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Fengshui For My New Home

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this is my floor plan


the balcony looks out north and MBR window facing west

please advise where is the best place for bed in the MBR

the two person's bd is my parents' which i have pm you before

also, can advise the bed position in BR3, it's my bedroom

as for the living room, is there a need to have a divider tat is higher and wider than the main door? if yes, where should it be?

how about things tat i should avoid doing e.g. placing the stove in a wrong place etc.

or would it be possible to engage you to go down to my unit for an FS audit?

thank you :(


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No fengshui positions will win over a person with posotive thoughts and determination ...

Wang Lei sang the song .. 30 percent destined, 70 percent determination n hard work...

for me, 100 percent hard work n determination ... no outside factors to aid nor help or enahance me ...

The Buddha said

"By oneself evil is done, By oneself evil is subdued,

By oneself Pain is endure, By oneself Salvation is gained,

By oneself's effort is what all Buddhas taught "

True blessings r own efforts...


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for me i'm a firm believer in energy

even if it's 10% energy and 90% hardwork

i'd prefer to have this 10% working for me than against me :P

whatever i can get on my side is better...


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for me i'm a firm believer in energy

even if it's 10% energy and 90% hardwork

i'd prefer to have this 10% working for me than against me :D

whatever i can get on my side is better...

not that bad either =) ... we just have to get our hands working for everything .. =)

君子爱财取之有道 。。。2‚


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this is my floor plan


the balcony looks out north and MBR window facing west

please advise where is the best place for bed in the MBR

the two person's bd is my parents' which i have pm you before

also, can advise the bed position in BR3, it's my bedroom

as for the living room, is there a need to have a divider tat is higher and wider than the main door? if yes, where should it be?

how about things tat i should avoid doing e.g. placing the stove in a wrong place etc.

or would it be possible to engage you to go down to my unit for an FS audit?

thank you :D


The bed for your parents can be placed against the West or South wall. If against the West wall, make sure the alignment does not get into the doorway. Exactly whether West or South will depend on their DOB. Haha.... can't catch up with the mails in the PM.

Again for bed in BR3, need your DOB.

For the living, if you have some furnitures in the way towards the balcony, there's no need of a divider. However, if you still prefer to have a divider, then it nedd not be higher than your door. Can put it after the kitchen door or edge of the bomb shelter.

Place your stove against the South wall, don't face the doorway.

If you would have read some of my replies, you'll understand that I only give free help in the forum. You don't need to engage me to go down. If you have the patience to wait, put up pics and info here, as and when I'm free, I will be able to help and you can save up the money.

Alternatively, you may get a reasonably priced FS master and confirm his audit with me.


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thank you for your prompt reply

will be placing the stove at the south wall of the kitchen

for my parents' bed, will most prob place against the south wall if their DOB is not against it (dad - 1/2/41, mum - 14/3/38)

for my bed, still not sure east or west wall (23/8/75)

thanks :)


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btw, is it necessary for the sofa to be leaning against something e.g. wall, cabinet etc?

how about the bed? lean against something solid or no need?



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thank you for your prompt reply

will be placing the stove at the south wall of the kitchen

for my parents' bed, will most prob place against the south wall if their DOB is not against it (dad - 1/2/41, mum - 14/3/38)

for my bed, still not sure east or west wall (23/8/75)

thanks :sport-smiley-004:


Good for your parents to sleep against the South wall. Yours too!

btw, is it necessary for the sofa to be leaning against something e.g. wall, cabinet etc?

how about the bed? lean against something solid or no need?


Not necessary.

The headset must be solid, otherwise lean against the wall.


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thanks so much :)

so if the sofa is the type with low headrest, it should lean against the wall right?

Hahaha.....nonono..... Not necessary. You can place it without leaning against the wall.

As for a bed headset, it must readily protect your head against any harm and unnecessary interference. Moreover, you will be at least 5-8 hrs in dreamland or unconscious.

Of course, if you want to sleep on your sofa once a while, just make sure there are no vases or chandeliers can call you "bullseye"!


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hehehe, not me sleep on sofa

but my mother like to take nap at the sofa

that's why a little worried coz her health not very good

so no need to lean against wall but not under/around vases or chandeliers or beams can liao right?

thanks so much :jawdrop:


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