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Greycat & Brownmse New Hme

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haha karate kicks somemore. I think better wear 1 piece swimsuit or else struggle with dog in water till "accidental exposure" ;)


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Compassvale: The trick is to hug fifi close to you when venturing into water like the sea or a pool. I read somewhere else in an old reader digest issue last time. Basically dogs are like babies which you will tend to take greater care until they can take care of themselves in the water if they take to it that is.

ohhhh good one - next time if got chance to swim with her - can try....

Harlow compassvale,

Shivering isit becuz fifi feel cold neh? U use warm water to bath her?

Yuki doesnt realli shiver when bathing but keep walking away, confirm dont like water.... :bow:

we always use warm water to bathe her - never cold. When I first took care of my other JRT (also Yuki), we bathed her using cold water and she caught a flu.. so after that we learnt our lesson. !!

So I am still trying to find out why Fifi shivers when bathing.. :D


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From past experience with dogs, I can say all do shiver when being showered.

Believe it has something to do with insulation & warmth that their furs provide in dry conditions. More like protecting them from heat loss compared to human beings kept warm by their body heat alone.


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Harlow Bunbun,

Not wearing swimsuit w Yuki la...I confirm wear Tshirt otherwise u will see scratches all over my body after dat, complete w paw prints blackblue.... :dribble::dribble:

Yuki baths in normal water oso ok cuz her bath is very chopchop affair :P And she doesnt even like the blowdrying after dat. I always haf to hug her to blowdry her double coats...headache. After dat is I flu, not she flu... :P


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Harlow Bunbun,

Not wearing swimsuit w Yuki la...I confirm wear Tshirt otherwise u will see scratches all over my body after dat, complete w paw prints blackblue.... :P:P

Yuki baths in normal water oso ok cuz her bath is very chopchop affair :P And she doesnt even like the blowdrying after dat. I always haf to hug her to blowdry her double coats...headache. After dat is I flu, not she flu... :P

:dribble: :dribble:

me always end up gettin totally wet after showering both donut n oreo ...

almost like having shower with them , just that me clothed ...not with fur :P

me do get flu too .. esp while blowdry donut's fur ..


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Harlow val...u smack smack ur doggies during blowdrying? I always haf to smack :help: Yuki butt abit so she can stay still. She's scared of the hairdryer sound I thk, so I fold dwn n cover her ears, haha :good:

But canot dont blowdry le...Yuki got double coat, I scared she catch a cold...


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i hv give up on blow drying my ger. she always threaten to pee if i go near her w the hairdryer. :furious: so i jus place her towel on the floor n she wipe herself.


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Hahaha, summer will want to walk away in the middle of showering but he will stay when either my hubby or I show him who's the boss commanding him to stay still. So far, lucky no issues with summer during bathtime & blowdrying. For my doggie cos i always coo & talk to it sweetly during its bathtime & blowdrying. She just sit there quietly with big eyes at me somemore :furious:

Oh ya Greycat & Ranval, bad news.At first thought we could make it for the gathering in april 'cos hubby got his schedule for his reservist which is for 2 weeks. But suddenly reservist schedule change last min :jawdrop: so cannot go for the outing.

Edited by BunBun

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i hv give up on blow drying my ger. she always threaten to pee if i go near her w the hairdryer. :dribble: so i jus place her towel on the floor n she wipe herself.

Harlow LLhome,

Wah ginger noe how to wipe herself? U mean as in she will roll on the towel? Dats smart!! :D

My Yuki will just keep shaking n water gets to her papa & mama near her.

Oh...peeing is threatening? I always thot its an expression of being scared. Cuz I smack smack Yuki so hard last 2 days, at 1 pt, she pee when I was smacking her....heartpain.... :)

I been letting her out since wkend so she gets to roam the whole hse when Im nt at hme or at nite oso. But since yest, she been misbehaving by doing her business n smearing it all over the out-of-bounds area (passageway). I :P reali hard n use featherduster to threaten her but still no use. She did it again lastnite when I was watching TV in mbr....in the end, haf to lock her up in her cage.

This is wer she did her biz....rite in front the the studyroom, lucky the room doors were closed. I oso cannot understand hw come she can smear it all over the tiles but her body n paws were all clean??? :)


Harlow Bunbun,

Wah ur summer is super guai!:yamseng: First time I hear got doggy guai guai let u bath wan...super! :P

I oso coo n talk to mine but she still walk away...haha :P

Ur hubby on reservist, how abt u come w summer? :notti:;)

Cant seem to meet u online cuz our timing totally opposite...i use computer in office daytime, u use at night....hee....


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Harlow LLhome,

Wah ginger noe how to wipe herself? U mean as in she will roll on the towel? Dats smart!! :P

My Yuki will just keep shaking n water gets to her papa & mama near her.

Oh...peeing is threatening? I always thot its an expression of being scared. Cuz I smack smack Yuki so hard last 2 days, at 1 pt, she pee when I was smacking her....heartpain.... :(

I been letting her out since wkend so she gets to roam the whole hse when Im nt at hme or at nite oso. But since yest, she been misbehaving by doing her business n smearing it all over the out-of-bounds area (passageway). I 8| reali hard n use featherduster to threaten her but still no use. She did it again lastnite when I was watching TV in mbr....in the end, haf to lock her up in her cage.

This is wer she did her biz....rite in front the the studyroom, lucky the room doors were closed. I oso cannot understand hw come she can smear it all over the tiles but her body n paws were all clean??? :(


Harlow Bunbun,

Wah ur summer is super guai!:notti: First time I hear got doggy guai guai let u bath wan...super! 8|

I oso coo n talk to mine but she still walk away...haha :(

Ur hubby on reservist, how abt u come w summer? :rofl::rofl:

Cant seem to meet u online cuz our timing totally opposite...i use computer in office daytime, u use at night....hee....

ginger so guai ... my boys will wet me and roll onto the floor ... never like the towel n hairdryer ...

erhmm... think yuki rubba her bum onto the walls leh ... when donut was super on heat , he did the same thing leh .. and makan the poo poo .... his glands used to get infection and swollen ... he would rubba his bum onto the floor or wall to get rid the itch or discomfort ...

Hahaha, summer will want to walk away in the middle of showering but he will stay when either my hubby or I show him who's the boss commanding him to stay still. So far, lucky no issues with summer during bathtime & blowdrying. For my doggie cos i always coo & talk to it sweetly during its bathtime & blowdrying. She just sit there quietly with big eyes at me somemore 8|

Oh ya Greycat & Ranval, bad news.At first thought we could make it for the gathering in april 'cos hubby got his schedule for his reservist which is for 2 weeks. But suddenly reservist schedule change last min :~ so cannot go for the outing.

me now bathe my boys using the basin .. haha donut seems to enjoy his spa treatment ... while oreo seems to be swimming ....

oh ... we still have BBQ gathering on 31Apr

at Compass Green where the whole SK gang is staying ,

( applefreak , compassvale, deathcoth , bluberi, gendon etc )

all the doggies will be there too ... open space for them to run like mad ...

and making all the mummies :rofl::P

busy ...


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Harlow Val....

Hmm....I dunno le..she doesnt seem to be on heat. No sign of swollen le....and her butt is super clean wan. Normally oni her paws get dirty cuz she step on it but I check, all clean clean, oni my floor smear like owe loanshark $$ :notti: Heng she neber smear walls yet....

The bbq include doggies? Will get bbq by deathcoth or not? :rofl::rofl:


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Harlow Val....

Hmm....I dunno le..she doesnt seem to be on heat. No sign of swollen le....and her butt is super clean wan. Normally oni her paws get dirty cuz she step on it but I check, all clean clean, oni my floor smear like owe loanshark $$ :notti: Heng she neber smear walls yet....

The bbq include doggies? Will get bbq by deathcoth or not? :rofl::rofl:

:P the making of another doggy artist wor ...

donut when he still a pup , he would use his poo to make artistic design wor ...

oh ... i din know deathcoth would do that ... :P:rofl:


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:rofl: the making of another doggy artist wor ...

donut when he still a pup , he would use his poo to make artistic design wor ...

oh ... i din know deathcoth would do that ... :P:notti:

At least ur donut is artist... :P

I make her sit beside me to watch me clean up....cuz all go into grouting leh....headache :drunk:


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At least ur donut is artist... :P

I make her sit beside me to watch me clean up....cuz all go into grouting leh....headache :drunk:

wah .. you so fierce wor ...

me scared liao ...

me need u to train oreo for me leh .. he so notti wor

i just mop finish the floor , went back to the studyroom for some spamming of renotalk ...

before i could notice, he went to pee onto the kitchen floor wor :notti::rofl:


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LOL Greycat, I wish I can use the net at my co just like what you're doing hurhur. But my co blocked everything!!

So no choice but to use at night instead. :) Hubby will be on reservist for 2 weeks & he wouldn't like me to go to a gathering on my own even with summer. He would worry 'cos first time meeting people I haven't even met, so have to wait for him to be off reservist & another outing to come up~

Actually I am very fierce to summer, Hubby more soft soft towards summer though he does smack summer at times. So even the slightest movement, I will scold summer then he very still during shower until he is let out.


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