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a new christian trying to find out...is FS for christian?? :D thks to all that willing to answer such a blur qn..

Yes. Because Feng Shui is not tied to any religion. Feng Shui is an art of living.


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Yes. Because Feng Shui is not tied to any religion. Feng Shui is an art of living.

christians, catholics, even muslim believes it.

cos their bible/koran never said fengshui is a sin, neither was it a religion.


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it is best that u ask yr pastor or priest regarding this issue... fengshui may not associate with religion but sometimes, religious stands may be aganist fengshui consultation.

see wat yr pastor says ....


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Fengshui is actually booming in angmoh places like Australia, New Zealand and especially US of the A.

Think that should answer your question if FS is for Christians.

People often associate FS with Buddhism/Taoism simply because it was derives by Chinese and FS can blend well with some Buddhist/Taoist practice when there is a need for a fusion of the two, eg a FS master can advise you where to place the altar, when to pray, etc.

However, if you ask any FS master how to fusion FS with the Quran or Hindi statues, I think they will be stuck!


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Fengshui is actually booming in angmoh places like Australia, New Zealand and especially US of the A.

Think that should answer your question if FS is for Christians.

People often associate FS with Buddhism/Taoism simply because it was derives by Chinese and FS can blend well with some Buddhist/Taoist practice when there is a need for a fusion of the two, eg a FS master can advise you where to place the altar, when to pray, etc.

However, if you ask any FS master how to fusion FS with the Quran or Hindi statues, I think they will be stuck!

this is why that there is a need to dis-associate fengshui with Buddhism, its fengshui "masters" who blend them into fengshui, trespassing into the buddhist grounds.


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this is why that there is a need to dis-associate fengshui with Buddhism, its fengshui "masters" who blend them into fengshui, trespassing into the buddhist grounds.

Well to be fair, masters who always blend FS with Buddhism had already done it subconsciously. Most masters are Chinese by race and most of them are Buddhist, and in the past, most of their followers/disciples are also Chinese and Buddhists.

So by convenience or by default, they are already accustomed to blending Buddhism with FS lor...


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Well to be fair, masters who always blend FS with Buddhism had already done it subconsciously. Most masters are Chinese by race and most of them are Buddhist, and in the past, most of their followers/disciples are also Chinese and Buddhists.

So by convenience or by default, they are already accustomed to blending Buddhism with FS lor...

nah .. Buddhism is not a chinese religion and does not have its roots with chinese but rather india, it is thru the many years of Sinonisation of buddhism in china that made the concept that Buddhism is a chinese religion or even associated with Buddhism.

To be fair to fengshui believers n masters, I do not dishonour the beleifs of fengshui and fengshui itself should be a theory of harmonizing and should not have anything to do with religion.

if we view fengshui purely as a subject without associating with religion ... i see that it is quite nice itself. However, the sad case now we see is tat fengshui is now always trespassing into religious grounds and esp into the Buddhist grounds ...

why Buddhism ? cos there is a wide acceptance of Buddhism in modern plp but yet many who accepts Buddhism are not sure of buddhist teachings and this is when many fengshui masters starts making comments n advice over buddhist homes, buddhist incons.

Fengshui is wonderful in it's purest state ...

I read a thread by Mr Chong over 7th month issue, I am glad that he pointed out that it can be viewed from a Buddhist or Taoist view when moving houses, becos Buddhists do not consider the "ghost month" a bad month to move houses.


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tthks brudders and sisters...

i v new christian...prior that did FS on our hse...so now don noe whether to do so or not..but some of my cell mate advise against lor..

one more qn..can? ...if the hse after completion was left vacant say for abt 1-2mths before starting renovation work, after completion...do we jus moved in or hv to get pastor to bless the hse before moving in ? or can it be done after moving in?

thk u so much for guidiance..


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tthks brudders and sisters...

i v new christian...prior that did FS on our hse...so now don noe whether to do so or not..but some of my cell mate advise against lor..

one more qn..can? ...if the hse after completion was left vacant say for abt 1-2mths before starting renovation work, after completion...do we jus moved in or hv to get pastor to bless the hse before moving in ? or can it be done after moving in?

thk u so much for guidiance..

Hi .. if it is agaisnt the Christian Faith to dabble into fengshui, you should abide yr own religious practises. Mixing fengshui into a religion that does not permit it is not good.

I am not sure if a protestant pastor "blesses" a house but i do know that Catholic priests does that ...

Just like being a Buddhist myself, we are also equally aganist Buddhists dabbling into fengshui as it defies aganist the Buddha's teachings. Buddhists usually dedicates the house and do not bless and I am sure that Christians or Cathlics dun bless the house verbally, its rather to dedicate.

The Buddha said that the highest blessings that one can recieve is the listening of the sublime Dhamma and Happy are those who live a righteous life according to the Buddha's guidelines. That is why many neo-buddhists are often misleaded into Fengshui .. Maybe Taoists may have no objection towards fengshui since taoism also originates from china .. (this is my presumption)

I hope that u should seek yr church nd pastor's advice on this issue and not other people out there who tell u that "fengshui is about harmonizing this n that .. it does not matter tha u r a christian .. it's science and metalphysics not religion" . You must adhere to yr own religious faith and uphold it. Not a outside or unbeliever.

Blessings upon yr new home.

just to add on: No fengshui is more powerful than a person with Strong Faith.

Edited by enci

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If Feng Shui is used as a set of principles to optimise the physical environment for the comfort of the family, it is acceptable. However, as is commonly the case, the use of Feng Shui is about bringing 'luck'

to the family. This would be contrary to the beliefs of Christianity, which teaches that all things are known by God and are according to His will.

The other aspect of the use of Feng Shui is that it should not lead others to think that a Christian family has befallen into some superstitious beliefs, thus causing scandal.


Veritas webmaster


Thank you for your question. The church is generally against all forms of superstition that hold people in thrall. However, you should separate what is cultural from what is superstitious. May we please refer to you to Daniel Tong’s book on A Biblical Approach to Chinese Traditions and Beliefs, available at www.armourpublishing.com

Or you may approach any Methodist pastor for advice.


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Previous reply from churches when email on belief of Christan faith on Feng shui



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Previous reply from churches when email on belief of Christan faith on Feng shui


Kopikao .. wow . thanks for the check =) this will enlighten our Christian n Catholic readers here who may opt for FSM.

Buddhism equally do not encourage Buddhists to dabble in fengshui, since Buddhists believe in the Grace and Merits of the Buddha, the effects of Karma and own self efforts.

Again, I must mention.. Fengshui should not trespass into the Buddhist grounds, meddling with the placement of Buddhist altars or icons and should not bound buddhists to the areana of consulting for time n dates.

Edited by enci

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something to add on:

Question: Is Feng Shui related to Buddhism?

No. Feng Shui has no Buddhist background. Some "Feng Shui masters" claim to have learnt Feng Shui from a Buddhist monk. This is not creditable. A real Buddhist is prohibited to practice Feng Shui and all kinds of fortune telling. Feng Shui is an unconventional science that has theoretical results supported by unverified statistical data. The task of Feng Shui students in the future is to integrate Feng Shui into conventional science. To claim that there is a more powerful transcendental part of Feng Shui is nothing more than deceitful marketing.


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something to add on:

Question: Is Feng Shui related to Buddhism?

No. Feng Shui has no Buddhist background. Some "Feng Shui masters" claim to have learnt Feng Shui from a Buddhist monk. This is not creditable. A real Buddhist is prohibited to practice Feng Shui and all kinds of fortune telling. Feng Shui is an unconventional science that has theoretical results supported by unverified statistical data. The task of Feng Shui students in the future is to integrate Feng Shui into conventional science. To claim that there is a more powerful transcendental part of Feng Shui is nothing more than deceitful marketing.


so you trying to say that late 宏船大师 is a not a REAL monk? and also not a buddhist too? then what is he?

look here as a buddhist myself i really disagree the way you are pissing off non-buddhist, making a bad name for buddhism. As buddhists we look towards harmony, works towards harmony and not by pissing off others who disagree on a certain topic/subject.

fengshui is a knowledge by itself, totally got nothing to do with any religion. And no holy books of any religion condemns fengshui, it's the evil human beings who choose to ANYHOW interpret sentences from the books to their advantage/agenda. And you do know that some so called religions are so superstitious that their priest will ask for god's power for blessings so as to pass their O level exams(i have attended all types of gatherings from all different abrahamic religions avaliable in sg except ISLAM). Thus in certain "religions" even buddhism is considered as a superstitious/unorthodox cult, let alone fengshui.

Plus, you may hate some fengshui shops, but hey nobody here works for them.

And btw I am not picking a fight. I already tried avioding - reading your post.


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Yesh ....

A true Son of the Buddha .. a Monk aka Bikkhu does not practise such and the buddha probihited all forms of practices with such.

As for Ven Hong Choon ... I would say that he is equally wrong ... howeveer u would like to visit www.kspks.org to visit the abbot ven Guang sheng to clarify that myth and hearsays that Ven Hong Choon relly sees fengshui ???? Its quite impossible for me to verify with a dead man but i think its always good for u to check out with the person or his successor instead of hearing those stories and hearrsays outside.

I dun hate fengshui .. fengshui is someting wonderful by itself ..

what i want is to DISSASSOCIATE fengshui with Buddhism a nd Buddhists practises/ beliefs. As a Buddhist, we all should abide the Buddha's advise to keep away from such stuffs.

The Buddhist stand is the same as Catholic and Christians ... do not associate with religion .

somthing to add on ..

If u r pissed off with what the Buddha says .. then u r not fit to be a Buddhist either ... do refer to the Buddha's vinaya regard such issues.

Harmony of what buddhism taught is not fengshui ... and harmony does not mean we start dabbling all kinds of beleifs into the umbrella of Buddhism ....

The ultimate qns is "How buddhistic are u as a Buddhist?"

A true Buddhist rely of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha as the only source of refuge. One who constantly rejoices upon the dhamma, practises it and shares it generously with people, indeed a Buddhist

Kopikao has rendered such a good ans from the catholics and Christians ...

this will clear the "myth" for many people who claims that it is OK for catholics n christians to practise fengshui ...

Thanks again to Kopikao


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