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Oh yes, before i retire for the night, thought I should share this on the forum too.

I had my first share of unpleasantness in my renovation journey, though I should not say this as it is still CNY???

But I think must caution all fellow home owners who are shopping for furniture for their homes. I got my bed frame from this furniture shop called Silver River. When I make the purchase, I requested them to change the legs of the frame for me as I disliked it and specifically reminded the salesperson to check that the legs are changed before delivering it to me.

Surprise surprise, they got the legs wrong when they delivered it to me. So I asked the delivery guys how and their reply was," I don't know wor. The store ask us to deliver so we deliver. If you do not want, we will not fix your frame for you."

I asked them what do they mean by that, as I still wanted the legs to be changed. They said they will just leave the bed frame on my master bedroom's floor like that!! Needless to say, my :furious: started looming but i kept my cool as their rudeness was starting to piss me off. My hubby was already :furious: and I got him out of the bedroom so as to talk calmly with the delivery guys

I called the salesperson on the spot and he told me to get the frame fixed first and he promised to change the legs for me after CNY, as it was the last day of working before they close for CNY holidays

Imagine my :jawdrop: when they asked me to sign on the delivery order chit and written on top of the delivery order chit was 2 words.. DISPLAY SET


By then, I could not kept my poker face straight and immediately frown and asked them, what do they mean by display set?

Again, they shrug their shoulders which just made my blood boil even more. I called up the salesperson again and he said they wrote wrongly,as they must have meant DISPLAY SET COLOR. Cannot be display set bla bla bla. Ok fine. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked him to double check, which he promised to do so and to give me a reply the next day as he claimed to be very busy that day

When the delivery guys left, i was left with a naggin feeling (call it women's instinct if you must but sthg just did not feel right). I suggested to my man to go straight to the showroom to see if the frame is still there. If it is still there, I can accept his story of the store ppl writing it wrongly on the delivery chit but wat if the frame is no longer there?

My hubby was agreeable as well and we just shoot straight down to the show room.

Guess what??? The display frame was gone!!!!!!!:furious: I immediately requested for the salesperson to see me straightaway and :fire: him with questions while still trying to keep a lid on my temper. He paled when he saw us as he did not expect us to be at the showroom to check the frame and promised to give me an answer the next day as he sort it out with the warehouse ppl

The next day, he called and gave us 2 options. 1) take the display frame and he gives us $150 in return for the display set and 2) they will deliver a "brand new" frame in late march/april

After much consideration, I decided to go for option 1 as i have lost all my trust in this salesperson and furniture shop and am wary of the quality of the "brand new" frame that they promised to deliver

A very valuable lesson to all new home owners out there. Please learn from my mistake. My first mistake is paying the frame in full before delivery. Never, ever pay your furniture in full before delivery. Have yet to collect the $150 from them yet so will update again if they fail to honour their promise.

This furniture shop have some bad reviews but i still decided to go ahead with my purchase as i could not find the frame elsewhere.

Sigh.. so there goes my first taste of hiccup in my renovation process. Hope that others will take a leaf from my book and if so, then it is worth to share.

Sorry to hear about your experience! In fact, I just did a quick search and found a fellow forummer who also complained about Silver River


Looks like they do not believe in customer service. I will avoid!!

Btw, I was very nervous about one of our purchases (TV console) with La Cafa, as I heard bad reviews about the group that owns it. Luckily, everything came on time and as ordered. Phew.

Even though things turned out fine for me, I learnt that for EVERY purchase that you make, it's better to do research online first before committing to it, especially if it's not a small sum.

On the positive side, your renovation is looking real good! I'm v envious of the standard of your carpentry. As for the bed legs, I think they are ok as well. Maybe give it a nice coat of paint or something? The brown doesn't do it any justice I feel.


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Made a decision early in my renovation planning process that I would invest in blum drawers for my kitchen. I had bad experience in using shelves where experiences bad ache for trying to get my pan out from the inside of the lower cabinet, and my record in my entire life of breaking bowls came from this, I broke 6 BOWLS while opening my kitchen shelve door coz they were no stacked properly. So i told the man, I am investing in blum drawers. Proposal drawn and the paper was passed in the my family's parliament :bleah: So here they are!!


How expensive are these Blum drawers? You can PM me if not comfortable to reveal here.


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Personal opinion, buy what you need, Buy base on purpose and pricing. Then base on aesthetic.

Sometimes too much ingredients spoils the soup. Likewise, too many choices makes decision difficult.

I always brain wash myself this way, once I buy this model, dont bother with what other brand/make can offer. Focus & Forget.

Thanks for the advice.

I am quite a practical person so mostly will be wanting something useful and need. However ugly color combination is a NO NO.

Hahahaha ~


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Hihiiceage, ur new plc looks really good! carpentry seems good. saw that u used Blum system for your drawers. Did u engage one of their recommended contractors or one that is not in their list? We are keen as well but was told its best to engage their recommended partners. By the way do u mind sharing your contact for the contractor/is u r using? Do they provide any designs for your cupboards etc or have to tell them the design? Seems like unread happy w the work. I m searching for a contractor/Id for our new home. Needs 100% overhaul so need someone who can do the job well... Thanks a lot for sharing!


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Hi Iceage! Your house is looking great! Do you mind sharing your contract's contact?? and how much did u spend on your Blum cabinets?? Thanks!! You can PM me about the details. :)


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Got these 4 pictures in Ho Chi Minh during a trip about a year back and they have been sitting in my storeroom since.

Finally they are able to see some light and be enjoyed..by me.. hahahhaa..

Honestly, I am not a very artsy person but I love the colors in these paintings. Furthermore, I think my place is too woody-white and hence, these 4 paintings added some zest and color to my place (hopefully.. :notti: )

Got the sifus to hang drill the holes for me to put up the paintings. Again, did not expect them to put 101% of effort in this as this is something extra and they were about to finish their job for the day. Really am grateful to them for the effort put in.. They even used laser beam to get the bearings right.. :jawdrop:


The sifu who helped corrected my flooring is the one seen here checking his hp. Even insisted on redrilling the hooks in my paintings so that the hooks could not be seen when hung up :good:


Even using the steel block to ensure the paintings are straight.. :good:


This is the end product with my unwrapped sofa. What do you think??


heyo mind sharing where you get your dining table ma? and how much! thanks!

Edited by Takaishi

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Hi ice age,

Really love reading your posts and seeing how your home being transformed! And totally love your kitchen! That Blum system is gem! Just a quick question, was your main door painted to black or did you purchase a new main door? It's really seldom that I see a black main door. Hope to see your updates about your home soon!


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Hi OceanEleven,

All my kitchen appliances are from Teka but I got them from Teka Malaysia when they were having a home fair and they were all on 30% discount. So far no major issues with the exception of the hob, as I just written in reply to Songz mail. Will pm you the price in awhile

hi! i love your home! :D can i also ask the price of the oven & microwave? how is it so far? :)

also, how is your kompactop holding up with regular cooking? we're also considering using it but just worried about the maintenance :/


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Hi IceAge,

Will you comfortable to send your quote, as a newbie in reno I like compare and learn more about the coming quotation I will face to avoid my chances to become a robert head(kanna chop)?

Thanks you in advance :)

Your sincerely,



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