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Which Matress Is Good

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Anyone heard b4 the brand Severus? Its selling at the furniture mall at level 3 i think. I have tried it and its comfy. They guy quote me abt $2600 with king size and storage bedframe.Any feedbacks will be appreciated!

What abt Maxcoil? Have you guys tried sleeping on the Royal supreme? How much is the king size for this?


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just try as many as possible and then drill down to the one that matches your budget will do.

otherwise, do your homework b4 hand, eg, any special requirement like FIR/negative ion etc?


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Anyone been to a shop call mattress atrium in furniture mall? I can't remember the brand of the mattress they r selling. Anyone knows? something like serv.....


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bought liao then we paiseh to comment liao lah. dun tell me you're going to throw it away if we all say it's bad?

wow, $400, good price actually! But latex = shoik in aircon room....HOT in normal room temperature....

Edited by tingshen

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Anyone bought - Oasis Matress. I asked the sales guy, he said it's imported from UK. using a latex from UK.

I tried it, it's nice, it's cheap, it's not bad... so I bought it for $400 - Queen size. Model is Tropica - Oasis


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elchwong, we will be trying seahorse during the weekend. Based on the auntie who served me in Slumberland Gallery just now, foam is considered chemicals, that's why it's hotter than latex (but latex is also HOT too!)

Initially I went to Slumberland there trying to find out the exact price for Royal Emerald(Harvey Norman $1799 after discounts, Malaysia $1300 before discounts). To my surprise, they quote me cheaper than Malaysia price($1290 before 15% discounts if dun want bedframe)! That means, Harvey Norman is marking ADDITIONAL 39% from the suggested retail price list. So guys, beware, dun fall into Harvey Norman's trick! Even this showroom do accept credit cards, no GST even after July and still provide all the freegifts you can get, why? coz others get supply from them one! :D

They do not have the Emerald model on display so I tried out other similar models, then I saw this "bio-ceramic" thingy. After some detailed findings, it's actually Far Infra-red Ray. I have been sleeping on such thing and I know how cool it is. Just put your one of your palms on it and the other palm on the other mattress, then see how your palms change in size! hehe...

OK, the FIR is not the important part, I further found out Emerald is using 1200 springs only. the higher end models are using 1600 springs and some 3200 springs! So far I find that 1600 springs model suits me most, with the cotton + lamb wool plush on top, it suits my girl as a side sleeper, very firm yet very comfortable. 3200 springs gives me the "sink in" feeling, but i believe some of you would love it coz it's very comfortable (but you may encounter backache.....), and it's the most expensive range.

The auntie gives me 15% discounts for taking away the bedframe, so it ends up about $17xx which is even cheaper than harvey norman for the lower range mattress like Emerald. The best part? no GST, no hidden cost, free delivery, and DBS card can pay up to 24 months!

Just my short review b4 trying seahorse, dun go blindly for the brand, dun go for cheapest range for those big brands, you will regret! Please get all the specifications right and try it yourself. things like how many springs, what's the materials of the plush top, additional protections or chemical treatments etc then you start sourcing for the best price dealer.

I also tried out the 3200 springs with latex plush top, this is my feeling: If you do not on any aircon, latex & memory foam will give you warmer or HOT feeling. Cotton will actually give you cooler feelling. But if you turn on aircon, it will be reverse, meaning Cotton will give you a bit warm feeling, i think this is quite important depends on your taste. Most probably we will go for the cotton and wool plush top model + 1600 springs from Slumberland, coz we got no $$$ to burn for aircon everyday lol......

Edited by tingshen

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tingshen...comment here after trying Seahorse beds k...their beds r really affordale compared to Sealy, Simmons & Sertas...if I'm to get a bed fr any of these 3 'S' I gotta get the cheaper range but if I were to get fr Seahorse I dun have to tink n jus get the highest range...


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going to try out seahorse diff types of foam mattresses.....heard it's super value for money, but really far "below" our budget lol!

water bed, heard the technology is so much better than last time, but I am afraid of rheumatism leh. but I know if I can use diamond water for water bed, it will emit negative ion :P

Edited by tingshen

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okay, negative ion, far infra red ray, and some magnetic related products are basically changing the magnetic field around you. I think if you search along the magnetic fields or electromagnetic area, you should be able to find out why pregnant women and cancer patients are not recommended to use such product INTENSIVELY.....oh yah, children too!:dancingqueen: I think mainly because these people are not in "stabilize mode" and their health could be easily affected by the magnetic or electromagnetic fields around them. One of the reason why you shall not stay near the power generating room too....

some article I managed to google around.....you go read yourself lah okay?



Another product - Himalayan salt that emits negative ions (look at the final fine print)


Acutouch theraphy - another thing related to negative ion


as for the degrading effect, I can challenge them by using measuring tool u know? Are you sure they give you black and white that it won't degrades?

Remember, too much of anything will have reverse effect/impact. That's why you shall take things moderately. 物极必反.....

Edited by tingshen

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huh? you bought liao ah?

Now I recalled, the negative ion and far infra red thingy I bought sometime ago has this line: "Please consult doctor for pregnant women and cancer patients before using."

from the articles you found, did they specifically mentioned pregnant women or cancer patients? Or they simply skip these 2 groups of people? It has healing effect for sure, but for these 2 groups of people, it may be a different story.

I will get more info for you, now me at Taipei attending Computex lah, just arrived only, give me a bit of time okay?

Edited by tingshen

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Well, it will always be there, but all RADIOACTIVE items have half-life. So it will be degrading as time goes by. You shall ask the salesperson to write black in white if it degrades....he shall refund you in FULL! (under his/her name + the manufacturer/distributor name)

The fibre thing is nothing new. More than 10 years ago already got people selling things like that in stockings, T-shirt or even lingeries...If you have contact with these fibre(or any thing that EMITS negative ion), your body will grow BIGGER/LONGER temporary as the cell is in relaxed stage.

Why is it not advisable for pregnant women and cancer patient? I can't recall, but ethical manufacturers usually will put this clause one. I can find the info for you later :P

I am not a doctor nor scientist, but you shall be able to google them from the internet :P I still think Jade-based mattress could be better....Fibre actually went through a chemical process before they put it in the product.

hi just thought it might be useful for everyout there ...

have been tryign to search for bad effects of negative ions but have found non.....

not sure if you have recalled wrongly and confused it with positive ions.

according the what I have gathered, negative ions are good for health and are meant to neutralise the positive ions surrounding us emitted from sources like TV, computers etc

negative ions seem to be in fact good for prevention of cancer which is caused by positive ions..

check out this extract:

The human body consists of billions of cells, and each is enclosed by a cell wall. This cell wall performs many important roles, and one of these is to absorb nutrition and eliminate waste material. The function of the entire cell (including the cell wall) can be normalized, if there are enough Negative Ions within the cell and Negative Ions outside the cell.

The reverse holds true if there is a lack of Negative Ions, and too many Positive Ions within a cell. Thus, absorption of nutrition and elimination of waste material cannot be done effectively. As a result adult diseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cerebral apoplexy, and cancer occur. Negative Ions accelerate the oxidative degradation of serotonin whereas Positive Ions have the opposite action and inactivate the enzymes that break down serotonin. An increase in serotonin level produces tachycardia, rise in blood pressure, bronchial spasm going as far as asthma attack, increased intestinal peristalsis (contractions and dilations of the intestines to move the contents onwards), increased sensitivity to pain, increased aggression. A decrease in the serotonin level is calming and increases defenses against infection (as proven with influenza- the flu). Negative Ions produce an increase in hemoglobin/oxygen affinity so that the partial oxygen pressure in the blood rises but the partial dioxide pressure decreases.

Link is :http://luxuryhealthsciences.com/index.php?go=Research.Negative-Ions&PHPSESSID=3d9e90d9ed366320917c8f47e1eebd65

also stated here negative ions can to treat certain illness. 1 of which is cancer

Again, lack of negative ions and excessive positive ions cause illness. Negative ions can be used to treat illness and improve health.

1. Arthritis symptoms, hands, feet, knees, neck, symptoms may come and go, positive ions.

2. Joint disease, positive ions.

3. High blood pressure, positive ions.

4. Cancer, conditions set up by positive ions.

5. Sinusitis, positive ions.

6. Pulmonary tuberculosis, positive ions.

7. Peripheral neuritis. diseases of the peripheral nervous system, positive ions.

8. Stress symptoms, positive ions.

9. Negative ions can help kill bacteria and viruses. Positive ions encourage.

10. Mental instability, psychosis, mania, rage, clouded thinking with positive ions.

11. Pulmonary emphysema, positive ions.

12. Pneumonia, laryngitis, positive ions.

13. Dry hacking cough, positive ions.

14. Respiratory illness, positive ions.

15. Allergies / hay fever, positive ions.

16. Depression, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, mania, positive ions.

17. Nausea, general malaise, positive ions.

18. Road rage, anger, shooting rage, positive ions.

19. Asthma, positive ions.

20. Negative ions are as necessary as water and air to humans, animals and soil.

Our body systems will not adequately function without negative ions. Negative ions promote healing and good health to the total body and are utilized by all body systems

Link is : http://ion_effects.tripod.com/

cant seem to find any article of negative ions and the correlation with pregnancy........

tingshen pls confirm... thanks a lot ! :sport-smiley-004:


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