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Pest Control - Tiny Little Creatures Crawl On The Wall

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My War with BOOKLICE

Dear all,

Now then I see this topic hence decided to revive this topic. I also encountered the problem with booklice last year Dec when my house has completed renovation completely. Initially I even thought they were termites eating into my parquet flooring.. !! I searched all websites, renotalk, sgbrides, etc etc and found very few people take notice of these insects till I see this thread now..

Extreme measures I took include buying a Novita dehumidifier, using masking tape everyday and everynight till I was exhausted, washing floor with dettol, opening windows day and night, blowing many fans in the house when I am out at work, etc etc.

IMO, dun find the dehumidifier useful because it actually made my parquet flooring "dry up".. like going to crack soon and there was no significant decrease in the quantity of booklice. hence no no no... Instead I find the fan very useful!:( After I started switching on the fans before I leave my house, all the booklice started to decrease. I guess it worked and now it has been near 6 months, the booklice problem has sort of disappeared. I do not open my windows daily because I am afraid of small insects like moths, spiders, etc but so far still do not see any booklice.

The main reason why there was booklice was cos of my wallpaper paste I think. They started crawling from under the wallpaper hence do try not to install wallpaper during wet weathers like in Nov/Dec... This will help to ensure your wallpaper dries up better.

I did seek some consultation from a pestbuster but did not resort to fumigation or pesticide. He told me booklice will not bite and will not cause any harm to human beings, just that it is an irritating pest hence we just have to persist in killing them to eradicate the whole population of booklice eventually :notti:


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these days have so many kind of tiny insects , oh manz.... i keep seeing diff kind, they come they go..then new one apppear ,YEEEEEKSS

heng, your things didn't broken. :)

the wind broken my vase! :~ just bought from lim's art and craft last year. !! i put near my full length windows and the wind is so strong until my curtain "flied" up then knocked down my vase. :(

aiyo,....why din put bluetape to secure it?


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Hi All,

Recently I keep finding the following insect appearing in my house. They are mainly on the walls and ceilings of my MBR and my other bedroom. This insect doesn't seem like any of those posted/described here so I am wondering if they are of the same type. I have tried vacuuming them and wiping the surfaces of the walls and ceilings. However, they kept coming back after a few days. It is getting frustrating as to how to eliminate these insects from the house. Please let me know if anyone has encountered such insects before and successfully eliminate them. Thanks!



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You have to paint the house thoroughly to rid them off as I have this experience.

Nowadays the paint has anti-pest effect which last a few years.

Hi All,

Recently I keep finding the following insect appearing in my house. They are mainly on the walls and ceilings of my MBR and my other bedroom. This insect doesn't seem like any of those posted/described here so I am wondering if they are of the same type. I have tried vacuuming them and wiping the surfaces of the walls and ceilings. However, they kept coming back after a few days. It is getting frustrating as to how to eliminate these insects from the house. Please let me know if anyone has encountered such insects before and successfully eliminate them. Thanks!



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You have to paint the house thoroughly to rid them off as I have this experience.

Nowadays the paint has anti-pest effect which last a few years.

My renovation finish like maybe more than 6 mth. one of my room are very fested with this!! Alot alot! i spray on them, and they come back after 1 week. maybe i seldom air the room.

did these creature make my wall become molding as i notice wall start to have patches. how to effectively get rid of them w/o re-painting whole hse.? thank you.l


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My renovation finish like maybe more than 6 mth. one of my room are very fested with this!! Alot alot! i spray on them, and they come back after 1 week. maybe i seldom air the room.

did these creature make my wall become molding as i notice wall start to have patches. how to effectively get rid of them w/o re-painting whole hse.? thank you.l

I have been battling this insect for the last 1 year and I think I am about to win the battle...hehehe. Just to be sure we are talking about the same insect, the insect is about 1-2 mm long only, so small that even using my macro lens I could not take a good picture of it. The insect has no wings. Dunno what is the name.

I have observed that they feed on the mold on the wall and ceiling. If we remove the mold, they disappear also. The mold could be very transparent and hard to see with the eyes but it appears as a shinny surface when viewed at certain angle against the light. Alternatively on more more dense mold growth, rub your finger hard on the surface and then smell your finger tips. You should be able to smell the distinctive stale mold smell.

This is what I did to remove the mold/insects (I implemented them all without any particular order)

(1) switch on the aircon at dehumidifying mode more often but electricity bill will soar!!

(2) physically vacuum the insect from the wall/ceiling

(3) Wipe the white ceiling with bleach solution - extremely effective to remove mold and mold stains. Make sure the windows are fully opened. Dare not do the same on wall as I may bleach the colour of my wall paint away

(4) Bought an ozone generator machine and switch it on for about 8 hours a day at least once a week when nobody is in the room. Ozone gas is heavy, and therefore more effective for the bottom half of the room wall but less effective on the ceiling. Ozone also kills mold on wooden/fabric surface where I cannot use bleach or other chemicals.

(5) After cleansed of mold on ceiling, I painted the ceiling with a paint with good anti-mold properties to ensure new mold do not grow on it again.

To those who have not started renovating, I offer you this one advice to avoid the problems of mold and tiny insects...never never never use an inferior wall/ceiling paint that does not have good anti mold additive, I repeat...NEVER! Tell this to your contractor and pay the extra $10 per can for that quality paint please!... including for that often overlooked white ceiling paint.

Edited by Topspin

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This is what I did to remove the mold/insects (I implemented them all without any particular order)

(1) switch on the aircon at dehumidifying mode more often but electricity bill will soar!!

(2) physically vacuum the insect from the wall/ceiling

(3) Wipe the white ceiling with bleach solution - extremely effective to remove mold and mold stains. Make sure the windows are fully opened. Dare not do the same on wall as I may bleach the colour of my wall paint away

(4) Bought an ozone generator machine and switch it on for about 8 hours a day at least once a week when nobody is in the room. Ozone gas is heavy, and therefore more effective for the bottom half of the room wall but less effective on the ceiling. Ozone also kills mold on wooden/fabric surface where I cannot use bleach or other chemicals.

(5) After cleansed of mold on ceiling, I painted the ceiling with a paint with good anti-mold properties to ensure new mold do not grow on it again.

Just an update for the benefit of those who are in the same boat as me, i.e. having mold problems in walls and furniture.

I eventually found out first hand that my step 3 above, using bleach to control mold is NOT long lasting. Once the bleach evaporates, new mold may regrow on the same spot in a few days time.

I have modified my steps recently and found it as of todate EXTREMELY effective. I have substituted bleach with Borax solution. Absolutely no new mold for many weeks now. Second modification, instead of vacuuming the affected surface which will cause the mold spores to be exhausted out of the vacuum cleaner, I use steam cleaner (Karcher) to clean/disenfect the surface . Borax does not damage wooden surface, unlike bleach. It has almost zero odour.

Don't try to find Borax in Singapore. You cannot find it, and if you do, the stockist won't sell it to you unless you have a permit. It is now a controlled substance due to some irresponsible food manufacturers using it illegally as a food additive. I got mine from a person who bought it from Australia. One small jar will last a long time.

Edited by Topspin

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Hi All,

I have read these conversation and I have same issue with booklice, i am lining in Dubai and i have moved from my old house and changed all my stuff and furniture.

I have started to see booklice again in the new house since the weather became hot with high humidity.

Does the Ozone generators kills the booklice, please advice?

if yes, which brand name has been tested? and how much the size of it.

Thank you for helping me here.


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I can understand your condition. It feels very irritating when you see pests like Termites or Booklice is damaging your precious lovable things at home. Just after the renovation of my sister's house almost half of the furniture was got damaged because of Booklice and Termites. She was actually getting fed-up with the things happening at home, Then one of her neighbour suggested her to Contact http://californiarodentcontrol.com/ to get rid of this Booklice and Termites.


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