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Is It Okay For Christian To Throw Ong Lai , Oranges And Scatter Salt And Rice

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Answer is no. It may look insignificant and harmless.

As long as u seek blessing other than frm God. It's not going to turn out what u want. Pm me if u want to know more.


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Answer is no. It may look insignificant and harmless.

As long as u seek blessing other than frm God. It's not going to turn out what u want. Pm me if u want to know more.

well ask your parents or your friend that is not christian to do it then


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Answer is no. It may look insignificant and harmless.

As long as u seek blessing other than frm God. It's not going to turn out what u want. Pm me if u want to know more.

Pineapples, oranges or apples are but innocent fruits.

At best, they symbolise all things auspicious.

Don't understand why Christians cannot perform this. Don't tell me Christians don't deserve harmony, good fortune and all things good?


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Answer is no. It may look insignificant and harmless.

As long as u seek blessing other than frm God. It's not going to turn out what u want. Pm me if u want to know more.


How about a person who came out from prison n need to walk over a coal stove?

Is it a tradition but not religion?


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Christian is not a religion but a relationship with God. To seek blessing/protection from something other than asking God is not right. God will blessed you as you put your trust in Him. Trusting Him that all good things comes from Him and He blesses his children. Just like they symbolise all things auspicious. The act of throwing Ong Lai , Oranges , Salt And Rice means you dun trust Him.

Edited by Jgal

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Christian is not a religion but a relationship with God. To seek blessing/protection from something other than asking God is not right. God will blessed you as you put your trust in Him. Trusting Him that all good things comes from Him and He blesses his children. Just like they symbolise all things auspicious. The act of throwing Ong Lai , Oranges , Salt And Rice means you dun trust Him.

This is more of a chinese tradition than anything. I don't think any religion would state that their worshipers need to 'throw ong lai' and stuff like that.

And I suppose your 'God' is not as selfish as you make out him to be...


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Indeed, God is not a selfish God, but he is a very jealous God :)

It may seem an innocent act, but the act deviates from your very belief that God is above all these. It's hard to explain to non-Christians why the act is not exactly right, but it does demonstrate unbelief in God if you have to seek comfort or peace by doing something else other than committing it to him.


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Does the act of giving and receiving red packets also "deviates from your very belief that God is above all these"?

If your elders are non-believer, do you reject red packets that they give you during CNY for this very reason?

I believe that religions are about teachings that better oneself but not making their followers bigots.

I have very close friends that are strong believer of your religion, but they do not harbour such thinking. It's all about respecting oneself and others' values.


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Cut her some slack. I think she know wat she is doing n believing. There are many way of worshipping to one Faith, maybe her is different

Anyway, let all enjoy the happy event of moving in a home n collecting the hongbao!!



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Did I mention anything about being disrespectful to others' belief or values? There's no need to take such discussion to the extreme and insist others to take sides with even things that has nothing to do with their belief.

Customs and beliefs are not necessarily intertwined although most of the time they are.

For Christians, we need to examine the spirit behind the practices - do they contradict with our beliefs? When you roll that pineapple and throw rice at corners of the house, what is the intention? If the intention is to have peace of mind, why do you need that peace of mind by acts that are not biblical? Is it because you don't think that God is not sufficient to chase out whatever evil spirits that dwell in your house? Shouldn't prayer be the way instead?

I'm not sure how giving and receiving red packets contradict with biblical principles.

I have Christian friends who go to You Long Zi for their kid's name and approach fortune tellers to have their fortune told. I don't judge them and think less of them. It just shows that they need more assurance in their lives.

I'm not against fengshui either because I've come to realize that fengshui is about the flow of energy and sometimes it has to do with science and at other times, common sense. But whatever a Christian does, he should examine the spirit behind the practice if he doesn't want to contradict his own belief.

Edited by rain

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Nowhere in my posts did I insisted on others to take sides on things that got everything to do with one's beliefs. And I personally do not practice that too... at least people don't go on the streets convincing others on which is really the right religion. :D I believe we should have our freedom to choose our faith.

Back to the topic... Actually I don't see why "rolling that pineapple and throwing some rice" contradicts with biblical principles. It might not support or confirm those principles but it doesn't really contradict them, no? Did the bible really say one can't do that harmless simple thingy because the intent is wrong? I don't think so... but I might the wrong. Can't one just see it as a simple chinese tradition?

What one don't practice or believe in does not mean others cannot and certainly not telling everyone it is wrong as I am sure everyone out there have their own values and beliefs.


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Cut her some slack. I think she know wat she is doing n believing. There are many way of worshipping to one Faith, maybe her is different

Anyway, let all enjoy the happy event of moving in a home n collecting the hongbao!!


Hi Bento28,

I am glad that in fact a lot of people out there feel likewise, which is why people in the modern era can live with one another peacefully... it's all about understanding each other in our own communities.

You have a great weekend!

Cheers :yamseng:


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The bible does say that God looks at the intent of the heart. Worshipping a golden calf is a simple and innocent act but it incurred the wrath of God because it is idolatry. Did I mention that God is a jealous God? He is a God of love and forebearance but he can't tolerate us having another god.

I've already made it very clear that it's the intent behind that act. Can Christians hold joss sticks and bow to ancestors? Sure they can. But what difference does that make between them and non-Christians? What is the intent and belief behind those acts?

The thread asks if it's 'alright' to do this and that. As human beings, it's alright; as Christians, it defies biblical principles.

I don't mind reading the horoscope for fun, but if I'm bothered enough to behave in a certain manner or do certain things because I'm bounded by the prediction, then I'm allowing another thing to control me, and God is not God in my life. The same goes for pineapple rolling and rice throwing.

The thread is about whether it's okay for Christians to do it, not whether the acts themselves are wrong.


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