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SHARE with us your worst Reno nightmares!!

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Please be aware of "K E J I C O  PTE LTD" or their subsidiary "K E J I C O CARPENTRY PTE LTD".

The entire project took almost a year to complete - over 7 months for renovation plus an additional 3 – 4 months to touch up/fix remaining issues after handing over keys. In summary here are my personal thoughts about this firm (‘K E J I CO   P T E  L T D") and their Interior Designers (ID): 

- Lack professionalism  
- Lack accountability and irresponsible  
- Lack internal communication  
- Poor workmanship (i.e. Carpentry)  
- Poor project and time management skills  
- Not proactive and overpromise on their services 

Interior designers involved:  
Derick Gwee (ID #1)  
Kenny Ler (ID #2 / Owner of K E J I C O)  
Arthur (Coordinator)  
Carson (Coordinator) 

Updated: 3 out of the 4 people listed above have left the business already. 

I will share my overall thoughts and experience based on the renovation timeline. You can be the judge and decide whether this ID suits you. 

January 2019:  
During the entire project, Derick Gwee, main designer overseeing the renovation. The whole process went smoothly until the actual renovation commenced. A role of an ID is to manage the renovation project and provide advice to the client. Ironically, Derick was reluctant to travel down for the initial measurement. In his own words, he felt that blueprint is accurate and his supplier(s) can work with it to fabricate based on my requirements. 

Since this our first home renovation, my wife and I were uncomfortable with such arrangement as any errors in measurement/requirement may delay the renovation. Many excuses were given to avoid making a trip down but after much convincing he showed up with his coordinator. 

In my opinion, we felt that there was zero initiative to help us with our renovation after collecting the initial deposit. For one instance, Derick did not offer to come down to Hafary for tile selection despite emphasizing that we have no prior experience in choosing the tiles. And to ensure efficiency I guess it was reasonable for them to book one trip down to advise us accordingly. On the actual appointment at Hafary, he was late for over an hour.. there was no sense of time management and if one is late it is only right to inform us as a courtesy. 

February – May 2019:  
After tiles were confirmed, Arthur was assigned to our project and was the main point of contact for the project. We liaise with him on our input and for updates to the project. 

At the start, I must admit that Arthur was proactive compared to Derick but along the way there were many miscommunications between him and their contractors. We were quite clear with our requirements and we reinforce it in Whatsapp Group Chat and go the extra mile to follow-up with them on the call to ensure they understood our inputs. Yet, countless issues occurred, and this could be prevented if they make an effort to go on site to check after each stage of the renovation. Instead they took the fast route and run through the requirements with contractors verbally on the phone. 

We decided to accommodate and do our due diligence instead of debating with them even though we paid for project management services (over 10% of the overall reno project). One thing to point out is that It was utterly shameful that they failed to do the most simplest task such; as sending us photo proof of the renovation (so we can track progress). We had no choice but to head down to the our unit on a weekly basis ensure the job was done properly and they were working according to the timeline. 

Despite being clear with our requirements on the both phone and Whatsapp, mistakes were still being made. See below for some examples: 

- Partition wall was built on the wrong area  
- Re-painting the walls because they used the wrong paint  
- Tiles were placed on the wrong side of the wall  
- Skirting was done even though we specifically told them it was not needed 

If they took the initiative to verify with us before proceeding with the work, they could minimize these issues. For instance, we could easily communicated via a call but unfortunately majority of the time Derick doesn’t pick up our call/ or uncontactable. 

May – June 2019:  
Arthur, Project Coordinator left the business early May and was passed back to Derick. We were frustrated given the changes in team and delays. He committed to hand over the keys by end of May but dragged all the way to June. It was the last straw for us and we gave them a hard deadline to finish up by Mid of July. 

July 2019:  
Despite working on a 5 months’ timeline, the job was rushed - there were number of areas that were incomplete and defectives everywhere (subpar work) in order to hand over the keys and collect final payment. For instance, poor workmanship of their full height cabinets, some of the laminates chipped, featured wall was damaged, uneven paint colors, uneven tiles in living room (they had to remove the tiles and lay it again). 

August – November 2019:  
After moving into our house, it took them almost 4 months to touch up the remaining areas. They wasted our morning either by arriving late or no show on appointment date (end up rescheduling again). Not sure what is the rationale but they could have arranged for all the defects to be fixed in 1 to 2 trips, but ended up split across multiple weekends and dragged on for over a couple of months. To a point Derick left the business and handed over to Kenny Ler, owner of ***. 

Since Kenny was the business owner, I thought we were in good hands now since he promised to rectify the remaining issues asap after all the inconvenience the firm have given us. However, too good to be true, yet again appointments were delayed or postponed. 

There was one time he did not show up and wasted our entire morning just by waiting for him. We tried calling him and the phone was off. It was unacceptable and irresponsible behavior, and No one should receive such treatment/services. 

Eventually the next day he picked up his call and offered to extend our warranty to 2 years. As of today, our kitchen cabinet hinge spoil due to poor workmanship. After collecting final payment, Kenny avoided all our calls and I even tired contacting them on their the company landline but the number is not working. I had no choice but to turn to another contractor to fix the kitchen cabinet even though by right is covered within the ID's warranty period. 

In a nutshell:
DO NOT jump the gun and sign the agreement. Get a few quotations and go with reputable interior design firm for a peace of mind. Do some background check by running through your friends or forums before committing to the ID firm. Hope you don’t fall into such trap and face with such bad experience.








Edited by Wesley Wong

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Join 46,923 satisfied homeowners who used renotalk quotation service to find interior designers. Get an estimated quotation

First and foremost b4 even using services like renotalk, facebook and Instagram, We need and must first take a step back and evaluate is this good for us, what's the outcome of using such service. We cannot blindly just follow what everyone is doing and make believe that this is normal etc. Of course, everyone want to be trendy and follow and do what the crowd does. 

With that I am surprise & sad that reno talk does not make this topic a sticky and push this topic at the top of their MAIN PAGE. if you really wanna help people, I believe that is the way to go. I hope reno talk is not afraid of such feedback & suggestion and does not bring this post down. I understand reno talk and everything got agenda. 

Before I begin my post, I would like to highlight to readers that i have not edited and make it nice for you to read since I have no time. What you read is VERY RAW. So if it doesn't make too much sense, don't worry. In time, I'll edit my words with chronological order. My intention is to help so wait for it. 

-post start-

Id doesn't apology when we spot he's mistake. He will cover it up or make excuses or deny it.
Id always promise to do it later and then forget about it.
He said 3d drawing can be ready by tuesday then when the day comes no updates, we had to ask him. Then he denies and say "where got so fast?" and "did i say tues?" then say fastest by sat or sun, there was no exact day or time given, unreliable.
Then when the day comes or coming to the day, again no updates and we had to ask. Doing the asking is tiring because we have to keep tabs on the project when we thought paying id we would get a peace of mind and id would keep us updated at all times instead of us chasing him. We feel that we are handling and managing the project more than the id. We got other things to do in our lives thats why we engaged an id

We keep asking when the 3d will be out sat or sun? He will under deliver and takes the later date on Sunday. When sunday comes, no exact time given. We had to wait until the night. And when still haven't get, we gave up and lose hope. Whatever updates he gave we won't believe. Again he will give excuses last minute at 10pm on sunday that drafter has many rendering to do, he will say by tuesday. Then apologize. Too late.

Communication is very bad. We have no confidence in the id to continue the project where we will be doing more work than the id.

Ids have a bully mentality. Drastic change can be seen b4 and after u paid the deposit.

Best is to make id work for you and request many many things many many changes in quotation b4 u sign to see the resilience of the id. Put id in many tough situations and see id reaction. E.g. See id reaction when u make id revise quotation 4 or 5th time. Make id come to you place at least 5 times to see his willingness and whether he can travel for u, if id doesn't, big chance he wont travel and visit your site after u sign. They will want easy way all the way.

After we sign and pay 10% deposit, we are like fish hooked on a fishing rod. We are stuck. My id last min tell us he is on mc 3 days then doc extend to 5 days. This is a BIG WARNING SIGN. Then he says quarantined for 14 days. Then I ask how?
He says team leader take over.
I call the replacement id and she with a bully tone say 'want to meet for?"
What a crazy question? U want to take over and no need meet? No need to see your client?
Id still have the cheek to say id won't come to our place and we have to go to id office which is super far for us.

Never b4 in reno talk where people are telling the story as it happens. Almost all nightmares are past. We are dealing this right now and we will be meeting the id later today. Wish us luck.

Forward looking:
1) We already call hdb to standby cancel the hdb renovation permit if they decide to play punk and delay the cancellation.
2) we already call case to standby for our lodging of complaint.

Here we go...

-post ends-


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As it happens guys... 


We went to the firm yesterday and spoke to the senior designer about our intention to cancel. Everthing went better than I expected. I'm happy that I do not need to argue, make my blood pressure increase and make a scene although my wife thinks I enjoy it. - _-

Overall, it was still a peaceful discussion. The designer said that their director will call me later that day.

That evening, the director called to apologize & requested multiple times the opportunity to do our project but I kindly decline. We discuss further and came to an agreement to cancel hdb permit & full refund minus works already done. I will not be sharing the firm name via PM because I feel, for now, they are still reputable and just. 

Will update here again. 


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Ok so the learning lesson which is extremely important is that:

NEVER EVER put your 10% deposit with any ID until you are comfortable to lose 100% of your contract sum.

This 10% is like a bond to the other 90%. To think of it, might as well give the whole 100% instead of 10% because it feels like it. 

I believe this 10% is a gimmick and a cheating method allowed by the authority to make it seemed your money is less valuable than it already is. Of course it is easier to lose less than to lose more but the way ID company market it is totally wrong. They usually attached the 10% as a step for ID & home owner to move to the next step. Like attaching 10% deposit then we (ID) will give you the 3D drawings when in actual fact, they (ID) should say things like:

1) Are you comfortable with me handling your house renovation project?

2) Do you see me as a fit person to handle this project? 

3) Are you ready to commit to this project where you will be comfortable to pay this full contract sum at the end of the day? 


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Source of dissatisfaction/bad experience;

1) 4th March: I asked if he can give sample pictures of completed works for the false ceiling c/w acrylic panel design c/w cove lighting but he asked me google it myself. Bad customer service. 
2) 4th March: We wanted PD door with mirror panels but he think don't have that kind. So, we had to take time & effort to go down ourselves to the shop and find out that indeed there is this item. Bad experience, we wasted our time & effort, he should be the one to check for us.
3) 5th & 6th March: Didn't reply to our queries because he went back to his village in Malaysia and didn't informed us earlier of his trip. Bad experience.
4) 8th March: I had to chase him for the timeline of works which he had promised me earlier. He then promised to give to me on 12th March but didn't keep his word. Bad experience.
5) 10th March: He asked me for my full name & NRIC number but didn't ask what it was for. I has to ask him instead. Bad experience.
6) 11th March: We wanted an aluminium door for our master toilet but he said the door is acrylic, we had to take the trouble to get a picture for him and call to ask our cousin to confirm if it is aluminium or acrylic. Very inexperience & bad service like we have to proof to him it exist then he can try to find for us like we are working for him. At the end, he realize that it is aluminium. This might be a small matter but as a customer we want what we like and if contractor cannot give what we want, it is a source of stress & disappointment for us.
7) 11th March: We wanted a electrical point in the toilet which he has done before. He told us that there must be a trunking that runs across the toilet. Again, giving us problems to think about and resistance to what we want. Thankfully I had a picture to show him where there wasn't any trunking and he was silent. Inexperience & forgetful. Bad experience.
8) 12th March: He keep pushing us to sign the contract first and then change the quotation which I am not comfortable with. It gave me stress. Bad experience.
9) 12th March: I raise my concern to him about the covid-19 and how it will affect my renovations. He replied it won't have much affected.
10) 14th March: I had to chase him again and do his job for him asking what are the items dimensions that he needs from me. I don't see much initiative and follow up from him. Bad experience.
11) 14th March: He didn't help me liaise for the other works I have for my house. He asked me to update him when it is completed. Bad experience & not helpful.
12) 17th March: Malaysia declares lockdown from 18th March. I ask him many queries but he did not reply. I called him and he said he will be staying in singapore to manage my project but I found put later he lied. He went back to Malaysia. What about my renovations?
13) 19th March: I ask him if we can meet that day but he said he not feeling well and at the clinic when in actual fact he is no longer in Singapore. Even promised to meet us on 20th March if he is feeling better when in fact he is not in the country. Bad experience. 
14) 19th March: Multiple delays for the 3D drawings. He promised us by 21st but gave us on the 24th. Bad experience.
15) 20th March: He said that there was a submission error for renovation permit. Instead of solving it with hdb. He made me work for him and got me to call HDB and provide him with the solution. Bad experience.
16) 21st March: Didn't inform us of his situation. He claims he got 5 days MC which will end 23rd March which he didn't update us and kept us in the dark. Bad experience.
17) 24th March: I had to be on the ground running the show since he is in Malaysia. I told him to postpone the floor protection but he did not inform his men. They came and did the protection on the 25th. Thankfully I was there and ask them to remove. At this time he made me believe that he was in Singapore after multiple times I asked him why is there an overseas tone when I called him. Really bad experience. 
18th) 26th March: I called him but again overseas tone which he doesn't pick up and called me back using Whatsapp call. I totally gave up on him and your company. 

I believe that all the anxiety, disappointment and difficulties that your company made us go through, I demand a full refund. I can show you all the Whatsapp messages. No problem. I hope you understand the situation better now. 


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We are a group of entrepreneurs conducting research on homeowners and their home renovation experience.

Appreciate if any Singapore homeowners in this space can help us by completing this screening survey which will take about 5 minutes to complete: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-Go3J_JUOYa6YJ7c-aSi8kjlHnHT1TTW1rva4DR3rs0VKNw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link

If your profile matches the type of research participant we are looking for, we will extend an invitation to you to take part in a research session (and if selected, you will be given a token of appreciation worth $30 to thank you for your time).

Thank you for your support. 


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Elden Lim squandered our $100,000 spends his time deleting negative but true comments on social media

Company name: Minimo Studio/Minimology by Minimo/Laaab

Designer & founder: Elden Lim 

Class act of deceit by founder of the firm.

  • 27 June 2019: Paid design fee
  • 23 September 2019: 25% upon confirmation
  • 5 October: 40% upon commencement of work
  • 7 October 2019: Renovation commencement day 1
  • 19 January 2020: Delivery of carpentry (LITERALLY 2 PARTS OF THE HOUSE, PARTIAL)
  • 23 June 2020: It has been a year since we had met and engaged Elden/Minimo/Laaab (multiple company names) to furnish our matrimonial home, and more than 8 months since our renovation commencement, our apartment is left hanging and unfinished.

Our calls and texts have gone unanswered, eventually blocked our contacts. Elden squandered our money and threw his partner under the bus by not releasing funds to complete our project. 


@Renotalk team, happy to provide documentation like contract and photos to support my claims and review

Edited by GraceG
Include full company names
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having read through this, it simply goes down to a lack of research and knowledge.

Most IDs/Contractors these days are self proclaimed. No matter the size of the firm, they all outsource to sub contractors which I believe are paid peanuts. Theres so many direct contractors with real knowledge and quality works these days and having a stronger presence online already. it probably just require some work to search for them and do some coordination between them, which my 1 of my contractor helped to coordinate thru WhatsApp. simple.

Avoiding contractors that can do carpentry and something else is one of the best advice I can offer. No company can afford the expertise of both. So I rather just go for individual companies who are good in their individual field. Slightly more hassle but a great saving to minus off any commission cut.

so instead of whining about your IDs, just search for a efficient direct contractor


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On 4/1/2020 at 4:59 AM, BEDOK BTO BNW said:

Source of dissatisfaction/bad experience;

1) 4th March: I asked if he can give sample pictures of completed works for the false ceiling c/w acrylic panel design c/w cove lighting but he asked me google it myself. Bad customer service. 
2) 4th March: We wanted PD door with mirror panels but he think don't have that kind. So, we had to take time & effort to go down ourselves to the shop and find out that indeed there is this item. Bad experience, we wasted our time & effort, he should be the one to check for us.
3) 5th & 6th March: Didn't reply to our queries because he went back to his village in Malaysia and didn't informed us earlier of his trip. Bad experience.
4) 8th March: I had to chase him for the timeline of works which he had promised me earlier. He then promised to give to me on 12th March but didn't keep his word. Bad experience.
5) 10th March: He asked me for my full name & NRIC number but didn't ask what it was for. I has to ask him instead. Bad experience.
6) 11th March: We wanted an aluminium door for our master toilet but he said the door is acrylic, we had to take the trouble to get a picture for him and call to ask our cousin to confirm if it is aluminium or acrylic. Very inexperience & bad service like we have to proof to him it exist then he can try to find for us like we are working for him. At the end, he realize that it is aluminium. This might be a small matter but as a customer we want what we like and if contractor cannot give what we want, it is a source of stress & disappointment for us.
7) 11th March: We wanted a electrical point in the toilet which he has done before. He told us that there must be a trunking that runs across the toilet. Again, giving us problems to think about and resistance to what we want. Thankfully I had a picture to show him where there wasn't any trunking and he was silent. Inexperience & forgetful. Bad experience.
? 12th March: He keep pushing us to sign the contract first and then change the quotation which I am not comfortable with. It gave me stress. Bad experience.
9) 12th March: I raise my concern to him about the covid-19 and how it will affect my renovations. He replied it won't have much affected.
10) 14th March: I had to chase him again and do his job for him asking what are the items dimensions that he needs from me. I don't see much initiative and follow up from him. Bad experience.
11) 14th March: He didn't help me liaise for the other works I have for my house. He asked me to update him when it is completed. Bad experience & not helpful.
12) 17th March: Malaysia declares lockdown from 18th March. I ask him many queries but he did not reply. I called him and he said he will be staying in singapore to manage my project but I found put later he lied. He went back to Malaysia. What about my renovations?
13) 19th March: I ask him if we can meet that day but he said he not feeling well and at the clinic when in actual fact he is no longer in Singapore. Even promised to meet us on 20th March if he is feeling better when in fact he is not in the country. Bad experience. 
14) 19th March: Multiple delays for the 3D drawings. He promised us by 21st but gave us on the 24th. Bad experience.
15) 20th March: He said that there was a submission error for renovation permit. Instead of solving it with hdb. He made me work for him and got me to call HDB and provide him with the solution. Bad experience.
16) 21st March: Didn't inform us of his situation. He claims he got 5 days MC which will end 23rd March which he didn't update us and kept us in the dark. Bad experience.
17) 24th March: I had to be on the ground running the show since he is in Malaysia. I told him to postpone the floor protection but he did not inform his men. They came and did the protection on the 25th. Thankfully I was there and ask them to remove. At this time he made me believe that he was in Singapore after multiple times I asked him why is there an overseas tone when I called him. Really bad experience. 
18th) 26th March: I called him but again overseas tone which he doesn't pick up and called me back using Whatsapp call. I totally gave up on him and your company. 

I believe that all the anxiety, disappointment and difficulties that your company made us go through, I demand a full refund. I can show you all the Whatsapp messages. No problem. I hope you understand the situation better now. 

Assuming that your contractor is a Msian. why would u even spend on him? does he even have business registration in Singapore? licensed worker in Singapore? at the end of the day, if we go for such contractors, who else to blame but ourselves


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Feel free to call Adam @ 96482520 even small job we also accept and didnt MARK UP THE PRICE.Our cabinet we are using solid plywood with Internal colour PVC so that owner no need to worry about the white internal will become yellowish after the past few years.










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Kindly take note of these companies and persons. They took goods and failed to make payment! On research, there are bad reviews since year 2017! Metaltoronic Engineering Pte. Ltd. And Darjo General Works Pte. Ltd. And ksk success trading (pte. ltd.) and ksk 53351038d and chuenyung luxury pte. ltd. Person namely kwok sau keung / Raymond Kwok and his sister kwok sau lai contact numbers 91927266, 94813990, 85118331 home address 440c fernvale link #22-157 or company 511 guillemard road #01-61.

This company and owner Kwok Sau Keung is a conman!!! He planned & cheated suppliers and clients money hit and run!

To anyone who been in the same situation, pls all come together and file a report against him of cheating.


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See my bathtub done by Absolook Interior Design. This is a landed property. I’ve never seen water pipes jutting out of bathtubs before and is very disappointed when I saw this! This is not only ugly (considering the huge sum of money spent), but also dangerous for my 3 kids who may shower in the bathtub. The hot water pipe may scald them. Honestly when we pay money to engage interior designers, we don’t expect this type of ‘design’. 


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