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I Love Two Persons At The Same Time

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Cokelight, is like tat one...My hse also quite messy now...Oni take foto of the more tidy areas....hahahahahaha

Can I chup in?? :P

My new house now also very clean and tidy..I think I better enjoy it now before my house turns into bukit timah hill few months later...think few years later, might evolve into mount everest...

On the subject of dresses, I like to wear dresses too cos no need headache mix what top with what bottom...very headache deciding what to wear everyday for work sia...long bia...:dancingqueen:

But actually not true that wearing dresses makes one look aunty....nowadays the dresses all very nice and trendy leh...even for workwear...i think what makes one look aunty is the way she carries herself...some ppl wear aunty clothes but can still look v trendy...

For me, normally weekends, I wear shorts and t shirts and specs...cos weekdays already dress up for work, weekdays wear casual i feel more comfortable...dun care if other ppl think i auntie :yamseng:


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Me weekends also wear specs, shorts and T-shirts....then go marketing, ppl will cal me Xiao Mei Mei...

Hahahahaha....Happi la since ppl say I young...bt in actual fact, not la...

Bt if nite times going out with friends, then need to doll up a bit la...or c wat my Hb wears la, must match la...

If I c him in jeans, then I will wear skirt....If I c him in berms, I will wear shorts.... :good:


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wah Air, Hi-Five :wub: :wub:

me same same as you leh

wear dresses for work and casual for weekends

but hor, we OT liao also right?

skali like the photo-shoot location thread how? :dunno: :dunno:


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wah Air, Hi-Five :good::yamseng:

me same same as you leh

wear dresses for work and casual for weekends

but hor, we OT liao also right?

skali like the photo-shoot location thread how? :good:;)


wont lah.... as long as those letters do not suddenly appear then wont OT until that jialatz :)


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cokelight me 3...my place starting to becoming messy and dusty...somemore we haven't moved in yet!:good: think kelvin will phengz if he sees the state of our place now! *ahhahahahah*

Tats why i dare not let people visit my house now. Hee Kelvin say his customer want to see, i also cannot let them see else they be scare off :good:

Can I chup in?? :P

My new house now also very clean and tidy..I think I better enjoy it now before my house turns into bukit timah hill few months later...think few years later, might evolve into mount everest...

On the subject of dresses, I like to wear dresses too cos no need headache mix what top with what bottom...very headache deciding what to wear everyday for work sia...long bia...:yamseng:

But actually not true that wearing dresses makes one look aunty....nowadays the dresses all very nice and trendy leh...even for workwear...i think what makes one look aunty is the way she carries herself...some ppl wear aunty clothes but can still look v trendy...

For me, normally weekends, I wear shorts and t shirts and specs...cos weekdays already dress up for work, weekdays wear casual i feel more comfortable...dun care if other ppl think i auntie :)

Everyday i do laundry ored enuff housework.. tired also. where got time and effort to go tidy up other areas.

If see my reno pics, then sudd i feel my house deterioate a lot.. but after clear the place, it become untidy again v soon.. ;)

Dress is not auntie, some look v nice and young one.

In fact i think dress is nice.

Conversely i think pants is more auntie.

Most threads do OT but if OT with no quarrel will be okie.. OT with quarrel will become an issue and Ma Da has to come out liao lor haaa.


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like what Air said, as long as those taboo letters dun appear can liao :good:

guess i know my home will be untidy

so didn't go for any designs :yamseng:

if not now sure very heart-pain one

from the look of my home, you'd think we've been staying there for years :good:


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Haha...yaya...i agree that those dreaded words don't appear, we all can chat in peace :dribble::bangwall:

Haiz....all our married friends all say the same thing to us leh....now new house, evrything looks swee swee neat neat.....wait a few years....no need, few months can liao....then they come visit my home and compare now and then.... :dunno:

Ya weekends d a m n lazy to dress up leh....see no point unless we are going somewhere nice....ehh..but then hor, sometimes i wear shorts, t shirts, specs, hair luan luan i still roam about orchard in these leh...then my hubby also wear bermudas, specs and t shirt....haha....very comfortable leh....then carry big big bag buy anything can dump evreything in....i'm just short of having the urge to carry the ikea bag out nia...:notti:


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since can continue to OT i oso wanna chap in :bangwall:

i oso like to wear dress. but those dresses i got are not working type. more of sunny dresses loh. but now married liao dun dare to buy too many coz i realised i'm getting fatter :dunno:

anyway, sometimes when i wore my dresses to work, my colleagues wil be wondering if i got special appt at nite... haizz...

last week wore 1 sphag dress to work. just then dat nite i supposed to meet an overseas colleague for dinner. then my colleague say me until like i purposely wear soo sexy. pengzzz... i thot dresses very common mah... somemore i got bring cardigan leh...

really pissed off with her comments loh...

weekends i oso wear tees and berms out... sometimes with piak piak slippers (flip flops) :notti:

my hubby doesnt like to wear jeans. he always wear very casual so i have to wear casual too. else look very funny leh :dribble:


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since can continue to OT i oso wanna chap in :P

i oso like to wear dress. but those dresses i got are not working type. more of sunny dresses loh. but now married liao dun dare to buy too many coz i realised i'm getting fatter :P

anyway, sometimes when i wore my dresses to work, my colleagues wil be wondering if i got special appt at nite... haizz...

last week wore 1 sphag dress to work. just then dat nite i supposed to meet an overseas colleague for dinner. then my colleague say me until like i purposely wear soo sexy. pengzzz... i thot dresses very common mah... somemore i got bring cardigan leh...

really pissed off with her comments loh...

weekends i oso wear tees and berms out... sometimes with piak piak slippers (flip flops) :P

my hubby doesnt like to wear jeans. he always wear very casual so i have to wear casual too. else look very funny leh :notti:

Hey ya lor...ever since i've been with my hubby (for 6 years already as gf and bf), I put on 5kg leh....last time my appetite very small nia, after being with him, my appetite gradually increase cos whatever he cannot finish on his plate, i sup..cos i dun like to waste food!:dribble:

Yaya...sometimes wear abit more colourful to work nia, colleagues will say...wah today wear so nice ah?! go where after work?!?....very sianz...ma chiam go work must wear solemn solemn colours one....cannot be colourful a bit meh?:bangwall: Like that also wana say..... :dunno:

I always ask my hubby what he wearing when we go out so that our outfits can match....hehe....i am the one always dissuading him from wearing jeans and persuading him to wear berms...cos i want to wear shorts...:P


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anyway, sometimes when i wore my dresses to work, my colleagues wil be wondering if i got special appt at nite... haizz...

last week wore 1 sphag dress to work. just then dat nite i supposed to meet an overseas colleague for dinner. then my colleague say me until like i purposely wear soo sexy. pengzzz... i thot dresses very common mah... somemore i got bring cardigan leh...

really pissed off with her comments loh...

Agree! My colleague also like that! Cos everyday i dress top and pants, so if i put on dress they tot i go dinner or wat.

Ya agree after married become fat, me too :dunno: esp during wedding preps i dare not eat a lot of things to maintain figure, so after married i happily eat back sinful stuff so become a bit fat liao..

Hey ya lor...ever since i've been with my hubby (for 6 years already as gf and bf), I put on 5kg leh....last time my appetite very small nia, after being with him, my appetite gradually increase cos whatever he cannot finish on his plate, i sup..cos i dun like to waste food!:dribble:

For me is bec he eat tidbits so i also eat thats why become fatter. My appetite also become bigger i tink.. :bangwall:

the only time is when i go with In laws they eat restaurants then always ask me to eat more and dun waste food, so end up eating more.


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Agree! My colleague also like that! Cos everyday i dress top and pants, so if i put on dress they tot i go dinner or wat.

Ya agree after married become fat, me too :P esp during wedding preps i dare not eat a lot of things to maintain figure, so after married i happily eat back sinful stuff so become a bit fat liao..

For me is bec he eat tidbits so i also eat thats why become fatter. My appetite also become bigger i tink.. :P

the only time is when i go with In laws they eat restaurants then always ask me to eat more and dun waste food, so end up eating more.

Cokelight, me also looking forward to my AD so that after that, I can pig out....no need to bother what i eat anymore...yay!:notti::dribble::bangwall::dunno:


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Yaya...sometimes wear abit more colourful to work nia, colleagues will say...wah today wear so nice ah?! go where after work?!?....very sianz...ma chiam go work must wear solemn solemn colours one....cannot be colourful a bit meh?:dribble: Like that also wana say..... :bangwall:

U know after i went back from honeymoon last year, cos i bot some clothes from Paris and plus i saw how trendy working people at Paris is, i wore some more trendy work clothes (more colourful) then also got people say i become more "qiao" after getting married..

then after 6 mths i slack back to "nua nua" style haa.

But at certain countries, they really have to dress up v well to work. At least here we have more flexibility.


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For me is bec he eat tidbits so i also eat thats why become fatter. My appetite also become bigger i tink.. :bangwall:

the only time is when i go with In laws they eat restaurants then always ask me to eat more and dun waste food, so end up eating more.

Yaya...the tidbits part is what kills...and his friends always like to jio us go eat buffet...how to mantain diet like that?!?! :dribble:

But my hubby's appetite is smaller than mine, so that's why he always end up not finishing his food....haiz...i from small appetite now grow to be bigger appetite than him....when we first got together, he kept telling me to eat more....now he ask me to stop eating so much cos i always like to buy ice cream or chocolates after meal...must hv dessert to complete my meal mah......hahaha....


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the woes of married women :notti:

hmm... my appetite still the same leh. prob now sit down more often dat's why butt oso become bigger :P

i did not try to go on diet for my AD... my colleague were shocked dat i still eat like a pig and not grow fat. mainly is coz of my super effective digestive system dat's why. dunno is good ting or bad ting :P

instead, now my hubby try to cut down on his food intake coz he scare grow fat!:dribble::dunno:

ya loh... i tend to dress nicer if i'm going to town after work. else will be quite shabby loh... like dat she oso wanna say... pengzzzz... dun expect me to wear tops with sleeves and pants everyday like wat she's wearing loh


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Cokelight, me also looking forward to my AD so that after that, I can pig out....no need to bother what i eat anymore...yay!:notti::dribble::bangwall::dunno:

ya lor, can eat ice-cream, chicken wing etc those fatty food liao.


the woes of married women :P

hmm... my appetite still the same leh. prob now sit down more often dat's why butt oso become bigger :lol:

i did not try to go on diet for my AD... my colleague were shocked dat i still eat like a pig and not grow fat. mainly is coz of my super effective digestive system dat's why. dunno is good ting or bad ting :lol:

instead, now my hubby try to cut down on his food intake coz he scare grow fat!:P :P

ya loh... i tend to dress nicer if i'm going to town after work. else will be quite shabby loh... like dat she oso wanna say... pengzzzz... dun expect me to wear tops with sleeves and pants everyday like wat she's wearing loh

My digestive system also work fast thats why i also eat a lot too.. but loooks like it is slowing down now.. :(


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