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Aiyo, response indicates you seem more "lau jiao"- has "blended" into real world for some time, realising the importance of "situational" realities, it depends.. it is contingency approach.

You know, at times, an "apple" doesn't mean an apple, it could mean an "orange" to others. You know the existence of "meaning" and "meaningless" of objects/things/concepts in real world as long as human is concerned/invovled.

You are between modernist and symbolic-interpretivist.

I roughtly understand WHERE you STAND on FS belief/practices, good try. Some more?

I see you write I buay tahan le....must surely reply....whenever come across debates vry gd to learn from you.....<>actually "apple" doesn't mean apple<>....yia liao lor


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I see you write I buay tahan le....must surely reply....whenever come across debates vry gd to learn from you.....<>actually "apple" doesn't mean apple<>....yia liao lor

Mankind(bear in mind, not machine hor)attached their learned culture, values, experiences, knowledge...onto "things/event" they encountered. Interpret and act upon it.

Mr. A says his fsm is good, cos he experienced it. Does his experience hold true "across the board"? When Mr. B had bad experience with the same fsm, and commented BAD on this fsm, what would Mr.A's respond be? Why the "apple"(fsm) become so different to 2 of them?Then where/how should WE look at this "apple" and interpret to the world?


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Aiyo, response indicates you seem more "lau jiao"- has "blended" into real world for some time, realising the importance of "situational" realities, it depends.. it is contingency approach.

You know, at times, an "apple" doesn't mean an apple, it could mean an "orange" to others. You know the existence of "meaning" and "meaningless" of objects/things/concepts in real world as long as human is concerned/invovled.

You are between modernist and symbolic-interpretivist.

I roughtly understand WHERE you STAND on FS belief/practices, good try. Some more?

Are you trying to practise to be a psychologist? You think you can groupzzz or define people so well meh?


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Are you trying to practise to be a psychologist? You think you can groupzzz or define people so well meh?

Mankind has feeling or emotional, thus comes "AFFECT DISPLAY" - the result of a respond to a stimuli. Different ppls response differently to the same stimuli, subject to upbringing, values, social domain, culture....etc.

I firmly believed in affect display, as well as placebo effect. I'm not a certified psychologist, and i "stereotype" ppls based on their responds to a given stimuli, no more no less. Notably, my stereotyping skill get more perfect as time goes by, hehe.

"Psychological effects" has something to do with one's mind/emotion. I've purposely asked 3 ladies whom I know: why you wear high heel. They all answered: wear high heal gives them "confidence". When one does thing with high level of "confidence" it tends to be more "successful".

Same principle applies for today's so called "fs"- by putting coins, water, stone,cock, dragon etc here and there, the owners "feel" "confident" and "chiong" into the "battle fields" of real life. Results? My experience tell "confidence" can last "a while", and is "situational", real "competence" is the one which get the job done or deal closed. 明没?


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Buay Tahan....must reply.....2 sales executives attended the same seminar, paid thousand $$, highly motivated....went out to do sales using the same enthusiasm, skills.....one did ok....the other pua kang...can't even recover back his seminar capital. Being trained and competent is NOT as you always think the "ingredient" that can work.


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Buay Tahan....must reply.....2 sales executives attended the same seminar, paid thousand $$, highly motivated....went out to do sales using the same enthusiasm, skills.....one did ok....the other pua kang...can't even recover back his seminar capital. Being trained and competent is NOT as you always think the "ingredient" that can work.

Are you trying to imply that Bazi methodology is dyfunctioning when applying to 2 or more ppl who born at same place, year, month, date and time?

Mankind has been on this poor planet for so long, and their fates have been constantly "challenged" and subjected to the very dynamic yet unpredictable environmental, social, political and technological changes.

Some has learned while some not.

To survive within such dynamic settings, one needs to know(through learning, not "monkeys hear monkeys say" type)and apply skills(take time to perfect, not "monkeys see monkeys do" kind )to predict and master things in a more "controllable" way, so one can MAKE THINGS HAPPENED, to his favour.

Being trained is one thing, ABLE and WILLING to apply what have been trained is another. Different ppls have different rate of learning and applying.

Why I so lorsoh keep repeating all these SIMPLE rules?

Perhaps ppls these days like complicated stuff so they can be viewed as "complicated" by others. Can't master the simple how to handle the complex ones?


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Are you trying to imply that Bazi methodology is dyfunctioning when applying to 2 or more ppl who born at same place, year, month, date and time?

Mankind has been on this poor planet for so long, and their fates have been constantly "challenged" and subjected to the very dynamic yet unpredictable environmental, social, political and technological changes.

Some has learned while some not.

To survive within such dynamic settings, one needs to know(through learning, not "monkeys hear monkeys say" type)and apply skills(take time to perfect, not "monkeys see monkeys do" kind )to predict and master things in a more "controllable" way, so one can MAKE THINGS HAPPENED, to his favour.

Being trained is one thing, ABLE and WILLING to apply what have been trained is another. Different ppls have different rate of learning and applying.

Why I so lorsoh keep repeating all these SIMPLE rules?

Perhaps ppls these days like complicated stuff so they can be viewed as "complicated" by others. Can't master the simple how to handle the complex ones?

Ah Chek....at first you use "learn, training, apply", then psychological effects....then affect display.....NOW you talk bazi. Tolong la....I learn yong chun but never learn tai chi....mai lai hou siao la....

Everytime talk...you never have a paranormal view of things around you....remind me of the froggy in the well. What's wrong with "monkey see monkey do" ?

When a sales trainer gave a seminar, the very first step of the learners are "monkey see monkey do" before they finally after countless utilisation before reaching internalisation. I learn yong chun....if I don't monkey see monkey do...then like you kay kiang hah? Guess ah chek your circle quite small le....or you reaching 更年期...guess must be it...must be it

Now use computer must learn programiing frist meh? what talking you? if use complex can without the simple...Y not?


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Ah Chek....at first you use "learn, training, apply", then psychological effects....then affect display.....NOW you talk bazi. Tolong la....I learn yong chun but never learn tai chi....mai lai hou siao la....

Everytime talk...you never have a paranormal view of things around you....remind me of the froggy in the well. What's wrong with "monkey see monkey do" ?

When a sales trainer gave a seminar, the very first step of the learners are "monkey see monkey do" before they finally after countless utilisation before reaching internalisation. I learn yong chun....if I don't monkey see monkey do...then like you kay kiang hah? Guess ah chek your circle quite small le....or you reaching 更年期...guess must be it...must be it

Now use computer must learn programiing frist meh? what talking you? if use complex can without the simple...Y not?

I learn tai chi. :good:

I never have paranomal view. :good:

I froggy in the well. :good:

ok lah monkey see monkey do no wrong. :good:

My circle quite small. :good:

I reaching andropause. :good:

Now then know u know me so well :bow: , feel like crying. Can borrow your shoulder?


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