dominicong 0 Report post Posted July 21, 2011 Hi all, I would recommend Sebastian from JAE electrical & renovation. He's is one of the recommended electrician here i guess.Got my 4 room flat re-wired by him. At first, i have been sourcing for Mr Ong, Ah Keong or Mr Quek's to do my house but cant get them, guess they r busy. Then happen to see Sebastian's number here so give it a try. Well, all i can say is he is really very responsive and nice young guy. i called him to ask for his unit price, he just says he would come over to my unit to take a look and give me a rough quote for free. Of course i accepted. Guess he's the few contractors i've seen to be always be on time for meeting. when i reach my unit from work, he's already standing outside. Although he is young (27 yr old) but he is quite experience. he would come into my unit asking what i need and my requirements and then he will start to give me advise on what to do and what not. Well, before Sebastian, i've called up an electrican also from here to come to quote but he only ask me what i want, and thats all. ok. After seeing my unit, he quickly give me a price range and say he'll go back and sent me a quote by that night (he left my unit at around 9.30pm). So i waited, and he really did sent me the quote, at 10.30 plus. well he is responsive. He have been very patiant with me and my wife as we went around checking the price. after 2 meeting at site to confirm everything, we signed the agreement with him.They started work soon after my id gives the go. Well at the start i am afraid that my id might not get along with him as he is my external contactor. but guess Sebastian blends in well. what i cannot imagine is, he (The boss of the company) leading his team of 3, do up my electrical wiring 3 days. i even ask him why he have to do the job himself. he says he always likes to work together with his worker and he will do whatever his worker is doing. (Bonding)... Hard working guy, can even skips his lunch just to complete the jobs he's on. Seriously, UPS for him !!!Once the renovation is about to complete, my id called him to come to do all the lighting installation, guess what? he came with just one worker and completed the job in one day!!! Ok my renovation ended about 2 weeks already, so far, i'm really satisfy with everything and also no to mention, the good workmanship, service and attitude from Sebastian.Hope that my testimonal helps to all. Cheers!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rainel 0 Report post Posted August 2, 2011 (edited) please DO NOT contact Francis at 90078810!!! He is ridiculous....made an appointment with me forgotten about it. Said sorry over the fone and hang up immediately before i can even response. Edited August 2, 2011 by rainel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonYap121 0 Report post Posted August 2, 2011 Hello everyone, first i wants to thanks the fellow forumers to recommend Sebastian from JAE electrical & renovation.I've got my 5 room flat rewired by them. i must really comment on his works. they are right. Sebastian service and attitude is really very good. They are really fast and experience. As mention earlier by forumer, Sebastian is really responsive and always on time for meetings. He really will be at site to works together with his workers. Really hardworking guy. Workmanship is good, light fitting with lasers. Really thankful to Sebastian, to get my house done up beautifully. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tinsel 1 Report post Posted August 17, 2011 i recommended an electrician in an earlier post. recently, my husband engaged him to fit a few exhaust fans. he did a very good job and the pricing was very reasonable.please call him (william 91501952) if you need a quote.i dare say you won't be disappointed with his work. he did the wiring for all the places my husband and i have lived in, and we've never been disappointed. try it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danj 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 hi everyone, can someone pm me Mr Quek, Mr Keong and Mr Ong hp as well.thanks in advance! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kimotherapy 0 Report post Posted August 26, 2011 Think twice about asking Sebastian to do your home electrical.I have a not so pleasant experience dealing with him.Though his work is fast, but not so sure about his project management skills and time management.PM me if you need more detail about my bad experience. I do not wish to post it here.ThanksCheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
488A 0 Report post Posted September 1, 2011 Hi,Very new to renovation. Anyone knows whether is it mandatory or a need to rewire the electricals in your flat? Anyone care to share with me? Bought a resale unit with good conditions. Wondering if there is a need for me to rewire... ThanksRegards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigbag 1 Report post Posted September 1, 2011 Hi!I am doing alot of hacking works to my 5-room resale of 15yr old, including changing layout of kitchen.My contractor quoted lump sum $3.5k for rewiring whole unit:12 x Dbl socket pt06 x Sgl Socket pt03 x SCV pt01 x Aircon pt16 x Lbox/ Cove light ptnew lighting pt for all rooms including kitchen, balcony etc.New D/B BoxHeater ptDesigner Switcher (?? - I wonder what it is)Is this reasonable? Any advice on things to look out for pls? I noticed there is 15 or 20Amp difference in terms of Aircon point. Appreciate all advice! Thanks in advance! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KLENE 0 Report post Posted September 2, 2011 We just did our reno for our resale 5room flat. We had different contractors for each job, all managed by my husband. We changed EVERYTHING except the pipes. Among the contractors - for electrical works, you may contact Mr Low 96183695.He is super nice. I have since recommended him to 2 other friends. No complain. He even became the main con for 1 of my friends. This uncle even gave us a FREE door bell which excites our dog mroe than it should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasmineTan82 0 Report post Posted September 2, 2011 Well, Just had our 4 room flat rewired by Sebastian. He've just handed over our unit 1 week ago, was really satisfied with his works. Allthe very small details was checked personnally by himself. Great attitude towards work. Seriously hardworking guy. Can only say that he isreally a perfectionist. All the details on fixing switches, sockets, lightings and fans, he will mark the positions with his laser. Was reallyimpressed by the way he do his works and the speed. (He's really fast, do up our wiring in 1 day with only one worker with him and installation of lighting and other stuffs in 1 day!) Because of his speed, it makes my Id works easier and the whole project went smoothly. The workmanshipis just beautifully done all thanks to him, going around the house to check and touch up himself. Things to add, friendly and easy to chat guy,always willing to meet our request and he really knows his stuffs well, experience young guy (Seriously young!)I guess what's really good about sebastian is his attitude towards work and to us as customers. Not forgeting his efficiency and his perfectionstandards. Really glad to engaged him to do up our place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kixx 0 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 for me i got this guy call da xiong to settle my ele and ceiling and even plumber works. his price is so much cheaper then those quoted by my id. i got my id to help to arrange time with him. he is a 3 man show company. they do all things. even my id also said will maybe use them in the future cause their price is lower then his cost. *if use id be prepare to spend 20% more. thru da xiong the price can be so much cheaper, yet meet what the id is expecting, which givve me and my id no head pain.u can pm me if u want his contract. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasmineTan82 0 Report post Posted September 21, 2011 Hi to all, Just an update for Sebastian, He've changed his number to 9035 3559. As he've lost his previous phone. CheersSebastian @ 9035 3559 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GetFuzzy 0 Report post Posted September 24, 2011 I don't know if it's bad luck or what. Do electricians dislike giving quotations? Went through with 2 electricians and found ourselves chasing for quotations everyday. Each time we called/ sms, they say will email by end day but nothing. One said already emailed but our Inbox is empty every day. Another gave a lump sum quote and when we asked for detailed breakdown via email, there's nothing till now. Dragging and delaying our time day after day. So fustrated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yaolong 0 Report post Posted October 4, 2011 Get Sebastian? Cheers! On 9/24/2011 at 4:32 PM, GetFuzzy said: I don't know if it's bad luck or what. Do electricians dislike giving quotations? Went through with 2 electricians and found ourselves chasing for quotations everyday. Each time we called/ sms, they say will email by end day but nothing. One said already emailed but our Inbox is empty every day. Another gave a lump sum quote and when we asked for detailed breakdown via email, there's nothing till now. Dragging and delaying our time day after day. So fustrated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terencetcw 0 Report post Posted October 6, 2011 I was thinking they are afraid that ppl might bring their quotes around for comparison...Well...Sebastian is in my list hehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites