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Another hiccup


I got a whatsapp today telling me that the workers accidentally painted my brick wall! Now C is asking if I can accept or not.. Or he will hack and redo this... What do u guys prefer??


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OMG I love you breakster. Thank you so much... BTW our kitchen wall tiles are the same! HEHEHE. :D

Hellos LJW! ok...short form looks wierd....better stick to LeonJenna....hahahha

The tiles is cool and easy to clean but cracks easily...make sure to double triple chk and get your id to change all....i managed to get the tiler to change but overlooked one piece with web crack...if replaced the tiler need to hack it off which means the whole place will be covered in dust...since all my stuff alry in place i just use white marker paint to touch it up...also get the painter and tiler to leave behind enough gout/cement/plaster + thinner for you...you will need it to fill up the gaps after handover cos the tiler/painter wont come to help you on that.

Mine got 3 outstanding problem...

1. bomb shelther need to cover the hold...

2. main network line not working....best part is the line is inside the featured wall...oops...not sure how they gonna fix this...

3. kitchen cabinet door need some tweak...

other than that all is good.

Hope to see your place all done up nicely!



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Lol, I truly enjoy your blog, if you are scammer, u must be a **** good and super hardworking one! ;)


Please do continue to post! Me this type keyboard warrior, like to see pple's blog but lazy to do one myself, did once for my first place, but grown lazy for the 2nd time now..

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Hi renotalkers,

If anybody think leonjenna is scam then i can tell you its not....who the **** go thru so much trouble using all the big caps and icons and elaborating the details....I too engaged calvintan after seeing this tblog but ephron was the one coordinating everything and i am quite please with his attitude. So it just a clash of expectations somewhere i suppose. Hope yip can resolved the issues with poshhome soon. I have shifted in to my unit for 3 weeks alry and I still have some outstanding work not done yet, still waiting for ephron to settle them...just give and take cos sometimes it the contractor giving problem not the ID.



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I don't think that there will be a perfect id or contractor. I have started to lower my expectations after my reno started. There are bound to be hiccups ...Just need to give and take I suppose.. But of course, the end product need to be acceptable... As we are spending our hard earned money on it.

Totally agree with you Bianzi & Songz... I am very sorry to hear about bad renovation experiences especially when you think about the fact that renovation is definitely not a small expense.. :( I'm also at a loss because I really cannot comprehend why, given that I have such good rapport with both #CalvinTan and #Edgar!!

CFO & I still maintain our relationship on a professional basis (with the exceptions of some ridiculous jokes between us hahaha) in case we have some major conflict that nessecitates this kind of approach..

I still firmly believe, (as I have posted about before too) that the chemistry between the home owner & ID is the most important factor before you engage him.. and this theory has been proved right on more than one occasion during my maiden renovation experience so far with both #CalvinTan, and the failed ID contract that CFO & I rescinded (and lost SGD1000 to the life-school-of-hard-knocks in the process)..

There are times when some works is done, and you either have to trust your ID, or you don't.

Making reference to another chapter in my personal tuition fee in the life-school-of-hard-knocks again; I take my own personal experience at engaging a SGD5,000 bridal videographer/photographer package that has all the gadgety stuff I LATER FOUND OUT I DON'T NEED. We later found out unfortunately, that for the basic services that CFO & I wanted (no gatecrash video editing for showing to guests etc etc), the market rate was only about SGD3,000.. It should be no surprise when I tell you that this was because we signed up with the very first bridal studio that we sat down with.

To date, the carpentry is so close to completion & from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely have no problems with carpentry workmanship at all.. In fact, I have a couple of friends doing renovation right now also (same age ma..) and their respective ID/ contractor's carpentry skill is definitely worse. E.g. Think peeling laminates, deeply scratches drawers & carcass etc.

Which brings me back to communication.. Or the lack of it.. As with all working relationships, communication is key. I have advised my sister & cousin recently, that it's important to have clear understanding right at the beginning on certain things.. Like what exactly will the ID do for you, and what will he not do for you.. That way you will not come to a stand-point later during your Reno journey when you are unhappy with your ID because you had the thinking "all-along" that that was his job and not yours..

Lastly, back to the earlier point made that there is no 'perfect ID' in the world, there WILL most certainly be misunderstandings.. For me what's important is the follow up of the ID, and the effort to settle the issue amicably.. Also note that when I say 'follow up of the ID', we are all assuming that it is always the failure on the ID's part...

That being said, I really sincerely hope for Yip Gamtz & his wife that the renovation quickly gets fully completed soon without any further hitches... :( I hope my long post helps people to look at things in perspective, & to realise that my posts are really my own experiences with #CalvinTan, whom I can click with pretty well... We are all different people with different personalities, and the working dynamics from ID to ID (for us home owners) & client to client (for them) are vastly different. Thanks..

P.S. It might be my interpretation of the sentence posted by others, for which I am truly sorry about the words below... but it's not the first time & probably won't be the last time, that people have accused me & this blog of being a scam blog. It is not in my nature to intentionally offend others but I thought that it has to be said, seeing as I know who I am and what I'm doing, that it's quite clear that you do not have enough facts to be making such remarks..

I yearn to post more of my personal experiences to share and record more of my renovation/taobao-purchasing etc experiences (albeit a bit tardy.. Sorry.. ) here and to help fellow Renotalkers along the way instead of posting such depressing rantings... If I misinterpreted the sentences & this is a case of me being too sensitive, I'm really really sorry in advance..

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I don't think that there will be a perfect id or contractor. I have started to lower my expectations after my reno started. There are bound to be hiccups ...Just need to give and take I suppose.. But of course, the end product need to be acceptable... As we are spending our hard earned money on it.

Totally agree with it.

However I heard cases of unacceptable end product which really should be condemned


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I don't think that there will be a perfect id or contractor. I have started to lower my expectations after my reno started. There are bound to be hiccups ...Just need to give and take I suppose.. But of course, the end product need to be acceptable... As we are spending our hard earned money on it.


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Hi Leon

I have followed your entry for quite awhile. I have to say it was because of your sharing that I approached #calvintan from posh home and eventually engaged him as my id. My wife n I were pretty inexperienced in this area hence the decision to engage him was a rash and rush one which we have truly regret. I under stand that your house is still in the midst of renovation hence the assessment of #calvintan n posh home works will not be as holistic as what I am intending to share with the Reno t blog forum followers. My renovation has been "completed" for awhile now and i will be sharing my experience and assessment of it the next week or so via my own t blog. I have to say the entire experience was not as green n rosy like what you have shared and the our expectation has never been met. I hope that my share of the account would be a more accurate reflection of their work given that my renovation is completed and the quality of work and their performance can be better assessed and graded.

If I have one word to describe my experience with posh home and especially #calvintan, it would be PAINFUL. I will update my t blog name when ready.

Thanks you.


Wah, finally the "PERFECT" ID have complaint! :lol:


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Hi Leon

I have followed your entry for quite awhile. I have to say it was because of your sharing that I approached #calvintan from posh home and eventually engaged him as my id. My wife n I were pretty inexperienced in this area hence the decision to engage him was a rash and rush one which we have truly regret. I under stand that your house is still in the midst of renovation hence the assessment of #calvintan n posh home works will not be as holistic as what I am intending to share with the Reno t blog forum followers. My renovation has been "completed" for awhile now and i will be sharing my experience and assessment of it the next week or so via my own t blog. I have to say the entire experience was not as green n rosy like what you have shared and the our expectation has never been met. I hope that my share of the account would be a more accurate reflection of their work given that my renovation is completed and the quality of work and their performance can be better assessed and graded.

If I have one word to describe my experience with posh home and especially #calvintan, it would be PAINFUL. I will update my t blog name when ready.

Thanks you.


Waiting anxiously for your "painful" blog...


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Hi Leon

I have followed your entry for quite awhile. I have to say it was because of your sharing that I approached #calvintan from posh home and eventually engaged him as my id. My wife n I were pretty inexperienced in this area hence the decision to engage him was a rash and rush one which we have truly regret. I under stand that your house is still in the midst of renovation hence the assessment of #calvintan n posh home works will not be as holistic as what I am intending to share with the Reno t blog forum followers. My renovation has been "completed" for awhile now and i will be sharing my experience and assessment of it the next week or so via my own t blog. I have to say the entire experience was not as green n rosy like what you have shared and the our expectation has never been met. I hope that my share of the account would be a more accurate reflection of their work given that my renovation is completed and the quality of work and their performance can be better assessed and graded.

If I have one word to describe my experience with posh home and especially #calvintan, it would be PAINFUL. I will update my t blog name when ready.

Thanks you.


Sorry to hear that you have a bad renovation experience regardless of whoever the ID/Contractor is.

Will look forward to your RT blog and pictures to see what actually happen.

Good luck and hope your housing issues can be resolved by other contractors.


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*mini celebration on reaching Page 9 of my LeonJennaWong Renotalk T-Blog* :drunk:

In a strange but unsurprising way, I have been feeling particularly nostalgic recently & suddenly realised that, in the blink of an eye, CFO & I have come quite a long way from the 2 newbies who got scolded by their ID (see Post#222)... To a couple that is actually staring at the 70% completion progress mark of their love nest... Time flies and I dread the day where I have no further value to add to this little e-space here... :(

AHEM. OK now that I've met my 'emo' quota for the day; Let's start things good & proper!!! I'm much too excited to give a proper write-up for this post... (not the first time this has happened in this blog. HEHE.) So I'm going to just plunge the rest of this post head-first into the MAIN CONTENT of today, where...



For the first day of carpentry installation, #CalvinTan & #Edgar coordinated for the carpentry carcass following to be installed:

- Shoe Cabinet @ living area

- Kitchen Bottom Cabinet

- 3-Metre Sideboard @ living area

*BTW, to newcomers to Renotalk, a carpentry 'carcass' is the wooden outer shell of the furniture piece, not including any doors, shelves, drawers that might be part of the furniture piece. ;) (I feel compelled to help to explain this because I only just realised that CFO had absolutely no idea what I have been referring to for the past few months whenever I used that C-word.. Which is. Carcass. Of. Course. :notti:)

Quote from CFO: "Carcass is not the dead body of an animal meh?"

WAHAHAHA. OK. I AM SO DEAD. Like a carcass. WAHAHAHA. :rofl:



You see that glorious green coloured piece of carpentry there?! It's for our kitchen carpentry! :wub: I ALMOST COULDN'T RECOGNISE THAT BEAUTIFUL COLOUR! OMIGOSH. It looks even better than what I posted in Post#248... When I first saw this picture (#CalvinTan whatsapped me), that colour absolutely melted me away... :dribble: LOVE IT!! :wub: :wub: So niceeeeeee omg can't stand it. Hahaha...

3-METRE LONG SIDEBOARD BEING INSTALLED - For this, #CalvinTan had the #PoshHome carpenters to fabricate 2 different pieces (so that they can bring it up the lift) and then fit them together on-site to form the entire furniture piece..


CLOSE-UP OF BEAUTIFUL GRAIN OF MY VENEER WRAP (SIDEBOARD) - So pretty lor the veneer wrap!!!:wub: Even my sister thought it was real wood! HEHEHE. (n_n)v


- Take note of the rectangular-shaped hole at the top of the carcass is meant for a flushed-finish Eubiq track! :)

SHOE CABINET BEING INSTALLED - The wood-grain-patterned veneer wrap is the same as the one used for the living area sideboard, and subsequently for my vertical beam too; For consistency of colours/ theme... ;)


KITCHEN BOTTOM CABINET CARCASS IS UP! - Complete with 'brand-less' anti-slam drawer tracks... #Kompacplus top is not installed yet.. AND COLOUR IS STILL LOOKING SO NICE!! Hahaha.. :dribble:


Woohoo so excited about this new phase of our renovation - CARPENTRY!!

Still got so many other things to look forward to in this phase; like the vanity cabinet, the vertical beam, my ceiling beams etc etc.. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT PROGRESS!

Will continue to update as soon as I can! CHEERS PEEPS! :yamseng:

Edited by leonjennawong

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Hi Leon

I have followed your entry for quite awhile. I have to say it was because of your sharing that I approached #calvintan from posh home and eventually engaged him as my id. My wife n I were pretty inexperienced in this area hence the decision to engage him was a rash and rush one which we have truly regret. I under stand that your house is still in the midst of renovation hence the assessment of #calvintan n posh home works will not be as holistic as what I am intending to share with the Reno t blog forum followers. My renovation has been "completed" for awhile now and i will be sharing my experience and assessment of it the next week or so via my own t blog. I have to say the entire experience was not as green n rosy like what you have shared and the our expectation has never been met. I hope that my share of the account would be a more accurate reflection of their work given that my renovation is completed and the quality of work and their performance can be better assessed and graded.

If I have one word to describe my experience with posh home and especially #calvintan, it would be PAINFUL. I will update my t blog name when ready.

Thanks you.


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