Fire Rated Door Pte Ltd 0 Report post Posted May 18, 2020 This is Leon from My Digital Lock , we selling Epic Smartphone Digital Lock for HDB Gate or Condo Gate at lowest price in Singapore Epic 6G Dual Fingeprints allows you enter or exit your gate with using fingerprint (air-touch) 7 Greatest Functions 1. Pin 2. Card 3. Fingerprint 4. Keys 5. Remote Control 6. Bluetooth 7. Wifi (add $50 for wifi bridge) 5 way unlock from inside 1. Remote 2. Keys 3. Bluetooth 4. Wifi 5. Scan fingerprint (exclusive) All Epic digital lock comes with 1+2 year warranty Call I Whatsapp I SMS me Today 9617 7025 and deliver with 48 hours(FREE) For more promotion visit When you purchase, you will receive1. $50 Discount on Digital Lock2. $100 Discount on HDB Main Door3. $50 Discount on HDB Bedroom Door4. $100 Discount on My President Mattress5. $50 Discount Bi-Fold Toilet Door6. $50 Discount on HDB Gate7. $50 Discount for EPIC Gate Digital Lock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites