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Haunted Experiences At Home

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Is it? Strange, I change my computer wallpapers frequently using different computers, I never experience my previous wallpaper that I've gotten rid off popping out the last few secs. It's usually the current wallpaper that pops out only.


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I was napping in the afternoon alone at home, then i remembered as i was trying to wake up, i couldn't move. I also can't breathe...it was almost like i'm dying. I remembered chanting prayers but that didn't help either. I also remembered opening my eyes for a few seconds to look at my clock, it was 3.30pm. I wanted very much to wake up, I tried to turn my body but it just wouldn't move. I remembered I was so desperate in trying to wake up that I felt so exhausted when I finally did. I don't know if i was dreaming but it seemed so real. I can still recall so vividly in my mind. After that, I don't dare to nap alone in the house anymore. I told my hubby but he told me the scientific explanation, I chose to believe that cos I didn't want to freak out in my new home, not especially since we've only moved in for a week! He told me that I must be stronger than "those things" cos they are more afraid of us than we are of them.

sometimes i have incidents where i wanted to open eyes and move my body but i just cant. mind is quite conscious but body just not able to do wat i'm tinking...

i thot this case is coz of tiredness?? :)

or isit the soul havent come back to the body yet?! :(


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sometimes i have incidents where i wanted to open eyes and move my body but i just cant. mind is quite conscious but body just not able to do wat i'm tinking...

i thot this case is coz of tiredness?? :)

or isit the soul havent come back to the body yet?! :(

Scientific explanation states that (:good:) when one is too tired and go to sleep, the body relaxed itself totally up to the point where the brain wakes up before the body does. That's why you are consciously able to know that you already want to wake up but your body doesn't move.


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Geez. Reading all your stories made my hair stand. :)

I had read in a post that Guanyin and Buddha don't eliminate those things from our homes because they are benevolent. Is there any ways to ensure those things are out of our homes for sure? I am super timid by nature. I don't even dare to go toilet on my own after a horror movie. :(


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Geez. Reading all your stories made my hair stand. :P

I had read in a post that Guanyin and Buddha don't eliminate those things from our homes because they are benevolent. Is there any ways to ensure those things are out of our homes for sure? I am super timid by nature. I don't even dare to go toilet on my own after a horror movie. :(

wat abt putting zhong kui's statue in the house :)

Scientific explanation states that (:good:) when one is too tired and go to sleep, the body relaxed itself totally up to the point where the brain wakes up before the body does. That's why you are consciously able to know that you already want to wake up but your body doesn't move.

good that my experience can be explained scientifically :D


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Geez. Reading all your stories made my hair stand. :good:

I had read in a post that Guanyin and Buddha don't eliminate those things from our homes because they are benevolent. Is there any ways to ensure those things are out of our homes for sure? I am super timid by nature. I don't even dare to go toilet on my own after a horror movie. :(

Is it?? No wonder...I put amulet under my pillow so I'm surprised how come still got such thing...but hor, i still chose to believe the scientific reasoning lah cos i dun feel uncomfortable when i'm alone at home leh...

I dun even dare watch horror movie cos my imagination sure run wild for many months...think my last horror movie was sixth sense leh..:)


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wat abt putting zhong kui's statue in the house :good:

good that my experience can be explained scientifically :)

Zhong Kui????? :) U serious about suggesting that ar? :) But I had never encounter or know anyone who put the statue of Zhong Kui leh.... I mean, the statue won't be small right?

Is it?? No wonder...I put amulet under my pillow so I'm surprised how come still got such thing...but hor, i still chose to believe the scientific reasoning lah cos i dun feel uncomfortable when i'm alone at home leh...

I dun even dare watch horror movie cos my imagination sure run wild for many months...think my last horror movie was sixth sense leh..:P

I also don't dare to watch, but the problem is, I CANNOT resist watching. :(

Everytime after I watched a horror movie, I will make sure my boy goes to the toilet with me. :D Sometimes, I will drag him to accompany me, even if it is 2am in the night. He will ended up leaning against the toilet wall with his eyes closed. :P


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sometimes i have incidents where i wanted to open eyes and move my body but i just cant. mind is quite conscious but body just not able to do wat i'm tinking...

i thot this case is coz of tiredness?? :)

or isit the soul havent come back to the body yet?! :(

Tiredness? The thing is, too many times, I'm not tired at all and had too much sleep! Yet it happens.

but most will see a swirling mass above them

i saw a shadow on the wall beside me when there was nothing around to cast the shadow :good:

Applefreak, really? So I'm not the only one who sees that swirling mass? So happy to hear that!


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Zhong Kui????? :bangwall: U serious about suggesting that ar? !! But I had never encounter or know anyone who put the statue of Zhong Kui leh.... I mean, the statue won't be small right?

coz u said buddha too ci xiang mah... then i thot of zhong kui who is a ghost-catcher :P

Applefreak, really? So I'm not the only one who sees that swirling mass? So happy to hear that!

swirling mass sounds freaky :yamseng:


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coz u said buddha too ci xiang mah... then i thot of zhong kui who is a ghost-catcher :yamseng:

swirling mass sounds freaky :bangwall:

Sigh. Meaning, there is really no statues that we can place at homes to keep those things out?


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Applefreak, really? So I'm not the only one who sees that swirling mass? So happy to hear that!

yes my sis sees it all the time

she quite suay lah, always kenna

old home like this, new home still like this

but she get used liao, so no problem :yamseng:

Sigh. Meaning, there is really no statues that we can place at homes to keep those things out?

there should be

those taoist ones, properly kai kuang in the temple should be good

but most important thing is your will

if your will is strong, those thing won't come and disturb you

unless you wronged them while they were alive :bangwall:


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Sigh. Meaning, there is really no statues that we can place at homes to keep those things out?

got! Inspector Tallguy and Inspector Shorty.

but only those who in the underground trade/biz prays to them(in house).


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Oooh, great, I'm not the only one who sees that white/black swirling mass!:bangwall: Usually it's white. Normally it swirls just above me, when I can finally move, I will command it to go away! Then it slowly continues swirling higher and higher towards the ceiling till it dissipates. I experienced once when that thing swirled closer to me instead when I ask it to leave! And remember I wrote before I suspect there are a few such entities? That's because I can see a few swirling masses above me, swirling at each own pace, and some black, some white ones.


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Bored with my work, so I share here. Recently, keep hearing this soft tik tik tik tik tik sound behind my bed. Always can hear it whenever I off the lights and am going to bed. When I'm awake, don't hear it! Very irritating as it's becoming more frequent now. Not sure if it's supernatural, I thought it might be a lizard, water dripping, but still too lazy and not much guts to find out where that noise comes from. It doesn't sound natural, more like induced, which makes it sounds supernatural.. :notti:

I told my hubby about the sound, then he sarcastically said ya, the aircon have a ghost inside! Then one night, he was still awake and I heard it. I asked him, can you hear that? He said yes! After that, he cannot sleep liao. Haha.


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