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Cai's Bachelor's Den

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there is also another issue that i need to seek for advice, i noticed that the quotation does not includes the toilet bowl, basin, tap, mirror and shower mixer. and also no sink, no hob, no cooker .. morever, i also dun understand how home the tv console is a seperate quote from the feature wall ? just a wooden plank 1300 ??

can i roughly know how much does these toilet accesories normally cost up to ?

lightings n electrical works roughly ard how much ??? I am thinking to reuse my crystal lights, advisable ??

gosh .. it's like never ending cash flowing out ... lucky, i got my new sofa and lcd tv liao ... only need to change dinning table ... also if anyone noes where to get cheap lightings and "OM" feel kind of dinning table ...

my rough cost for my place (all new):

toilet and kitchen sinks, taps $2000

kitchen hob, hood, oven, heater $2000

lights (hanging and plcs/halogen etc) $1200

electrical works $2000

can reuse if its in good condition and ask yr id design around it if its to be a centre piece.. for my case, we only reusing the toilet hamburger lights (simple), so the electrician clean clean for us and fixed back..

i already exceed my renovation budget by triple the amount.. whats new.. :dancingqueen: i think almost every other person also exceeded theirs.. hehe..

do try lightcraft for nice hanging lights that i find price quite competitive and more variety.. another shop i think a lot of forummers go is light arcade.. om feel of dining table i got no idea lei.. but u can go evov living take a look.. i dun tink its very much cheaper.. otherwise, go to sungei kadut this type of furniture area and source.. :) u shld be able to fnd nice stuffs too..

Edited by LinDa

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thanks so much ....

=) do update me if u got any cheap lobangs .. hehe

haha, tell us what u need and we tell u where we buy.. i'm sure each and everyone of us got reasons why we buy from this shop and not that shop though the prices should be actually very close.. :dancingqueen:


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For most of the sanitary stuff you mentioned, you can check out Asia Excel (IMM) or the whole stretch of shops at Jalan Besar if you want, I personally recommend Poh Joo for the prices and service, Asia Excel is quite good also. But please do compare the prices before you buy, and remember to bargain if you want a good deal. :unsure:

- Toilet bowl on average can be from $120 to $200

- Basin average from $40 to $300 also, depends on your taste and what type you like (ceramic/glass)

- Taps are around $60 to $130+ (mixer)

- Kitchen sink comes in a few brands, around $200 to $400, depending on size and what brand and where you buy from.

- Shower mixer with rain shower around $100 to $200 ..

Hob/Hood also got several brands, some got package deals, can be anything from $500 to $1200 (for both), there's glass and stainless steel hob to choose from. Hood also got the nice ones and the common looking ones.

Prices mentioned are based on my findings, there might be more out there if you got time to search.


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after long planning ... renovation starting 15th August after my trip to Bangkok .... thank goodness i took this period of time to save up 6000 bucks of furnishing cost. dunno enuff or not ...

if anyone got cheap lobangs .. pls intro me ...

Anyone noes if there is a condo unit to rent for one month in the west (jurong area) ??? cos i wanna stay away from my house duing the 1 month reno period.

Edited by enci

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