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Our Cosy Place In Sengkang :)

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was busy for the past weekend as it was finally time to move in :D

still haven't finish unpacking all stuffs, once everything is settled down will upload more pictures :)

Super happy finally our nest is completed :yamseng:


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Ceiling lights for all my bedrooms (I got the 18W one) : Link here


My toilet, bomb shelter lights: Link here


Hope it helps, all this help me save on quite a lot of $$ on lighting :D

hi.... I'm a newbie to LED, and i have a question on these LED lights that you purchase. I read from other blogs that a driver is needed, So does your purchase come with driver? Or the driver is purchased separately in Singapore??


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Hi, your LED downlight looks good! So far how's the reliability of your Tmall sourced LED downlight?

My ID planned 29 downlight for my new place! :~ It would have cost a bomb to get 12W LED downlight in Singapore. I walked into a shop and was quoted $136! :sport-smiley-018:

Thanks blue218, so far its quite good. Very satisfied with the brightness. I think star lighting have china made 12W LED downlight @$38 but no warranty .

Wow 29 downlights, you have a lot of Lbox design is it?

Congrats! Just in time before the 7th month; lucky...

Thanks Makanology, yeah luckily we are able to move in before the 7th month haha :D

i moved in too..... for the fun of it and before 7th month..... wa hoooo

Congrats drunkenchivas, yeah finally :yamseng:

congrates Easter...!!! Will join the crowd later coz will only move in after chinese 7th month :jammin:

thanks honeykitty, haha sure. Post more pictures of your completed house :)

hi.... I'm a newbie to LED, and i have a question on these LED lights that you purchase. I read from other blogs that a driver is needed, So does your purchase come with driver? Or the driver is purchased separately in Singapore??

Hi MonsterBeng, yes, driver is needed for LED lights, all the lights that I bought come with LED drivers. If you are using Peeka, you can ask the peeka person to check with seller first before you buy

are the downlight bright enough? from the pic it doesnt look that bright

Hi sim3, for me I think is bright enough for a 12W, but of course you may want to check with your ID on the watt and the number of downlight you need to ensure that the brightness is sufficient :)

Hi Easter,

Have register with Peeka. But where can I find those LED light for sale?

Thanks for help

Hi Sniper, you can refer to the links that I posted earlier, or what blue218 has re-posted :)

Hi Blue218,

Thanks. But I still confuse leh...Do I register from Peeka and then from their website to buy this light(where to find) or do I go to your link and buy then arrange Peeka to sent?

you click on new order and paste the link inside to buy, hmm but ensure you read the details of the light first before you buy, most importantly check with your ID again whether is 12W good and the quantity you need to buy, hope it helps :)


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12 w is very sufficient. its good for night blindness people like me who require more light then others.

in my living room i have 4 12 w led at the big living room wall. and 2 12w led at makan area. plus 1 at foyer. very satisfied with mine....

easter u move in liao? if so see when go visit lei...


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12 w is very sufficient. its good for night blindness people like me who require more light then others.

in my living room i have 4 12 w led at the big living room wall. and 2 12w led at makan area. plus 1 at foyer. very satisfied with mine....

easter u move in liao? if so see when go visit lei...

ya, 12W is already quite bright , haha good at least our taobao downlights is quite good :)

I moved in le, but no internet connection sibei chui haha... surviving on a mobile broadband dongle now till 28 aug for the fibre broadband installation :~

haha sure, but my house still in a mess, haven't really finish unpacking and sorting lol.

Maybe weekend can arrange to visit each other :D


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we have moved in for around 2 weeks le :D cleaning and unpacking our stuffs. Surviving without internet for this few weeks is a torture sia haha, occasionally using personal hotspot and mobile broadband to survive till 28 aug before our broadband is up.

Some pictures of our completed nest :) let the pictures do the talking


Living Room (TV area)


Dining Area


Kitchen side 1


Kitchen side 2


Study Room

Have come to the end of my renovation journey for our humble nest, I have learn a lot from you guys here. Happy to be able to contribute a tiny bit back to the community :)


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