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personalised entertainment? what kinda personalised entertainment do u mean?? :) heee.

or u mean a tv behind every chair? eh MAS also have leh. not just BA or SQ.. some taxis in singapore also have! heheheee.

i'm in no mood to work.. i'm flying to bkk this weekend... i'm in no mood to work... lalalalllaaa

Cathay also have... we just happened to compare SQ and quantas/BA only :P

haiz.....left europe/middleEAST/africa/aus/latinamerica no chance to go....

will buy MORE TOTO.... 8|

middle east :)

Aust still ok ...always on promo......it is the others that is a killer...the journey there can take day or days

so jiayu and buy more TOTO... :P


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middle east :)

so jiayu and buy more TOTO... :P

Israel(at least $6k each), Jordan(at least 6k each), even IRAN is on my wishing list.


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Israel(at least $6k each), Jordan(at least 6k each), even IRAN is on my wishing list.

jordan nice... but think i will enjoy their scenery via NGC :P


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my colleague flew to Spain last nite... sooo envy...

my parents tour to Japan confirmed... leaving next monday nite

dad just called me... the agency never inform them abt the briefing until he called them just now to discover that the briefing is this evening!! he's soooo pissed off by the service...

it wasnt like that when i signed up with them the other time... :)

i just sent an email to them for "feedback" :notti:


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jordan nice... but think i will enjoy their scenery via NGC :P

oh? you watched National geographic?

all those scenic places in Jordan... :notti::)


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my colleague flew to Spain last nite... sooo envy...

my parents tour to Japan confirmed... leaving next monday nite

dad just called me... the agency never inform them abt the briefing until he called them just now to discover that the briefing is this evening!! he's soooo pissed off by the service...

it wasnt like that when i signed up with them the other time... :(

i just sent an email to them for "feedback" :P

which agency :notti:

hmm...i neber attended any briefing before when i signed up for package tour :dunno:

oh? you watched National geographic?

all those scenic places in Jordan... :):P

:unsure: what's wrong with me watching those

NGC dun just show animal ok :notti:


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which agency :unsure:

hmm...i neber attended any briefing before when i signed up for package tour :P

:) what's wrong with me watching those

NGC dun just show animal ok :notti:

aiya...thought most young pple dont watch NGC mah.... :dunno:


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Israel(at least $6k each), Jordan(at least 6k each), even IRAN is on my wishing list.


har..u all wanna go there?

mace, maybe not 6k lah.. can save, coz only need to buy 1 way ticket :P:unsure:


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har..u all wanna go there?

mace, maybe not 6k lah.. can save, coz only need to buy 1 way ticket :P:unsure:

wakakaka.....turned into ghost can fly back without airticket hor....


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which agency :P

hmm...i neber attended any briefing before when i signed up for package tour :)

:notti: what's wrong with me watching those


they replied saying they had called my dad last saturday but he never answered the phone.

my dad has records for not hearing his HP ring...

but i had also included my HP number in their records just that they din call me...

nay... no good to quote the name agency... see if there's any more screw-ups on their trip... if no have then i release the name :unsure:


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notti Mace...

ahnah why those areas?

mist - understand ur feeling... hope u have a good time :P

zeny have a young and beautiful heart :)

fifi - which agency? need briefing meh?

envy.. want to go japan one day.. :unsure:


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ya... normally briefing a while only... just to tell u what u'll be doing there and what time to reach the airport

and most importantly, to pay the balance :notti:

i oso hope to go...

this is my dad's long time dream :)

last time kept working no $ no time to go

then when he retired mum still working cannot take leave go

now finally got chance since mum's quitting her job... told them to go for a short holiday before my sis gives birth coz mum need to babysit the baby

Edited by Fifi

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for a 8hrs flight...i rather go SQ despite the Quantas promotion....as mentioned before i dun like

bad services, no personalised entertainment :yamseng:

too many dream destination already :D eg bali, ***, male,

Cairo, christchurch etc lor :D

Noted. I try to let you when Promo comes up ... any particular airline ?

For ourself, anything more than 2-3 hours .. we will prefer a better airplane instead of LCC

ahnah why those areas?

har ? ?

Today Amoy Street Tai Pek Gong give number .8677


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Noted. I try to let you when Promo comes up ... any particular airline ?

For ourself, anything more than 2-3 hours .. we will prefer a better airplane instead of LCC

har ? ?

like wise...for longer flight must go for better airplane......


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