treat the sutra as a magical object or fengshui oranaments, you should recite it and recollect the teachings and meditate upon it as to benefit and be applied to your daily life.

The chinese title u will see is 金刚般若波罗密度经 。。。a important sutra of the Prajna Section 般若部 of the Buddhist Tipitaka Canon expounding on Panna 智慧 & Sunyata 空性。 The sutra is is divided into 32 assemblies 三十二会 from convoncation to the conclusion, by the venerable arahat Subuti. 须菩提尊者。 Sharing a passage from the Diamond Sutra, 6th Assembly of the Merits of True Faith Subhūti addressed the Buddha, saying: "World Honored One, will there be sentient beings who are able, upon hearing these words and sentences, to give rise to true faith?" The Buddha said to Subhūti, "Do not even say such a thing. Five hundred lifetimes after my passing away, there will be those who observe moral discipline and cultivate merit, who will be able to give rise to the mental state of faith and take these words to be the truth. You should know that these people have not merely cultivated virtuous roots with one buddha, two buddhas, three, four, or five buddhas. They have cultivated all kinds of virtuous roots with countless hundreds of thousands of buddhas. Hearing these passages, in a single moment they give rise to pure faith. Subhūti, the Tathāgata fully knows and fully sees these sentient beings as they attain these countless merits." Why is this? It is because these sentient beings do not again [abide in] the notions of self, person, sentient being, or life span. Nor do they abide in the notions of the dharma, or the notions of non-dharma. Why? If these sentient beings their minds grasp to these notions, then they will cling to self, person, sentient being, and life-span. If they grasp to the notions of phenomena, they will attach to self, person, sentient being, and life span. Why? If they grasp to the denial of phenomena, then they will attach to self, person, sentient being, and life span. Therefore one should not grasp to phenomena, and one should not deny phenomena. Expressing this, the Tathāgata always teaches: 'Monks, understand my correct teachings to be like a raft.' If even my correct teachings are to be abandoned, how much more incorrect teachings? http://www.hm.tyg.jp/~acmuller/bud-canon/diamond_sutra.html#div-1 Visit here for more understanding about the dIamond sutra �

Edited by enci

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