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My id/contractor

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Hi all,

I had been a reader in this forum ever since i got my condo OTP signed. I have to thanks the forumer here for providing so much infomation and helping me to have the right knowledge on engaging an id/contractor.

After recieving so much from here, i think i should return, share my experience too.

Me and hubby and gone for many, i couldn't  even count, think got about 15 id/contractor for quotation. All the "big" name, all the common venues, we been there...... hehehe

Yes, i know it is crazy, and is so time and effort draining. So many id, even from "reputable" company just couldn't gain my confident. Most are just so......... commercialised, trying their best to sell me their package, their company, how good they are, how "reasonable" their price is.......etc. Some are even so young, and with brown hair (those beng looks).......

Btw, i learned from here, to list down what basic criteria i'm looking into. Here my list

1. Price, i am not going for the cheapest, there's many stories here about what they get when it is cheapest. But definitely,  i do not want to over paid too

2. Quality. Yes, i want quality. I'm  willing to pay more for better quality. It got to be justifiable and fit into my budget.

3. Company. Well, i learn from here too.it is not so much about the company, how big they are, how beautiful their showroom are.....etc. it's  all about the id, whom we are talking to.

4. The id. I want a trustworthiness person. Someone who i can trust with my money.

    Someone who responsive, respond not only to my calls, but the overall running of the renovation. 

   Creative/innovative,  to design and give ideas

   Responsible. I expect his station on site and supervise throughout the whole renovation process.


Me and hubby went on with this basic in mind but just to no satisfaction one we could settle with. Until when my hubby uncle aware about our basic requirements,  he recommended his id to us.  He reserve his fully recommendation cos he think his id can fullfilled 80% of our requirements, even though he is fully satisfy with his id.

Yet, he can assure his trustworthiness is 100%, his responsive is there but not 100% especially on picking up calls. His design sense is up to us to decide. He is definitely a responsible id, but for him to stay on site throughout, guess we got to nego with him.

When this recommendation from a rather demanding and precise  engineer uncle, me and hubby wanted to meet this id. 




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There are many bad eggs in this industry. Please be careful of this "interior designer" by the name of Eugene Tan. (Mobile 9***3882). 

Uses alot of vulgarities and threats of violence. Police report was made against him. He also claimed some lower grade supplier is a partner of the company when it is not (probably to get commission from the supplier). Very unethical and gangster behavior. He jumps around to various different ID firms so I will not state the ID company name. 




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