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How Do You Verify?

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Not sure this is the best place to ask this question. Sori if I misplaced.

While searching for a house (resale), how do you make yourself satisfied that the house you are viewing is not having kinda spirits, spirit worshipping, any bad omen, or ghost matters (sori again if i am too harsh) ?

Does the altar and the gods in altar tell us anything ? Should we watch for any obvious signs in house or the sellers. One of my fren (an agent too) said if ladies have full body closing dress or lot of tattoes on their body, then he'll suspect oso for red painted walls.. grrrr...



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huh? that's a very weird theory - full body closing dresses or lots of tattoes. thought that's a lifestyle choice??? red wall also personal taste mah, got anything to do with spirits meh?

personally, i find that having a child or a pet along helps

they 'can' see so will behave differently

if the child cries or the pet howls/hisses then better not buy the place

also, find that having talisman/koran scripts pasted all over the unit is also a no-no to me (ever rented a place with koran scripts on the back door, in the end...)


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Not sure this is the best place to ask this question. Sori if I misplaced.

While searching for a house (resale), how do you make yourself satisfied that the house you are viewing is not having kinda spirits, spirit worshipping, any bad omen, or ghost matters (sori again if i am too harsh) ?

Does the altar and the gods in altar tell us anything ? Should we watch for any obvious signs in house or the sellers. One of my fren (an agent too) said if ladies have full body closing dress or lot of tattoes on their body, then he'll suspect oso for red painted walls.. grrrr...


1) go by your feeling with regards to spirits, spirit worshipping, any bad omen, or ghost matters .. some common method can be bring a dog, baby... kids...

2) Does the altar and the gods in altar tell us anything ?

Ans : Not much unless you got good knowledge in different religion.

3) Should we watch for any obvious signs in house or the sellers.

Ans : you shold observe anyTHING b4 buying a house.

Good Luck


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huh? that's a very weird theory - full body closing dresses or lots of tattoes. thought that's a lifestyle choice??? red wall also personal taste mah, got anything to do with spirits meh?

personally, i find that having a child or a pet along helps

they 'can' see so will behave differently

if the child cries or the pet howls/hisses then better not buy the place

also, find that having talisman/koran scripts pasted all over the unit is also a no-no to me (ever rented a place with koran scripts on the back door, in the end...)

If the seller themself have a pet, then what does it mean ?


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You should consult yr own religious clery for the proper way to set up a home n family ...

r u a buddhist or taoist ? Buddhist wise .. i can help u .. taoist or others i cannot ...



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Not sure this is the best place to ask this question. Sori if I misplaced.

While searching for a house (resale), how do you make yourself satisfied that the house you are viewing is not having kinda spirits, spirit worshipping, any bad omen, or ghost matters (sori again if i am too harsh) ?

Does the altar and the gods in altar tell us anything ? Should we watch for any obvious signs in house or the sellers. One of my fren (an agent too) said if ladies have full body closing dress or lot of tattoes on their body, then he'll suspect oso for red painted walls.. grrrr...


dont think it matters, cos after you have shifted in. Just engage a monk to do the "house cleaning".


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After "house cleaning", is it really "clean"??? Or they just go away and then come back after some time???

such house cleaning is done every year. get a monk not a bangladesh!:unsure:

ghost dont visit you for no reason lah, if you killed somebody, expect the victim to haunt you for the rest of your life.


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such house cleaning is done every year. get a monk not a bangladesh!:unsure:

ghost dont visit you for no reason lah, if you killed somebody, expect the victim to haunt you for the rest of your life.

Mace, dun make me laff can?


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Mace, dun make me laff can?

:sport-smiley-018: true wat....

dirty things we can see, we clean by ourselve.

dirty things we CANT see, get the monk to do the cleaning.


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such house cleaning is done every year. get a monk not a bangladesh!:sport-smiley-018:

ghost dont visit you for no reason lah, if you killed somebody, expect the victim to haunt you for the rest of your life.

True .... Karma ..



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Thx for all suggestions / clarifications

Yes, during house warming I'll engage a priest / monk to perform religious things.

Actually I asked this question juz to clear my doubts; not necessarily mean that my house have such things :dribble:

if you killed somebody, expect the victim to haunt you for the rest of your life.

Aiyoh...I didn't kill anyone if my life and I don't have any idea to kill someone... :-)

True, it's all Karma.



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Thx for all suggestions / clarifications

Yes, during house warming I'll engage a priest / monk to perform religious things.

Actually I asked this question juz to clear my doubts; not necessarily mean that my house have such things :paint:

Aiyoh...I didn't kill anyone if my life and I don't have any idea to kill someone... :-)

True, it's all Karma.


you do not "engage" a monk .. u invite a venerable monk to dedicate yr house and also make sure u r inviting a real monk or Lay buddhist cleric who explains the ceremony to you and not those commercial monks who comes to chant and take an angpow from u and gone in the wind kind.

chanting and spraying supposed "holy water" will not bless your house unless u live yr life with faith and joy in the Buddha =).

blessings for yr new home and house warming ...


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ya warning to all who wishes to have house blessings/cleaning.

go to a temple and get a REAL monk/lama, DONT get those self-proclaimed simi buddhist cleric in internet offering their cheap UN-licensed service.

Go to a temple and not the internet to look for house blessings.

Edited by MaCe

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