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Memoirs Of A Princess And Her Geek

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tiles that we chose!




We chose 800mm tiles for the living room - Roy has reassured us that it would not be warped as he is using good workers.. we didn't realise at that time what he meant was that he is using Malaysian workers =P I've heard that generally Malaysian workers have better skills than most workers and my husband even feedback that they were taking the initiative to suggest better ways to do stuff =D so that is one plus point for my contractor and his team! hoping that that plus point will get the tiles all laid properly and nicely..

tip here: remember to ask your contractor to give you colored grout for the tiles! =D some do not provide if you do not ask =D

Hi what do u mean by color grouts? I'm intending to do cream colored tiles (similar to marble) in living room.. Isn't the grout white ?


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New pictures!

Tiled living room


Tiled living room(ceiling above the island counter can be seen as well =D


Ceiling of island counter and living area


Ceiling/Layout of MBR


Kitchen getting ready for kerbs to be built in!


so... the tiled flooring is now up =) bedroom cement screed is not done yet, so we have not chosen the room laminates.. one question to all readers - any idea how to tell if the floor tiles are laid properly without warping? i've heard that the bigger the tiles, the higher the possibility of warping.. so am worried about our 800mm tiles >.< :help: help~!! and any idea if we should really start to knock on the tiles with coins to check for hollow tiles? comments and advice are greatly appreciated! :help:

TIA~~!! :sport-smiley-018:

Hi! I too have this concern. Will bigger tiles cost more btw? Thanks in adv for yr advice.


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Hi! I too have this concern. Will bigger tiles cost more btw? Thanks in adv for yr advice.

=D ya, i think its a common concern when we talk about bigger tiles (800 by 800).. to ease our concern, our renovator actually brought us up to another customer's place who installed the 800 by 800, and we didn't see any warp or feel any warp.. it just looks.. good~ hahahaha.. so we went ahead after reassurance that it'll be ok.. there are two safety nets that our renovator mentioned, firstly, the batch of tiles coming in need to be inspected.. if the tiles themselves are wavy, he'll reject the goods n arrange for new ones to come in for installation.. secondly, the people installing the tiles must have the skills to do it well.. and i'm really happy to say that Roy's workers are good hahaha.. they are all from Malaysia (we spoke to them when we went up for visits and they happened to be around) and they do give feedback when needed to brainstorm for better ways to do things.. n of cox, Roy has a good way of handling them, so we feel quite safe that they wun do a sloppy job otherwise they will be scolded hhahahaha..

in the end, when the tiles were laid, me n my hubby were so pleased =) our tiles are darker than usual as I'm concerned about the grout getting darker (darker tiles means can camouflage better? plus my tiles come with grey lines, so... better camou? wun know till a few years later hahaha - my mum was the one who kept encouraging us to not take white/fair tiles as the grout will be obviously darker easily)..

and to answer ur question - yup, bigger tiles cost more.. the 800 by 800 tiles we are using cost 4.30PSF super gloss anti stain tiles from LSH.. 600 by 600 tiles typically cost around 3-3.8PSF.. but of cox if depends greatly on the type of tiles u chose and the material the tiles r made of =D I've seen some that cost 9.60PSF - totally out of our budget although they look really good and r from spain o.o


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Hi what do u mean by color grouts? I'm intending to do cream colored tiles (similar to marble) in living room.. Isn't the grout white ?

hmm grouting between the tiles are generally white, unless u have special request - e.g. there's a fellow renotalker who used black grouting with white tiles (so sorry cant remember where i read it from o.o) and there are people who use the color grout to make the grout less obvious.. e.g. we have dark grey tiles in the kitchen, so we use dark grey grout (colour mixed to best match the colour of our kitchen tiles) to hold the tiles so that grouting is less visible.. and for our living room - same thing - the grout colour is mixed (grey and white i think) to get the right colour to match our tiles.. for our toilet tiles, there's a brown grout that matches pretty well with the tiles, so no additional mixing is required =D

do rmb though - grouting tends to get a little darker after setting for a few days - so expect a darker grout from ur chosen colour~!

for your cream coloured tiles, i think u can get a light cream grout if u wan less visible grout lines.. that way u wun be seeing 'bluish white' grout (normal grout that is used) against a creamy tile.. the grout would match better with your tiles and appear less obvious..

hope this helps!! =D


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How is your ID so far, is their work ok? Can you PM me their contact? thx very much!

=D so far our ID has been good =D sincere humble man with a good working attitude and ability to get things done well without compromising quality.. this is from our experience thus far.. workmanship of the basics are good, but we have yet to see the workmanship of the remaining items (carpentry and so on - will feedback when we see our carpentry going up).. biggest plus point: he's patient and willing to rectify mistakes along the way~!

haha.. but i think u really need to speak with him urself and get him to bring u to visit clients site - as they say - seeing is believing, so the best thing is to verify his person and his work with your own eyes so that you can have a good comparison and idea of what to expect =D

and i've pmed u his contact =D

hope to see ur reno soon~!

Edited by princessandhergeek

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hmm grouting between the tiles are generally white, unless u have special request - e.g. there's a fellow renotalker who used black grouting with white tiles (so sorry cant remember where i read it from o.o) and there are people who use the color grout to make the grout less obvious.. e.g. we have dark grey tiles in the kitchen, so we use dark grey grout (colour mixed to best match the colour of our kitchen tiles) to hold the tiles so that grouting is less visible.. and for our living room - same thing - the grout colour is mixed (grey and white i think) to get the right colour to match our tiles.. for our toilet tiles, there's a brown grout that matches pretty well with the tiles, so no additional mixing is required =D

do rmb though - grouting tends to get a little darker after setting for a few days - so expect a darker grout from ur chosen colour~!

for your cream coloured tiles, i think u can get a light cream grout if u wan less visible grout lines.. that way u wun be seeing 'bluish white' grout (normal grout that is used) against a creamy tile.. the grout would match better with your tiles and appear less obvious..

hope this helps!! =D

Anyway, attaching image here regarding the colour grout - took this at LSH =X



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painting is up and the floor laminates are up too~ pictures attached =D (these are done some weeks ago - but like we mentioned, we requested to slow down reno when we are overseas =P so hence the lag in updating >.< )

MBR floor laminates:



Room 2 floor laminates:


Main Gate Painted White with Steel Design~~~~ (thumbs up to Roy!)


Living Room Updates:



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