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How Fs Master Works On Site.

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Like what you said, there's no right or wrong.

You kidding me? Asking me this question? You should be asking a feng shui master instead!

Whether bazi is necessary or not I won't know. I'm here to hear from people who have feng shui knowledge to share

Above shows one's 'style' responding to situation.

Open questions I asked relate to what THEY discussed. Intended for those who 'know' these 'answers', provided they are willing to share.

To be frank, I have no 'answers' after these question marks.

M claims not necessary, I tend to support his claim with arguments.

In other words, I challenge these theories. And express my views (at least). No more and no less.

Claim vs argument

Duty vs demand

Responsibility vs wilful omission

Don't understand?

These theories exist in form of 'claims", there leave rooms for 'argument' to be developed. As these claims are not truth in nature. Will sun rise from the east tmr ?Yes! This is truth.

Once expressed certain views thus formed 'duty' to be responsible to, you exercise your 'demand' asking M giving real life examples. Did he perform his 'duty' to the demand, I think yes. But seem you couldn't comprehend. An employee in a organisation has 'duty' to blow whistle against all 'wrong practices' that harmful to the public. This gives public the demand power against organisation for explanation and correction. NKF is an example.

Some forumers established 'responsibility' , but choosen 'run away', this is called 'wilful omission'. A finance manager is responsible for crediting CPF into colleagues accounts but in a particular month he/she 'forgets'. The 'forget' is wilful omission'.

You are the 'public' relationship.

A good public does not 'jump the gun' and make 'invalid assumptions' which could cause harms to the players.

Players have demands asking you to 'pay' for it.


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Take on = deliberately 'crossed'= established some kind of relationship in time and space, with certain extend of YY (style of writing), no more no less. We 'move on' (life), at times, in 'parallel mode' with 'things' around us, at times, we 'cross' ourselves with these things, intentionally and unintentionally, thus created series of 'events' that mankind called history.

Youngs and olds 'cross' with 'things' here and there every moment in life, while 'on the earth'. Remember, a dead body under soil, 'cross' with environment, their 'spirits' (teachings) also 'cross' (influence) those alive!. The 'crossing' makes a 'relationship' to certain extend.

Children, are in DEPENDENCE stage - they can't make living on their, have to depend on.....for survival.

Working adults, are in INDEPENDENCE stage - can make living on own.

However, life by nature, is INTERDEPENDENT. We 'cross' here and there! We, depend on each. The 'degree of mutual understanding' makes a 'team', or 'group'.

M has 'show hand' his 'basics' - space, time, YY.....in a broad sense. Fantastic! Time/space/YY are 天时/ 地利/人合..

I come to this world in this 'space' - Earth/Singapore, at this time-'1964'. I'm a 'Yang'(man), but could be a 'Yin' at times.

'Things and social constructs' - in tangible or intangible forms happenings on this earth, appear in a space/time/YY context/manner.

When they 'cross' and produce favourable result is called 吉, otherwise is 凶.

YY is the 'approach' or style' that a person chooses to react in a particular situation. Flip the table (confrontation,Yang), nice talk(Yin), many many, to be frank not easy to differentiate.....etc. The basic concept is to blend the style to the situation in reaching 'equillibium'. Say is easy than done.

'Halo' effect (Edward, 1920) 'kills' many people. See things with own colored len, 'selective' reading/listening/hearing/reasoning......To simplify, halo effect results in mankind making such 'negative' behavioural result - 'jumping the gun', and 'make invalid assumptions'. This kills. Businesses failed, family quarrel,......

Remember what I said earlier on? "I won't punish (as I hold no such power) u from holding different opinions with me, but the laws of nature (power!, where it come from?) will 'punish' (refer to negative, in case u don't get) on 'wrong' decisions. The laws reward (positive) 'right' decisions. That is why M said 顺 与 逆. 顺 与 逆 what ? The laws of nature!

They were, in simplicity, talked about DOB, cycles of 'things' - building, human...... I read.

You reason a lot but end of the day is how you and I perceive things. As a layman, I come here for some good examples or tips of feng shui that I can use. I'm not here to hear loads of chinese songs that yin is yang and yang is yin etc. I base on simple intuition that if two or more who knows feng shui agrees on a topic, I should be able to look into it or even question a feng shui master when in due time. I came across this forumer who put the topic "How FS master works onsite". Wow, to me I thought someone who writes this should be knowledgeable. Unfortunately, to my dismay whatever feng shui this person learnt, talks about the effects of shoes at the front door and leaking in the centre toilet ALL WRONG because in real life, its utterly nonsense. Another forumer stepped in and gave his comments. Then goes the unanswered questions and challenges. Frankly, I'm not very interested of who can answer and who cannot. All the time, I'm left a bystander. Am I the "public". Definitely yes. Do I have the right to participate my comments? Yes, just look at the title of the topic again. I don't have to 'pay' anything.

You said that you are supportive of one forumer's "basics" base on arguments. But what do you base yours on? Logic? Personal experience?

Neither am I here to listen nor to be impress by a person's rationalisation. Halo effect may according to your perception "kills many people". The fact is Halo effect also saved a lot of people. Bias in impressions or evaluations also safely bond people in a safety zone. To expound further would deem me to be another worth criticisms.


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Above shows one's 'style' responding to situation.

Open questions I asked relate to what THEY discussed. Intended for those who 'know' these 'answers', provided they are willing to share.

To be frank, I have no 'answers' after these question marks

.Likewise, the above shows one's way of writing questions.

Claim vs argument

Duty vs demand

Responsibility vs wilful omission

Don't understand?


Once expressed certain views thus formed 'duty' to be responsible to, you exercise your 'demand' asking M giving real life examples. Did he perform his 'duty' to the demand, I think yes. But seem you couldn't comprehend. An employee in a organisation has 'duty' to blow whistle against all 'wrong practices' that harmful to the public. This gives public the demand power against organisation for explanation and correction. NKF is an example.

As I said, I don't think all the post has been followed closely by you. Maybe some things which is obvious to me is not to another. Some chinese "lyrics"as been posted out but unable to explain. Some terms has been used but kept making vague assumptions. Stove positionings star position has been tabulated but has been criticised as wrong. All the time I was reading a forumer asking the other to explain but (even though my chinese is lowly in standard) so many times I see a willful display of attitude. At one stage, the reply was kept writing "kwun". The writer's proficiency in English is unquestionable. If you want to support the 'beating around the bush' by another is solely up to you. While putting everything under the governing of yin and yang or so to speak "equilibrium" pose nothing wrong, what's reproval was nothing expandable or exhortatory for a layman.

My view is simple: Don't write anything in public where no one understand or don't know how to use. One can brag and kick off any kind of profound, impressive introduction but if its not followed by readable information, it can all sum up as trash or an attempt to masquerade one's true knowledge or possibly an arrogant braggart.

Do I really don't comprehend? You seem to "jump the gun" too.


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actually the whole issue is fs has theories and do not know how to explain in layman terms which adds to confusion to the thread.

Even in the court of law, I remembered a chief justice said to lawyers : please use simple English so people can understand and implications and understand the meanings.


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.Likewise, the above shows one's way of writing questions.


As I said, I don't think all the post has been followed closely by you. Maybe some things which is obvious to me is not to another. Some chinese "lyrics"as been posted out but unable to explain. Some terms has been used but kept making vague assumptions. Stove positionings star position has been tabulated but has been criticised as wrong. All the time I was reading a forumer asking the other to explain but (even though my chinese is lowly in standard) so many times I see a willful display of attitude. At one stage, the reply was kept writing "kwun". The writer's proficiency in English is unquestionable. If you want to support the 'beating around the bush' by another is solely up to you. While putting everything under the governing of yin and yang or so to speak "equilibrium" pose nothing wrong, what's reproval was nothing expandable or exhortatory for a layman.

My view is simple: Don't write anything in public where no one understand or don't know how to use. One can brag and kick off any kind of profound, impressive introduction but if its not followed by readable information, it can all sum up as trash or an attempt to masquerade one's true knowledge or possibly an arrogant braggart.

Do I really don't comprehend? You seem to "jump the gun" too.

My principle in 'cyber web':

To share not to nominate.

To conclude not to teach.


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