sohck 0 Report post Posted May 27, 2009 Thanks for sharing. Great to hear that the material had passed your scratching test. Seems like this is not a popular choice as not much people sharing their experience on using them. Where do you go to see the sample? Are you engaging your contractor/id to do up the place or you go direct to the silestone supplier? Hopefully you can find 1 that fit your kitchen cabinet. Lastly, care to share the price of using silestone? Thanks!! I got a quote for silestone at $230 psfr! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eittus 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2009 Hi all, I am also looking at silestone. It seems to be pretty good and it is seamless if length is less than 3000mm i think. (can't remember the lenght). Unlike granite whereby there are obvious jointlines. However, they are really expensive. PFR is about 160-250. it depends on whether you want a thickness of 12mm or 20mm or add a profile of 40mm. They have the standard colour which are cheaper (12mm pfr is 160) and the premium colour that is more expensive (180 pfr) Island top is also more expensive. Each "hole" they open for the sink and hob will also cost about 80-120 per hole. That is their recommended retail. They include installation. Anyone's contractor gives a better price? Can share? I would like to know how much is will cost me for the kitchen. Hoping to get a cheaper price. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RIC 0 Report post Posted June 3, 2009 石英石是一种由90%以上的石英晶体加上树脂及其他微量元素人工合成的一种新型石材。它是通过特殊的机器在一定的物理、化学条件下压制而成的大规格板材。它的主要材料是石英。石英石无辐射、硬度高,造就了石英石台面刮不花(莫氏硬度 7);污不染(真空制造.致密无孔);烫不坏(石英材料。可耐温300℃);用不旧(30 道抛光工艺无需维护);无毒无辐射(NSF认证,不含重金属,可与食品直接接触)。石英石台面色彩多样,戈壁系列,水晶系列、麻石系列,闪星系列更具特色,可以广泛应用于厨房台面、洗脸台、厨卫墙面、餐桌、茶几等领域,是一种无放射性污染、可重复利用的环保、绿色新型建筑室内装饰材料。 合成石英石: 是在真空条件下将石英石晶体(94%)、树脂(6%)和微量颜料等材料通过异构聚合技术制成大规格板材,其高达94%的石英结晶体为主体结构,使其质地更加坚硬、紧密,具有其他装饰材料无法比拟的耐磨、耐压、耐高温、抗腐蚀、防渗透等特性。 石英结晶体是自然界中硬度仅次于钻石的天然矿产,其表面硬度高达莫氏硬度7.5,远大于人们日常使用的刀铲等利器,就算是用锋利的裁纸刀在表面划过,也不会留下痕迹。其熔点高达1300摄氏度以上,不会因接触高温而导致燃烧,亦具备其他的石英含量人造石所无法比拟的耐高温特性。 合成石英石是在真空条件下制造的表里如一致密无孔的复合材料,十分适合在复杂环境下发挥作用。其石英表面对厨房中的酸碱等有极好的抗腐蚀能力,日常使用的液体物质不会渗透其内部,长时间置于表面的液体只须用清水或普通家用清洁剂用抹布擦洗即可,必要时也可用刀片刮去表面的滞留物。合成石英石光泽亮丽的表面是经过几十道复杂的抛光处理工艺,不会被刀铲刮伤,不会微液体物质渗透,不会产生发黄,变色等问题,日常的清洁只需用清水冲洗即可,简单易行;即使经过长时间的使用,其表面亦同新装台面一样的亮丽,无需维护和保养。 石英石表面光滑平整,亦无刮痕滞留,致密无孔的材料结构使得细菌无处藏身,材料制造通过了美国NSF的认证,可与食物直接接触,完全无毒。我们采用精选的天然石结晶矿产,其SiO2的含量超过99.9%以上,并在制造过程中去杂提纯,原材料中不含任何可能导致辐射的重金属杂质,94%的石英结晶体和其他绿色环保的添加剂使得我们的石英石完全无毒无辐射污染,可放心使用。色彩丰富的组合使其具有天然石材的质感和美丽的表面光泽。 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidfung 0 Report post Posted June 16, 2009 hi all... would anyone like to try out corian? most of the id will know that corian tops are durable and resistant to scratches.. it is also tested and proven to be safe to handle food items on a corian top... one eg. is breadtalk actually roll their doughs on a corian top... it has invisible joints as well... meaning u will not get to see the joint lines at all for most of the colours... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n12492 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 I used Silestone for my last kitchen countertop at Villa Marina in East Coast. Fantastic material. Scratch and Stain proof. Better than granite. Its costly though. I got mine from builders Shop (Stile). It kept in such good condition despite me using it as a chopping board just after my buyer signed the option!Will be using it for my new place. Just wondering how its close competitor caesarstone compares, or if anyone else on the forum here knows anywhere else one can get a good deal on the material.Its a good material, just $$$, would be grateful opn any tips on where to get a better deal for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albertchng 0 Report post Posted December 27, 2011 I used Silestone for my last kitchen countertop at Villa Marina in East Coast. Fantastic material. Scratch and Stain proof. Better than granite. Its costly though. I got mine from builders Shop (Stile). It kept in such good condition despite me using it as a chopping board just after my buyer signed the option!Will be using it for my new place. Just wondering how its close competitor caesarstone compares, or if anyone else on the forum here knows anywhere else one can get a good deal on the material.Its a good material, just $$$, would be grateful opn any tips on where to get a better deal for this.SilesStone is anti-bacteria; CaesarStone is not. The price range for both brand is between $150 pfr for standard range and $250 pfr for premium range; this price is estimated go direct price, if you get them through your ID or contractor, sure to have mark up from them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackcadillac73 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2011 Silestone ... Caesarstone ... Tecnistone ... and a few more coming in ...I'm in the designer kitchen line and have practically stopped using solid surface and natural stone worktops unless requested for ...Fuss-free and available without joint for worktops measuring 3m by 1.4m ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ion 0 Report post Posted December 29, 2011 SilesStone is anti-bacteria; CaesarStone is not. The price range for both brand is between $150 pfr for standard range and $250 pfr for premium range; this price is estimated go direct price, if you get them through your ID or contractor, sure to have mark up from them.Hi albertchng, is the color code 3380 Espresso the standard or premium range for CaesarStone. My ID charged me $250 pfr. What is the direct price ? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albertchng 0 Report post Posted December 29, 2011 Hi albertchng, is the color code 3380 Espresso the standard or premium range for CaesarStone. My ID charged me $250 pfr. What is the direct price ? Thanks.The 3380 Espresso is part of CaesarStone Classico collection. I am unable to tell you the go direct cost for CaesarStone; as for SilesStone you can approach Builders Shop. If you are getting CaesarStone through your ID, there will sure be mark up, the question here is how much. If you are getting the kitchen cabinet from this ID, best get the CaesarStone through them cos if you go direct and screw up the dimension, i guaranty you will cry like a girl. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ion 0 Report post Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) The 3380 Espresso is part of CaesarStone Classico collection. I am unable to tell you the go direct cost for CaesarStone; as for SilesStone you can approach Builders Shop. If you are getting CaesarStone through your ID, there will sure be mark up, the question here is how much. If you are getting the kitchen cabinet from this ID, best get the CaesarStone through them cos if you go direct and screw up the dimension, i guaranty you will cry like a girl.Tks, got it thru my ID. Is the Classico collection under the standard or premium range ? Sori, if my question sounds silly. At the back of my mind, always feel that my ID mark up quite high. Edited December 29, 2011 by ion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites