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Sanctuary Of The Cat And The Fish

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Hello Dfish, Congrat on ur reno completed. !!

Kitchen veri nice layout display. :dribble:

Thanks! Hope to keep ot neat too..


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Yup! Its all about SQUARE.. Haha.. we both like squares. Both sides are equal size. There's also versions like 1 side bigger than the other and also 1 big single bowl. Same same! Mine also will splash out water. Dunno is it becos my tap is too long or what, whenever i wash at the countertop level, water will splash out. :deal:

same le.. actually even if i put very low and wash, still will splash little bit lor.. if i wash at counter top level, basically like no sink lor.. every where wet even my wall ka-na.. very cham le.. but its mei de lor.. i still tink its worth the hassle to wash my stuffs delicately so water dun splatter! hahahaha.. :P


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same le.. actually even if i put very low and wash, still will splash little bit lor.. if i wash at counter top level, basically like no sink lor.. every where wet even my wall ka-na.. very cham le.. but its mei de lor.. i still tink its worth the hassle to wash my stuffs delicately so water dun splatter! hahahaha.. :curse:

Hmmm... maybe its the tap... Anyway.. yes.. agree.. its mei de lor..

Read from your t-blog that you are expecting delivery from evov next week? I think I'm receiving mine on the same say as you too! :help:


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My sofa, coffee table and dining table were delivered last week! Luckily, all are in good condition. Supposedly the curtain people were to come on the same day to install the curtains... but they screwed up! Called them and they say the schedule was arranged on the following day! Never mind about that.. so they came the next day and guess what.. they brought the wrong string curtain! :furious: Still dare to ask can accept or not! So they installed everything except the string curtain and only get paid half the amount.


Sofa and coffee table


Dining table


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My sofa, coffee table and dining table were delivered last week! Luckily, all are in good condition. Supposedly the curtain people were to come on the same day to install the curtains... but they screwed up! Called them and they say the schedule was arranged on the following day! Never mind about that.. so they came the next day and guess what.. they brought the wrong string curtain! :furious: Still dare to ask can accept or not! So they installed everything except the string curtain and only get paid half the amount.


Sofa and coffee table


Dining table

Hi Dfish,

Luv ur sofa and ottoman. :no: Do they come in one set and wat are their materials? :)

Can I check with u hw much is ur ottoman? :)


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Hi Dfish,

Luv ur sofa and ottoman. :) Do they come in one set and wat are their materials? :yamseng:

Can I check with u hw much is ur ottoman? :D

Its fabric. The one I saw in Evov showroom is L-shape but i requested to be custom made to 3-seater and ottoman. I bought the sofa set and coffee table in a package price so I dunno the individual pricing. :good:


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nice sofa and coffee table... !

Not forget the mahattan dining set too ! :yamseng:

Thanks! U getting ur sofa from Evov too? Which model can colour?


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Thanks! U getting ur sofa from Evov too? Which model can colour?

We got a Grid from Evov...:yamseng:


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