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Fengshui History And Theory - Ask Me Anything

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Hi everyone,

First of all, do forgive me for the self-promotion. I'll keep it short. =)

If it interests you, do visit my website here: http://www.seanchan-bazi-fengshui.com/ and also a case study I posted up here http://www.seanchan-bazi-fengshui.com/case-study-one.html.

My background, how I got started and my experience are all stated in my website. My knowledge on FengShui comes directly from reading the Chinese classics such as 《沈氏玄空学》,《八宅明镜》,《阳宅十书》and《黄帝宅经》just to name a few, so it's not the usual things one can find him/herself on the internet.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions on FengShui, do feel free to post them here and I will get to them as soon as I can!

Looking forward to hearing from everyone! Feel free to get in touch!




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Many thanks for the invitation and very challenging....TIA

Just to share some thoughts...

Would you consider methods (methodologies, practices, analysis, rituals ....) of divination (to know the future via supernatural forces) as parts/branches of 'correct' fengshui? Your arguments please.

Would you think Chinese's 4 pillar destiny theory/methodology for past/present/future interpretation of events on a particular person (if i phrase this wrong, pls correct me), involves any form of supernatural forces ?

If not, what are the combinations of the fundamental components of this theory drive peoples crazy after it?

Do you think most supporters of this theory understand the fundamental meanings of these fundamental components? Not to mention the 'combined effects' of the components?

Do you think these days people can provide their 'bazi' accurately? What are the obstacles or what ZiPing has missed out in this very fundamental process?


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Hey bepgof,

Thank for your post. I'll give some my brief comments on your questions. Do note that my knowledge is not perfect or all-encompassing, so it's more of my opinion than a factual representation.

Based on what I know about FengShui and it's history, it has nothing to do with divination or supernatural forces. The earliest practice of FengShui actually dates back to the hunter-gatherer period where people needed to avoid the harsh elements of the environment they were in. They developed an understand of nature's forces and patterns and adapted accordingly to how it would best suit their survival. The theory and study of it was later further developed during the dynastic periods to what you see today.

My reply will be the same for BaZi. There's nothing 'supernatural' about it. It is the way the Chinese ancestors viewed the world and the so called 'science' of the olden days. They saw that everything was governed by some natural law and it manifests in mother nature as well as in human life. As to what drives people crazy about it - well, there can be many reasons. To name a few:

1) Case studies of how BaZi can be accurate about certain things in life

2) Human nature and their desire to know the unknown

3) Hopes of being born with a good BaZi and knowing you life would be better after a rough page

From what I've experienced so far in my forum engagements and my clients, there is an obvious and severe lack of understanding of the history and culture for sure. But it's normal as this field of knowledge dates back to a few thousand years ago after all. We view the world now in atoms and believe in the theory of the Big Bang etc, whereas in the past it's the Yin Yang and 5 Elements. I'm not sure what you mean by 'combined effects' of the fundamental components though.

Well, people can provide their BaZi accurately if they adjust it for Solar Time and understand that where they were born will determine the birth chart. BaZi is astronomy after all. As for what 徐子平 missed out - I'm not one to comment or challenge the theory, but I guess he didn't foresee BaZi being used by people outside of ancient China and that adjustments would be needed. =)

And just to add on, 徐子平 came from the Song Dynasty, and that's way before the Ming and Qing Dynasty. BaZi theory reached it's peak during 清朝 and 明朝。So the theory and study is developed, enhances and rectified over the years, so what 徐子平 wrote is not conclusive although he did lay the foundations.

Hope this helps!




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Sean, many thanks.

In broad, bazi is a model that combines sets of theories in which constructed by its own 'fundamental components'.

I've no issue understand these theories individually, however, the combine effects of such fundamental components, in each theory, 'criss cross' with the 'fundamental components' with other theories, are pretty 'fluid'.

Perhaps, due to its complexities or fluidity(each theory itself, not to mention the 'combination), i guess many people do not question the model's accuracy, predictivity and correlation issues, or they don't understand ???. Allow me to elaborate some.

The 'fundamental components' of each theory that I refer to:

- 'ying' & 'yang' components of Ying Yang theory.

- 'metal, wood, water, fire, earth' components of WuXing thoery

- '甲,乙...癸' components of 10 stem and '子, 丑....亥' components of 12 branch. These are the very unique fundamental component that constructs the basic of Chinese 十天干十二地支 calendrical system.

- and so on theories....not mentioned here.

The 'combine effects', of each theory, that i refer to:

- 阴阳相生,阳极生阴,阴极生阳 combined effects of Ying Yang theory.

Why can't be ying-ying-sheng, or yang-yang-sheng, particularly in human relationship community? The theory founder's observation biased? Men and men can't compliment each?

- metal produce water, water sheng wood, metal ke wood combined effects of WuXing theory.

Metal produces only water? Can't it be part (can be ke or sheng) of earth? Can't it sheng wood (Wood needs NPK to grow. Nitrogen,Phosphate,K for Potassium. P & K are METAL!)? Obviously the sheng/ke effects interpretation among the 5 elements yet to be fine-tuned !

- 子,丑-(N 0-30 deg)-Rat,Ox-winter-month-time. It is a 6-level marriage!

子午对冲, 丑未对冲, 寅申对冲, 卯酉对冲, 辰戌对冲, 巳亥对冲...these are the combined effects of the 12 branches 'system'.

On what grounds they are 对冲? The hot vs the cold weather ?

Not to mention the 12 branch being linked with the animal zodiac symbols.

甲,乙 have 'wood' properties. 丙,丁has 'Fire' properties. 戊,己 hold 'Earth' property. 庚, 辛 are 'Metal' and 壬,癸 are 'Water'. Who was the smart alex (smart or stupid?) marriage the 10 stem with WuXing in this effect ! The relationship cannot be divorced nor re-married !

The 'criss cross' effects (marriage) that i refer to:

- 甲,乙 are 'wood', 甲 is yang while 乙 is ying. This is a (10 stem-Ying Yang-WuXing) 3-party marriage combined effect !

Who was the match maker?

Why he so sure the 3 party would work this way?

Or it is just an assumption?

On what grounds?

Perhaps 24 jiaqi gives some clues, but why the Ying-Yang cycle repeats every 2 stems?

- 子,丑-(N 0-30 deg)-Rat,Ox-winter-month-time. It is a 6-level marriage!

The 'fundamental components' are ok to me, however, the 'combined effects' and the 'criss cross effect' are pretty symbolic in nature.The correlation (marriage) among the component-component, and theory-theory 很勉强.(很形象化)

Symbolic means no specific meaning, too generic, or the meaning can be differ from person to person. If you see it as square, then it is a square, if you see it as a round, then it is a round. Example: life, some say very meaningful, some see it as no meaning.

This gives rooms enabling interpreters to speak what audience wish to listen (selective listening !)

Your thoughts please

Edited by bepgof

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hi... i've heard many times that if two units face each other directly it's considered bad fengshui. is there any fengshui cure for this situation?


- What if the opposite unit is your 财神爷/banker?

- What if opposite unit stays someone you miss day & night?

Edited by bepgof

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Hi Master,

My new bto unit, like many other btos, have the bathroom in the center of the house. Heard that it means 破财, is it absolute?

My stove will be along the same wall as the main door, heard it will affect health of the mistress of the house, how much is this true?

45degree corner from the direction of main door entrance = 财位? is it true? must be the nearest 45 degree corner or the deepest 45 corner in the house?

Hope to hear your replies soon!


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Hi Master,

My new bto unit, like many other btos, have the bathroom in the center of the house. Heard that it means 破财, is it absolute?

My stove will be along the same wall as the main door, heard it will affect health of the mistress of the house, how much is this true?

45degree corner from the direction of main door entrance = 财位? is it true? must be the nearest 45 degree corner or the deepest 45 corner in the house?

Hope to hear your replies soon!





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On 2/3/2016 at 5:53 PM, Newnuay said:

Hi Master,

My new bto unit, like many other btos, have the bathroom in the center of the house. Heard that it means 破财, is it absolute?

My stove will be along the same wall as the main door, heard it will affect health of the mistress of the house, how much is this true?

45degree corner from the direction of main door entrance = 财位? is it true? must be the nearest 45 degree corner or the deepest 45 corner in the house?

Hope to hear your replies soon!

Hi Newnuay,

Apologies for the tardy response due to the festive season.

If we applying the Flying Star school of FengShui, having the toilet right in the middle of the house will affect the quality of the house based on the theory found in the Chinese classics. We're currently in Period 8, so the element of the star in the middle of the house belongs to Earth; the upcoming period 9 will have a Fire star that's dominant. The elemental clashes are definitely there.

With regards to the 财位, honestly speaking I don't recall reading something like that in the Chinese classics (perhaps I've missed it out) but I know it's a popular way of identify the 财位。 There are definitely better and more advanced ways of identifying the 财位 and enhancing the house which looks at the 'sitting and facing' direction of the house.

In general, as a rule of thumb, I generally look at the whole house, it's structure and whether it's favourable in the current Period 8 or upcoming Period 9 phase before going into the smaller details like where the 财位 is.

Hope this helps. =)



Edited by seanchan

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Hi Master,

My new bto unit, like many other btos, have the bathroom in the center of the house. Heard that it means 破财, is it absolute?

My stove will be along the same wall as the main door, heard it will affect health of the mistress of the house, how much is this true?

45degree corner from the direction of main door entrance = 财位? is it true? must be the nearest 45 degree corner or the deepest 45 corner in the house?

Hope to hear your replies soon!




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My opionion

- Me not an expert in fs, bazi or ziwei or study any theories, etc

- I believe man should take ACTION to control his/her own destiny.  Or to have his outcome via actions.

Hi Sean

You have a nice website. Good work !







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Hi Kalimantan,

Thanks! Am glad you like it! =)

And yes, I definitely agree with you that man should take action to control their destiny. 八字 and other methods serve as a guide - nothing is set in stone. =)





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On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 3:57 PM, kelvintzy said:

hi I have a sharp pointed edge pointing from the living room window of my house. is there anything I can do about it?

show pictures ..speaks thousands and billions words


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