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I believe I have sent my quotation to all who asked already... If I left you out, do let me know.. Hehe and paiseh..

Hello I was the first to ask and you left me out!! 8| Hahaha


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More pictures of the individual piece of furniture that CFO & I thought would be suitable for our scandinavian theme... :):) :) so happy... hehehe..











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#CalvinTan told me that my 3D drawings will be ready on 28 Feb (Friday)!!! Super excited I'm telling you. Will share my 3D drawings with everyone once they are ready! In the meantime, here are some photos that I secretly took of the #PoshHome showroom while #CalvinTan was preparing my pre-contract agreement... (Anyway I think I didn't mention before, they sell furniture & lighting too!)

Industrial/ Eclectic/ Scandinavian fanatics will LOVE this place.

  • Pencil-legged furniture (leather/fabric sofas, lounge chairs, eames chairs, wishbone chairs name it they have it)
  • Cement screeding floor finish, as well as other sections with vinyl BerryFlooring finish (the raised platform with the woody laminate grain flooring)
  • Bold coloured, as well as gentler-coloured furniture
  • DIY tables that have legs that are basically struts from metal scaffolding for that metal industrial-theme
  • They even sell beds lor. Wish I hadn't bought my bed so soon. hahaha...

CFO & I absolutely love this TV console & the pencil legs. Will fit in quite nicely for our scandi-theme... love it to bits. Also see the functional coffee table that allows you to keep magazines/newspapers below for hiding clutter

(take note of the #EUBIQ track below the wall-mounted TV, #PoshHome is their main distributor in Singapore I think)


One half of the LeonJennaWong checking out the hinges and the spacious interior of the beloved TV console. Yes that half supports the current laughing stock of the barclays premier league... (in case you still don't know, I'm talking about the manchester united jersey)







Edited by leonjennawong

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(cont'd) Personality- One of the most important factors. If you cannot click, forget it. Renovation is a long journey and regardless of price or service, if you cannot click, you can forget the whole thing. This #CalvinTan is a fun & funny guy.. He will sometimes cook up devious plans with me to try to seek buy-in from our dear CFO. Hahaha… I think next time after my reno, if I got nothing to do & am around ubi avenue 3 area, I will ask him out for kopi.. Yep, I have just been simply whatsapp-ing him on design ideas, sending screenshots of my preferred designs.. He is a friendly guy to chat to though I do try not to disturb him at non-work hours (unless urgent la haha)..

I can tell that he really wants to do up our place nicely if we let him… to quote him, he ever mentioned to me & my friend that he would not wish for the couple to not proceed with an item or design just because of cost, because he understands that they all come together to form a nicely built theme.

He will also wish that your house can turn out nice so he can bring people to go and visit next time, or to use as one of his proud portfolio pieces…. And I find this #CalvinTan has quite good initiative also… he even collects & emails me pictures from his galaxy tab out of nowhere when he sees a design that is nice & will fit my theme.. The picture below was the picture sent by him to illustrate his recommended type of kitchen wall overlay tiles (we didn’t even ask him to send to us… needless to say, we are going for it!!! but with slightly thicker grey grouting lines. You can totally tell that we trust his taste in design by now.. hehe):


Other Concerns

  • Site coordination

All IDs can get busy during peak period. So I asked him about site coordination.. You may remember that I mentioned about communication worries when the ID we spoke extensively to is not the actual site coordinator for your project, but some other supervisor that you hardly/never met before. ANSWER: #CalvinTan replied that every single wall with works will have its own dedicated detailed technical AUTOCAD computer drawing with all the dimensions visible for any sub-contractor or supervisor to refer to if they are in doubt, so they won’t anyhow mount or install. He showed me a recent project file & wah lao really a lot a lot of such drawings… also dunno how to tell you all properly… But trust me, really a lot. Hahaha.. *ticks box*

  • 3D drawing quality

This only became my concern after my last experience… I paid a small deposit (1k) for that ID to proceed with 3D drawing.. and honestly I was quite disappointed by it. Colour choice were wrong… I asked for him to put warm light effect but his 3D drawing put daylight… Out of four of the 3D drawings got 2 disappointingly coloured & hand-drawn perspective drawings. That particular ID was not cheap either, so call me demanding or not it’s ok, I still expected more…

Anyway #CalvinTan reply was to show me his past 3D drawings that he did… Super. Swee. Really a sight for sore eyes. *ticks box*

That’s all of my rantings about this super ID #CalvinTan from #PoshHome.. sorry quite loh soh. But really just to tell everyone how good he is. Won't do him justice if it's such a short post. hahahaha...

Hahahaha now CFO & I have finally found an ID who ticks all the boxes! I can have a good night’s sleep now that we are going to put our reno project in his 14-year experience hands…

I still owe you guys the photos of my new Scandinavian top view living/dining area layout, the brick-wall fibreglass sheet material & the korean wood wrap material for my vertical wood beam…

Lastly, remember if you want my quotation, do PM me your email address k… I will be more than happy to share! :)

Edited by leonjennawong

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6) #CalvinTan from #PoshHome (continued)- and the story continues...

Design- Ok I already had an idea of what I want for my house layout, because I had talked to so many IDs before, namely #JamesTng from #ImageCreativeDesign who helped me to come up with the layout shown below: (TAKE NOTE THIS IS NOT MY CURRENT DESIGN)


Of cos this is the standard modern contemporary style you will see on #rezt&relax or #cissern or #absolook, actually almost all ID companies' portfolio nowadays for a standard BTO 5 room flat... which was probably why we wanted to do it the same way too because kenna influenced... Standard as in we wanted living area cove lighting... put the glass/granite dining table behind the sofa ala rezt&relax modern contemporary theme… put an edgy-looking bar counter at kitchen entrance etc.

So with this "standard" modern contemporary layout & design mindset, we told #CalvinTan that we wanted a scandinavian theme for our home (CFO and I decided on the theme just before meeting #CalvinTan because we saw so many nice photos on pinterest)... After that what followed was a huge upheaval on our original idea.

This #CalvinTan TOTALLY removed/changed/chopped/revamped my initial house arrangement idea! Initially I was like AHH! WHY! #CalvinTan explained to us that to achieve scandinavian theme, we have to have 80% white, with wood accents & one variant of scandi theme is to throw in some pastel colours after that... He patiently explained and advised us to:

· remove our idea of having cove lights & our bar counter because these 2 items offer too much of a modern-feel to the living/dining area..

· He told us if we wanted accent lighting, he can replace cove lights with long white track lights that can lend more to the white scandinavian-theme & also give the illusion of elongating our living/dining area…

· relocate our dining table away from the original spot behind the sofa, because scandinavian theme works best when you have a bright and open space. He removed the dining table, and pushed our sofa back a bit more to create this 'open space' illusion..

After this discussion... We had a breakthrough in realising his design competence...

After that initial visit, we went back and just casually looked at our collection of scandinavian photos on pinterest.. out of no particular reason really...

And you know what, in the end we went with all of his recommendations.

Because what he said was right! There were NO photos that can be found with all these bar counters.. or cove lights... or cluttered living areas... In the end CFO and I were more appreciative that he gave us sound advice, and took the time to steer us in the right design sense. Instead of just trying to make our money by putting items there that wouldn't have worked (for the theme).

#CalvinTan also voluntarily included a quotation for dining area ceiling beams that I didn’t ask for initially.. (of cos not free la..hahaha) He included this in because while he was doing up my quotation, he thought that it would be one of the stand-out features of my living/dining space to spice up the scandi theme even more.. So I did a search & even whatsapped him on the designs that I found… see below pictures:






WAH LAU EH SEE ALREADY MY LEGS WANT TO TURN INTO JELLY. TOTALLY IN LOVEEEEEEE WITH THE WHITE/WOOD CEILING BEAMS LOR!!! But pending CFO approval lei.. CFO said wasting money cause no practical use for them.. Just design only, no practical function… Sigh. :( See how lor. Maybe my CFO will decide to be nice and let me proceed with my beloved ceiling beams. Hahahaha… *cross fingers* my dear viewers, please help me to pray that my CFO approve my purchase request. Hahahahahaha…

Also another point I want to bring up, which sincerely leads me to believe that #CalvinTan is the most design-oriented ID I have met, or ever will meet. If he suggests something that is not quite within your preference or budget, we tell him and CHOP! next idea comes along, CHOP! next idea comes along… This guy is good & he knows his design. Even when we get a bit too carried away when we see other people’s house ideas, he will offer his design input and many times, those new ideas that we think are pretty are not even aligned with our Scandinavian theme!! Really thankful we have a design-oriented ID to fall back on & bring us back on-track & prevent our house from going rojak.

Oh yeah, even my sister signed up with #CalvinTan! (And my sister is what you would term a design-design-person; She works as a graphics designer, so you cannot anyhow smoke her with your designs. She knows her Eclectic from Scandinavian from Industrial theme) BTW I think she is going for a mix between scandinavian & industrial theme… Now my conversations with my sister/bro-in-law & with CFO are like,

“eh actually the wallpaper design quite nice hor?”

“hmmm dunno lei.. issit Scandinavian… looks more mid century lei..”

“hmm nvm, ask #CalvinTan lor.”

“...ask #CalvinTan lor.” Hahahahahahhahahahhaa… such is the design trust we have placed in him.

In #CalvinTan We Trust. :P

Remember I said he is like a creative karang guni? He has this huge collection of funny-funny materials in his showroom cabinet which is just full of all these material supplier brochures, concept wall supplier brochures etc..

  • The korean-imported woody grain wrap-laminate that he recommended for my wooden vertical beam;
  • the #formica laminate that I'm sure some IDs have not even heard of (because they only use #lamitak & cannot find CFO's preferred kitchen cabinet colour :P)
  • He recommended using nyatoh wood for my wall planter feature
  • The solid wood planks that he recommended I use for my bay window(see earlier post #7 for the pictures of the solid wood planks)
  • He has this unique brick wall feature that is basically just a fiberglass sheet (still with the 3D brick effect) that can be mounted on the wall like wallpaper… lemme see if I can find any photos, will post later..



Edited by leonjennawong

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