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All Tanglin Halt Road Neighbours! Report In Here!

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if u may pardon my frankness, i doubt the COP thingy will work for this case. Why?

1. Most of these petty theft takes place either in the day - aka while we are all busy at work trying to make ends meet or in the wee hours of the day - aka while we are all busi snoozing or having sex ;), so how will COP work when it takes place weekday evenings or maybe weekend day where these idiot5 will be probably at Sungei Road selling their petty stolen wares.

2. Also COP thingy will be in a group, the sight and impending footsteps would probably trigger these ar5sehole5 into flight

Thus, to me, unless we are prepared to forgo and sacrifice alot of our committments, I seriously doubt COP will work for this case

anyway forgot to add, if the ar5sehole is so unlucky to let me catch, i swear and promise i will take a hammer to smash one of his finger and let that finger be the middle finger...god ble55 the ar5sehole

If we can achieve Point 2, I think we have won half the battle. COP is not about taking the law into our own hands (although many a times I would hope that I can!), but its really about deterrence. If we can send the jokers scooting off, then fear would be created in them that the residents are acting up and make them think twice about trying to be funny again.


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If we can achieve Point 2, I think we have won half the battle. COP is not about taking the law into our own hands (although many a times I would hope that I can!), but its really about deterrence. If we can send the jokers scooting off, then fear would be created in them that the residents are acting up and make them think twice about trying to be funny again.

Deepakvali, no offence..this is what I think.

Base word "Deterence". Whatever helps to reduce any possible threats helps...better than none is done.. right? :) And I find it a good time to bond with my neighbours..closer bonds do help with more deterence too~ hehe...

Edited by sohzai

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no worries, no offence, this is the whole intent and purpose of the internet and forums, to pen one's thoughts and ideas and it is only natural for individuals to have different view points....nonetheless i do agree that there is this deterent point but me being the realistic n straight forward guy will look forward to immediate gains :)


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Due to problems with home internet, and travelling, missed quite a lot of updates recently. Missed the COP briefing too, paiseh ah, Chris...

For a summary, would like to comment on a few things...

- Void Deck tiles are very dirty, even with daily mopping and monthly washing, the black stains are still there. At Blk 91, the rubbish bins at the lift lobby are sometimes overturned and all the rubbish are lying everywhere.

- Millipedes are still here and had reached level 5, maybe they took the lift!!! When will they reach all the 40 storeys and infested the whole 3 blocks?

- At blk 89, there is always dog urine at one of the pillars near to the lift lobby. For those who know that particular spot, you will notice that the floor tiles are now stained with black spots. My wife actually saw the culprit red-handed, but did not manage to take photos of the man.


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Ok, let's come down to the nitty-gritty; since no other preferred dates, shall we hold our first COP session after the holiday season, on 5 Jan 2009 @ 1930hrs?

We can meet at the lift lobby of Blk 89 and proceed to patrol all the blocks. If we are 'kut-luck', maybe we can walk down the stairs as exercise too. As for the items listed by TheGuru, we can put it down in writing after the COP session and submit officially to the RC as our feedback.


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Ok, let's come down to the nitty-gritty; since no other preferred dates, shall we hold our first COP session after the holiday season, on 5 Jan 2009 @ 1930hrs?

Ok, I will mark this day on my calendar... :deal:


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Hey so where's everyone else?? Let's not let oda and me patrol romantically together leh! Haha...

Happy holidays to all! :yamseng::yamseng::yamseng:

Ok, I will mark this day on my calendar... :deal:

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Hey so where's everyone else?? Let's not let oda and me patrol romantically together leh! Haha...

Happy holidays to all! :yamseng::yamseng::yamseng:

Can i "report" after 15 Jan? Busy with wedding prep...

merry xmas to all! :yamseng:


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Hey so where's everyone else?? Let's not let oda and me patrol romantically together leh! Haha...

Happy holidays to all! :yamseng::yamseng::yamseng:

Oops, sorry Khriz...last minute I cannot make it on the 5th Jan....how bout like what TYM suggested, after 15th Jan 2009?:)


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Ok so what about 19th Jan'09 then?

Should be ok, but if there's any last minute changes, will inform u in advance...thanks.


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For those who have facebook, you may want to join in the Tanglin Halt Blk89-91 Group.

Can chip discussions as well as participate in meetups.

Cheers. :dancingqueen:


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Festive season coming!! Pl dun give 'angbao' to criminals like this hor...be forewarned!


Jan 14, 2009

Shopper's handbag stolen

A 58-year-old woman who put her handbag in her supermarket trolley found it missing as she was about to make payment for her groceries.

The incident happened at Sheng Siong supermarket at Tanglin Halt Road between 9.30pm and 10.15pm on Monday

In-store CCTVs showed that a tan complexioned man had reached into the trolley and took away the bag which contained $300 in cash, a wallet worth $30 and an EZ-link card with a $3 credit inside.

Witnesses may call the police at 1800-255-0000.


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Edited by zirhk3355

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