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Anyone knows if Poh Joo or Royal Fanco is opened on Vesak Day or Saturday & the opening hours if they do?

I doubt they are opened on Vesak Day, you can call them to find out (Poh Joo: 6292-3388; Royal Franco: 6299-0453).

If I'm not wrong, Royal Franco is open Monday-Friday till 8.30pm & Saturday-Sunday till 6.30pm.

Anyway better call to find out. :good:


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The process of opening Electrical/water account with SP Services is jus simply submitting the online Form, & attaching the picture of the IC, right? There should be no need to make an appointment to meet them?


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The process of opening Electrical/water account with SP Services is jus simply submitting the online Form, & attaching the picture of the IC, right? There should be no need to make an appointment to meet them?

Hi no need to meet them. If you are transferring the SP account, then it is quite straight forward and SP need not go to your place to switch the utilities on. That is if your seller hasn't already terminate his SP account totally. Otherwise SP has to meet you or your family member at your new place to switch the utilities on. Edited by Makanology

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Makan: Oh, I dont know if its switched off, let me ask them tomorrow.

Was at Poh Joo today, and they are having this anniversary sale til late Aug? Bathroom sinks seems cheaper than Hoe Kee's.

Prices of kitchen sinks vary widely and the sales people there couldnt answer my question on the thickness of the metal of the sink. Which I thought was abit weird. She only me the usual number they give customers is '304'.


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Oh dear sounds like a green sales staff. How about asking the supervisor? Google on your shortlisted brands & models?


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Took over keys from seller today. His reno did not go very well & he tried earlier to delay the handover date but we were firm.

Did a through inspection with contractor & found the aircon to not be in such a good condition :dunno: Decided to change it.. for a peace of mind!!

Any recommendations for 3 airconditioners?

Finalised some designs with the contractor, and also bought a kitchen sink & tap from Royal Fanco! Quite on impulse i think... but they seem to be the cheapest among the shops at that stretch (adamas/pohjoo..etc..) Found Uncle Henry to be very genuine, feels like a trust worthy person to buy from


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You were at Royal Fanco yesterday? So were we, around 3 ish. Their after sales support is awesome. We bought the wrong basins and he allowed us for a refund on that and helped us made phone calls and research to find alternatives to solve our problems. Henry & Lena are simply amazing!


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Yep! We were there only 530 tho.. wrongly parked too far down the road, that's how we found ALL the other sanitary ware shops while otw to royal fanco :)


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Most probably, we did some comparison for toilet basins & their's seem quite cheap too.. plus now they have that promo package.. did henry tell u about it?

Deciding on what type of aircon giving me headache now... plus i realised we're quite behind on wedding stuffs too.. haven chooose photog & duno if church will let me wear sleeveless gowns! :angry2:


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