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Elite Gadget is celebrating its 6th year anniversary and is now offering 10% off on its Apple iphone 6 and 6+ products.

All products are local sets, sealed and comes with 1 year local Apple warranty.

Apple iphone 6 128gb $1350 NOW selling at $1215 (Coupon code: M2Q8NS532XI8G)

Apple iphone 6 64gb $1250 NOW Selling at $1125 (Coupon code: M2Q8NS532XI8G)

Apple iphone 6 16gb $1000 NOW Selling at $900 (Coupon code: M2Q8NS532XI8G)

Apple iphone 6+ 128gb $1650 NOW selling at $1485 (Coupon code: M2Q8NS532XI8G)

Apple iphone 6+ 64gb $1450 NOW Selling at $1305 (Coupon code: M2Q8NS532XI8G)

Apple iphone 6+ 16gb $1170 NOW Selling at $1053 (Coupon code: M2Q8NS532XI8G)

Colors available: Gold, Silver and Grey.

Visit our website at www.elite-gadget.com and put the coupon code: M2Q8NS532XI8G on checkout to claim your 10% anniversary discount.


website: www.elite-gadget.com

email: sales@elite-gadget.com

whatsapp: 84218036

Other mobile products available also.


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scam alert

never never transfer your money !

many victims got scammed looking for cheap new phones!

email others' singapore ic (usually reported lost or stolen) to

convince you re dealing with so called person.

set-up false website to convince you re dealing with legitimate company

once money transfer, totally ignore you (you ask another person to contact them, they will reply immediately


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