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What is basic ?

That's a strange question. Basing on you and kcwee conversation, it seems that you didn't know those that he claimed as "basics". Tidakboleh also corrected you. My point is like this, if you don't know what they claim as basics, then how correct can your writing be? Maybe you want to elaborate more.


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Yes, you should use real story, good or bad, to illustrate FS.

My apology, but I found the listing of a classical FS text or extract, and then trying to interprete what it meant, without an illustration is dry.

After some stories, I may just contribute a story, a puzzle that intrigued me, although I don't know if it has anything to do with FS.


Yes, that's right. Whatever said is best illustrated with an example or story. Then we layman can understand better.


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Yes, that's right. Whatever said is best illustrated with an example or story. Then we layman can understand better.

I can recommend you a book......堪虞道.


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That's a strange question. Basing on you and kcwee conversation, it seems that you didn't know those that he claimed as "basics". Tidakboleh also corrected you. My point is like this, if you don't know what they claim as basics, then how correct can your writing be? Maybe you want to elaborate more.

My basic is time and space, yin and yang, 顺 与 逆。


Edited by midasls

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Have spent some resources on Chinese calendar studying.

I see u up. "属鼠的人,择亥时行事最佳", 'worry' me.

Such indifferent suggesting that this 'category of people' best suit mid-night, early morning related 'activities'

U know, in Vietnam, this 'Rat' had been replaced with 'Cat'.

Cat's 'best timing' for activities also at nights - to catch rats!

So, BEST that Chinese rat ppls don't meet a Vietnamese Cat ppls!

Think! WHAT have been wrong 'assigning human' DOB (year pillar only!)to animals, and 'things' get interpreted in the 'animal world or language'.

In the 无浩 universe - time and space, we 'cross' with each at 'some point' in some space and time.

The 'meeting' is not an accident, but 'pre-arranged'. That makes me think there is God.

I treasure all such pre-arranged meetings (relationships), these are in fact 'rare', if we 'look up'.

He who 'look down' sees only things around him/her, often surround by asking 'what am I related to you'?

Back to the 'point'. 亥时 is the result of development and measurement of 'time concept' by mankind, within a day, in a 2-hr interval manner.

Different mankind, living on the 'same earth', have each developed their own measurement of 'time concept'.


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I came across your this post, it seems to backfire on you. Your explanation or no explanation left me as a reader still wondering!!

Take u on. I tend to 'sing the same song' with M on bazi has nothing to do with FS.....M did explain abt the street, day and night, ying and yang. Things are very dynamics. One's strength at a particular situation could be a 'killing weakness' in another.

Again, merely expressing view, no point jumping the gun on right and wrong.

I won't 'punish' u for holding different opinions with me, however, if u don't understand what yr opinions are and practice them...then the laws of nature will act on such practice, you, me and him. No more no less, time & space (at times, we call 'history') will tell.

Whether a person, a house, a place, a country-their fate (ups and downs) could be explained in FS perspective. 'Masters' do that.

Masters seem using 'micro' perspectives (ones' bazi, face, bone...etc) in 'predicting' ones' fate with environment (eg, house). Are these 'real', events/activities-correlated?

To me, I tend taking such 'micro' perspectives as 'internal-related factors'. We, mankind, have to deal with 'outside world' which are very dynamic in nature. Change internal to suit the external. The internal is so fragile, can't take on the external, unless go to top of hills or into jungles, and be independent, self-provision. Yet, such still depend on mercy of God, the weather, natural disasters and so on.

Example: Like a legal entity(say city development limited) in a related industry - property development, hospitality, rentals and others. He has to fight with 'external world' - Far East, Keppel Land, Capital Land, Wing Tai, Sim Lian and so on. Even go globalisation in 28 countries now! For ? Survival, growth, competition!

What is the 'bazi' for CDL? The board of directors? Its effectiveness and efficiency? Its employees? CDL has to change, change and change for the sick of survival, growth and competition. These are the ultimate 'intends' or purpose of FS.

Example: A country like Singapore, what is its 'DOB' or 'bazi'? The parliament? The laws? The people? The 'merlion'? The 'bridges'? The 'wheel', The MRT, The Coin?

What has its 'bazi'( 9th the Aug in 1965?) got to do with its performance in the global?

Edited by bepgof

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Yes, that's right. Whatever said is best illustrated with an example or story. Then we layman can understand better.

Precise. We need to 'map' theories/theorem/models with real world otherwise just academic - having war on paper.

Experience tells theories/theorem/models themselves can't hold 'true' by itself, we need to 'blend' them. This is a very challenging task we face.

If you have a real particular situation, i'm willing ('able' or not is another issue) to express opinion for reference.


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Take u on. I tend to 'sing the same song' with M on bazi has nothing to do with FS.....M did explain abt the street, day and night, ying and yang. Things are very dynamics. One's strength at a particular situation could be a 'killing weakness' in another.

Again, merely expressing view, no point jumping the gun on right and wrong.

I won't 'punish' u for holding different opinions with me, however, if u don't understand what yr opinions are and practice them...then the laws of nature will act on such practice, you, me and him. No more no less, time & space (at times, we call 'history') will tell.

Whether a person, a house, a place, a country-their fate (ups and downs) could be explained in FS perspective. 'Masters' do that.

Masters seem using 'micro' perspectives (ones' bazi, face, bone...etc) in 'predicting' ones' fate with environment (eg, house). Are these 'real', events/activities-correlated?

To me, I tend taking such 'micro' perspectives as 'internal-related factors'. We, mankind, have to deal with 'outside world' which are very dynamic in nature. Change internal to suit the external. The internal is so fragile, can't take on the external, unless go to top of hills or into jungles, and be independent, self-provision. Yet, such still depend on mercy of God, the weather, natural disasters and so on.

Example: Like a legal entity(say city development limited) in a related industry - property development, hospitality, rentals and others. He has to fight with 'external world' - Far East, Keppel Land, Capital Land, Wing Tai, Sim Lian and so on. Even go globalisation in 28 countries now! For ? Survival, growth, competition!

What is the 'bazi' for CDL? The board of directors? Its effectiveness and efficiency? Its employees? CDL has to change, change and change for the sick of survival, growth and competition. These are the ultimate 'intends' or purpose of FS.

Example: A country like Singapore, what is its 'DOB' or 'bazi'? The parliament? The laws? The people? The 'merlion'? The 'bridges'? The 'wheel', The MRT, The Coin?

What has its 'bazi'( 9th the Aug in 1965?) got to do with its performance in the global?


Don't say country, at home our walk path start where end where also headache......where is where also another headache, in FS its call 分宫。There are a big picture among all the smaller pictures. Still I must say get the theory right first before starting practical......if not mean anyhow blindly do.

Edited by midasls

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I can recommend you a book......堪虞道.

If I have the time to read a book and have the time to understand, I won't be asking questions here. Appreciate if you can say something that make sense.


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Take u on. I tend to 'sing the same song' with M on bazi has nothing to do with FS.....M did explain abt the street, day and night, ying and yang. Things are very dynamics. One's strength at a particular situation could be a 'killing weakness' in another.

Take me on? For what? Sound a bit childish to me. I wonder if you have followed the thread thoroughly.

You are referring to this that I said to Midasls?

The5Cs, on 21 Aug 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:snapback.png

I came across your this post, it seems to backfire on you. Your explanation or no explanation left me as a reader still wondering!!

The5Cs, on 13 Sept 2013 - 10:42 AM, said:snapback.png

That's a strange question. Basing on you and kcwee conversation, it seems that you didn't know those that he claimed as "basics". Tidakboleh also corrected you. My point is like this, if you don't know what they claim as basics, then how correct can your writing be? Maybe you want to elaborate more.

Midasls replied

My basic is time and space, yin and yang, 顺 与 逆。



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With regards to the above, look, I'm English educated. If I can read all those bombastic chinese characters, I would be visiting chinese forums. I don't mind posters writing in chinese but at least follow through with an English translation. I'm not sure if these posters are hard of hearing or what. Moreover, most the the time questions are left unanswered


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Again, merely expressing view, no point jumping the gun on right and wrong.

Like what you said, there's no right or wrong.

What is the 'bazi' for CDL? The board of directors? Its effectiveness and efficiency? Its employees

You kidding me? Asking me this question? You should be asking a feng shui master instead!

Whether bazi is necessary or not I won't know. I'm here to hear from people who have feng shui knowledge to share


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Take on = deliberately 'crossed'= established some kind of relationship in time and space, with certain extend of YY (style of writing), no more no less. We 'move on' (life), at times, in 'parallel mode' with 'things' around us, at times, we 'cross' ourselves with these things, intentionally and unintentionally, thus created series of 'events' that mankind called history.

Youngs and olds 'cross' with 'things' here and there every moment in life, while 'on the earth'. Remember, a dead body under soil, 'cross' with environment, their 'spirits' (teachings) also 'cross' (influence) those alive!. The 'crossing' makes a 'relationship' to certain extend.

Children, are in DEPENDENCE stage - they can't make living on their, have to depend on.....for survival.

Working adults, are in INDEPENDENCE stage - can make living on own.

However, life by nature, is INTERDEPENDENT. We 'cross' here and there! We, depend on each. The 'degree of mutual understanding' makes a 'team', or 'group'.

M has 'show hand' his 'basics' - space, time, YY.....in a broad sense. Fantastic! Time/space/YY are 天时/ 地利/人合..

I come to this world in this 'space' - Earth/Singapore, at this time-'1964'. I'm a 'Yang'(man), but could be a 'Yin' at times.

'Things and social constructs' - in tangible or intangible forms happenings on this earth, appear in a space/time/YY context/manner.

When they 'cross' and produce favourable result is called 吉, otherwise is 凶.

YY is the 'approach' or style' that a person chooses to react in a particular situation. Flip the table (confrontation,Yang), nice talk(Yin), many many, to be frank not easy to differentiate.....etc. The basic concept is to blend the style to the situation in reaching 'equillibium'. Say is easy than done.

'Halo' effect (Edward, 1920) 'kills' many people. See things with own colored len, 'selective' reading/listening/hearing/reasoning......To simplify, halo effect results in mankind making such 'negative' behavioural result - 'jumping the gun', and 'make invalid assumptions'. This kills. Businesses failed, family quarrel,......

Remember what I said earlier on? "I won't punish (as I hold no such power) u from holding different opinions with me, but the laws of nature (power!, where it come from?) will 'punish' (refer to negative, in case u don't get) on 'wrong' decisions. The laws reward (positive) 'right' decisions. That is why M said 顺 与 逆. 顺 与 逆 what ? The laws of nature!

They were, in simplicity, talked about DOB, cycles of 'things' - building, human...... I read.


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