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Help!!! Soundproofing? Please share.

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Hi, I am new to this forum. Please share your ideas or recommendations. Greatly appreciate it! :)

I live in a 5 room HDB in Punggol, I have been struggling for nearly 4 years with neighbours who run and stamp heavily, drag their furniture from common room to kitchen and piano practicing. I've tried talking to them several times and the last ended not very well when the wife shouted loudly at us if we are not happy renting here, then move. Worse still, they claimed that they were not home the whole week. The noise escalated even more after. The worst for the past 9 months was weekend, 530am hard stamping from Master to Common room, back and forth for at least 1.5hrs. Every month now, they would invite some friends over on a Sunday and all the jumping, stamping, dragging and dropping heavy things will happen at the same time.

Since we moved in, we could hardly enjoy our home. It is obviously them as we were the first to move in and 4 months later after getting to know my neighbours below and opposite me, they move in.    Someone please kindly advice :

1) if they had their ceiling or windows soundproofed?

2) anyway to check if my neighbours are owners?

I've informed HDB and RC but was told they can't do anything about it & I think CDRT mediation may take too long.

Hope to hear from you. Thank you in advance :)


Edited by quebecme
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On 6/10/2016 at 9:41 PM, quebecme said:

Hi, I am new to this forum. Please share your ideas or recommendations. Greatly appreciate it! :)

I live in a 5 room HDB in Punggol, I have been struggling for nearly 4 years with neighbours who run and stamp heavily, drag their furniture from common room to kitchen and piano practicing. I've tried talking to them several times and the last ended not very well when the wife shouted loudly at us if we are not happy renting here, then move. Worse still, they claimed that they were not home the whole week. The noise escalated even more after. The worst for the past 9 months was weekend, 530am hard stamping from Master to Common room, back and forth for at least 1.5hrs. Every month now, they would invite some friends over on a Sunday and all the jumping, stamping, dragging and dropping heavy things will happen at the same time.

Since we moved in, we could hardly enjoy our home. It is obviously them as we were the first to move in and 4 months later after getting to know my neighbours below and opposite me, they move in.    Someone please kindly advice :

1) if they had their ceiling or windows soundproofed?

2) anyway to check if my neighbours are owners?

I've informed HDB and RC but was told they can't do anything about it & I think CDRT mediation may take too long.

Hope to hear from you. Thank you in advance :)


Hi quebecme

I am sorry to hear about your inconvenience caused. You can search for 'Affordable Acoustic Foam Soundproofing Materials' and generally buy them online from online shops like Lazada at a reasonable pricing to soundproof your wall without much work. Generally these sound proofing foams can stick upon your ceiling using 3M adhesive stripes and Velcro to reduce your noise levels ( if they continue to stump their feet). However, the reduced noises will actually still exist as this soundproofing materials should be pasted on your neighbor's room to reduce the noise ( not from your house) 

These soundproofing materials comes in different colours as well and you can take it as a decorative accessories for your home ceiling :) 

(https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=acoustic+foam+colours&tbm=isch&imgil=kPimsZTE4mJB7M%3A%3BvL2HDylz23PIsM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmusic4less.net%252F4less%252Ffaq-foam.htm&source=iu&pf=m&fir=kPimsZTE4mJB7M%3A%2CvL2HDylz23PIsM%2C_&usg=__yhvtU-YNQU4Lf0dfFEseuYcnjkg%3D&biw=1366&bih=613&ved=0ahUKEwixjf-1vK3TAhXEFpQKHVFGDYwQyjcIZA&ei=zr71WLHuM8St0ATRjLXgCA#imgrc=kPimsZTE4mJB7M:) sample colours, please check with vendor if they have these colours ya?


Edited by threelightsinterior

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