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Finally A House To Call It My Own!

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Yeah....u r right...better be safe than sorry especially this infamous month that can really affect alot if u "pan-tang"

Btw, r u in our FB Dewspring group?

Samuel, is there really a FB Dewspring group?

I can't seems to find...


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Join 46,923 satisfied homeowners who used renotalk quotation service to find interior designers. Get an estimated quotation

Yeah....u r right...better be safe than sorry especially this infamous month that can really affect alot if u "pan-tang"

Btw, r u in our FB Dewspring group?

Its really infamous month loh! Also national day take away 2 days also le, even lesser time for reno, I already know sure cant make it to move in at mid august le! :(

Nope, Saw but didnt join hahas! :)

I sincerely hope ur Reno can be in time be4 the 7th mth. *pray for you too

Speaking of mahjong, yes, at least there's "khakis"... Now I know who to jio next time... Haha...

I'm aiming at Entertainment Room for karaoke for my new house too... Wow! Our level shud be the most happening floor by CNY 2013...

Yes, POTLUCK for CNY 2013! Agree!

Dont think can be in time le, August already short even 2 days due to our singapore national day! Haiz, gotta move only at Mid Sept le! :(

Hahas, Yeah should hold some gathering often or entertainment often, people can take time to host at their house! And Yes, Jio mahjong can le! Play over night also not scared cause stay same blk only hahahahs! :)



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Shall start to post about my experience in search for ID's and Contractors when I got my keys for my 4room flat! Been putting this post off cause super duper busy with renovations and constant search for furnitures and items and overseeing some stuffs! :)

Just to bascially list down some of the ID's/Contractors I've been to and my feelings on them:

* I wont be naming the ID name cause this is my own experience but if you need can PM me and I tell you off hand if you need to know!*

Sky C

Met the ID at site for discussion but basically the ID wasnt that good I feel cause they dont give any ideas or advise, just keep saying okay to whatever I requested and want and say will email me the quote and get back to us, So when we received the quote it was wayyyy over our budget and also felt that we couldnt click hence a straight NO

Joo Guan Huat Design & Contract PTE LTD

Met with an old uncle, He was very patient and also I feel pretty experience in what he do and advise, As he's a contractor we feel and hope that the quote would be reasonable but when his quote came out, we got a shock cause its very high even though its contractor so we have to pass! And we only ask to quote for capentary and room flooring..

NW Interior

Went to the one at Tradehub, Took a look at the showroom there pretty okay but the ID we spoke to cannot make it, We tell her what we need to do, most of it she say cannot do or not sure how to do, hence we gave a straight pass imm.. Whereby other ID can try to help us do or know how to do..


If you're looking for real cheap quote with lots of stuffs to do, you can try this but my own experience with this ID is that they change the design I want to what they think/feel is good for them with the expense of us wasting additional money for the kind of design they insists till I have to tell them that its a waste of money for us and we have a budget. Gotten a few quotes due to them keep missing out what we want and constantly reminding them that they miss it out, pretty irresponsible when it comes to puntual for meeting, cause I arranged to meet them one sunday to talk over the 2nd quote and design which was promised to send to email and meet at my area but there were no news at all on sun!

Send over the quote few days only after and didnt explain why didnt meet us till we asked them personally then only tell us that they had urgent matters to settle. I understand that you have urgent matters and wont angry if you tell us cause we waiting whole day doing nth just to wait instead of us asking then say few days after.

Inside Living

Nothing much to comment, except I specifically asked her for a rough quote first but keep saying will email but no news till I asked few times then emailed with a ridiculously high quote so its not them.

Objet d'art

Promising young ID and close to my age hence the able to click feeling is there and his designs are pretty good in terms of space saving and maximise your space! Even took the effort to teach me stuffs on renovation and what is okay what is not and etc, one of the ID that I shortlisted but in the end my husband feels that his quote is too high and things to do is actually very little for the amount hence gotta pass also!


Initially asked for quote just to compare but when saw the quote I was very impressed cause of the amount of works esp capentary we thought would be very expensive but after some measuring and etc the quote was slightly below the budget we set so we can a lil more on furnitures! And also first met discussion, also a young ID but he was very detailed and actually went through each and every item on the quote with me slowly to say more! So he gave me a good impression, which led me to search DeFONG in here and found some of his works actually were pretty good and positive feedbacks and visited one of his on going project and pretty impressed so far!

Then we had a few more discussion and eventually engaged him as our ID but now more like friend cause his age and mine pretty close so can talk very relax and joke around, also he and his workers get along well so give him some credit for it.. So we got a pretty good deal and dedicated to his each and every projects from him and within our budget for lots of capentary works and so far reno going pretty good! If you need can engage him or meet him for discussion!

Else can come over to my housewarming and discuss more with him hahas!

So that ends my search for ID's and Contractors, as I'm a very anal person when it comes to lots of things like small details and big decision so the ID must be sure to match what I need and yet have a good workmenship, so I'm still lucky when it comes to this search and hope the final results would be a good one! :yamseng:



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Hi Audrey,

I'm in the mid of the searching ID/contractor for my new house.

could you PM me you ID/contractor info & contact, Quotation and how much you spend on the amount.

thanks in advance


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Super mad busy and mad happy that if everything's on schdule, I can officially move in on the 16th!

Shall update the progress with pictures soon! Been super busy!



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Got 2 questions to ask if u dun mind.

1) Is the master bedroom big enuf for 6-8 door cabinet.

2) Is ur floor tile too reflective? We wanted black tiles but was told its very reflective and will be like standing on a mirror.

Love ur tiles btw. Hei my 1st post.


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Shall start to post about my experience in search for ID's and Contractors when I got my keys for my 4room flat! Been putting this post off cause super duper busy with renovations and constant search for furnitures and items and overseeing some stuffs! :)

Just to bascially list down some of the ID's/Contractors I've been to and my feelings on them:

* I wont be naming the ID name cause this is my own experience but if you need can PM me and I tell you off hand if you need to know!*

Sky C

Met the ID at site for discussion but basically the ID wasnt that good I feel cause they dont give any ideas or advise, just keep saying okay to whatever I requested and want and say will email me the quote and get back to us, So when we received the quote it was wayyyy over our budget and also felt that we couldnt click hence a straight NO

Joo Guan Huat Design & Contract PTE LTD

Met with an old uncle, He was very patient and also I feel pretty experience in what he do and advise, As he's a contractor we feel and hope that the quote would be reasonable but when his quote came out, we got a shock cause its very high even though its contractor so we have to pass! And we only ask to quote for capentary and room flooring..

NW Interior

Went to the one at Tradehub, Took a look at the showroom there pretty okay but the ID we spoke to cannot make it, We tell her what we need to do, most of it she say cannot do or not sure how to do, hence we gave a straight pass imm.. Whereby other ID can try to help us do or know how to do..


If you're looking for real cheap quote with lots of stuffs to do, you can try this but my own experience with this ID is that they change the design I want to what they think/feel is good for them with the expense of us wasting additional money for the kind of design they insists till I have to tell them that its a waste of money for us and we have a budget. Gotten a few quotes due to them keep missing out what we want and constantly reminding them that they miss it out, pretty irresponsible when it comes to puntual for meeting, cause I arranged to meet them one sunday to talk over the 2nd quote and design which was promised to send to email and meet at my area but there were no news at all on sun!

Send over the quote few days only after and didnt explain why didnt meet us till we asked them personally then only tell us that they had urgent matters to settle. I understand that you have urgent matters and wont angry if you tell us cause we waiting whole day doing nth just to wait instead of us asking then say few days after.

Inside Living

Nothing much to comment, except I specifically asked her for a rough quote first but keep saying will email but no news till I asked few times then emailed with a ridiculously high quote so its not them.

Objet d'art

Promising young ID and close to my age hence the able to click feeling is there and his designs are pretty good in terms of space saving and maximise your space! Even took the effort to teach me stuffs on renovation and what is okay what is not and etc, one of the ID that I shortlisted but in the end my husband feels that his quote is too high and things to do is actually very little for the amount hence gotta pass also!


Initially asked for quote just to compare but when saw the quote I was very impressed cause of the amount of works esp capentary we thought would be very expensive but after some measuring and etc the quote was slightly below the budget we set so we can a lil more on furnitures! And also first met discussion, also a young ID but he was very detailed and actually went through each and every item on the quote with me slowly to say more! So he gave me a good impression, which led me to search DeFONG in here and found some of his works actually were pretty good and positive feedbacks and visited one of his on going project and pretty impressed so far!

Then we had a few more discussion and eventually engaged him as our ID but now more like friend cause his age and mine pretty close so can talk very relax and joke around, also he and his workers get along well so give him some credit for it.. So we got a pretty good deal and dedicated to his each and every projects from him and within our budget for lots of capentary works and so far reno going pretty good! If you need can engage him or meet him for discussion!

Else can come over to my housewarming and discuss more with him hahas!

So that ends my search for ID's and Contractors, as I'm a very anal person when it comes to lots of things like small details and big decision so the ID must be sure to match what I need and yet have a good workmenship, so I'm still lucky when it comes to this search and hope the final results would be a good one! :yamseng:


Whats ur ID for Defong? i was attended via Kevin based on emails exchange. I'm still waiting for his quotation after i showed him some pics which i would prefer for my new place.


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Got 2 questions to ask if u dun mind.

1) Is the master bedroom big enuf for 6-8 door cabinet.

2) Is ur floor tile too reflective? We wanted black tiles but was told its very reflective and will be like standing on a mirror.

Love ur tiles btw. Hei my 1st post.

Hi There! Welcome and Thanks for writing your first post for my thread! Hahahs, anyways no prob, Shall answer in my own opinion and based on my current house size! :)

Hmm, my master room is sort of divided into half.. One side for walk in wardrobe which I gotten and roughly fit about 6 doors i supposed? Cause I used a corner wardrobe as well.. And my other side of the master bedroom is where I place my queen sized bed with slight walking space, so I guess its pretty reasonable space enough for two or spacious for one! :)

And you were referring to my living room tiles right? Before I painted you can totally see the reflection and very glossy and pretty.. After I painted, It was still okay, slightly darker but still pretty much glossy and can see reflection in the daytime! So yeah I guess the tiles are good and but if yours is black I'm sure it'll be beautiful!! :)

Whats ur ID for Defong? i was attended via Kevin based on emails exchange. I'm still waiting for his quotation after i showed him some pics which i would prefer for my new place.

I used Kevin, He's pretty busy I guess but he has pretty good ideas sometimes so give him awhile I guess? :)

You gotten keys already and etc?



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Hi Audrey,

I'm in the mid of the searching ID/contractor for my new house.

could you PM me you ID/contractor info & contact, Quotation and how much you spend on the amount.

thanks in advance

pls pm me your quotation and works done by defong coz im thought of using him. thank you

PM'ed ! :)



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Hi There! Welcome and Thanks for writing your first post for my thread! Hahahs, anyways no prob, Shall answer in my own opinion and based on my current house size! :)

Hmm, my master room is sort of divided into half.. One side for walk in wardrobe which I gotten and roughly fit about 6 doors i supposed? Cause I used a corner wardrobe as well.. And my other side of the master bedroom is where I place my queen sized bed with slight walking space, so I guess its pretty reasonable space enough for two or spacious for one! :)

And you were referring to my living room tiles right? Before I painted you can totally see the reflection and very glossy and pretty.. After I painted, It was still okay, slightly darker but still pretty much glossy and can see reflection in the daytime! So yeah I guess the tiles are good and but if yours is black I'm sure it'll be beautiful!! :)

Seeing how most of the new houses are similar shape and size, I'm sort of guessing how to lay out the mbr. I wan my tv and speakers in the room. My options are either similar to ur room or makan abit of the other room.

As for the floor, one warned us about upskirt type of thing for black tiles. Thats why asking you of ur floor reflection. My wife and I dun wan normal white or beige tile. Urs looks perfect for us. Will be following ur progress. Thanks for choosing the floor. Haha.


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Shall start section and section of what's around for my house stuffs etc etc :)

Bi-Fold Doors for Both Toilets

Was reading around and reseaching at first for PD doors but then I saw lotsa bad reviews so I decided to forgo it and find Bi-Fold Doors instead, So I outsourced on my own and I remember reading somewhere from this forum about this guy called Andrew for doing windows and initially I contacted him for windows and grilles for quotation but was given to my ID instead BUT at the same time I also realised that he does Bi-Fold Doors!!

And some were saying his works are pretty okay plus the price was cheap cause they were having promotion so I asked him for a site quotation for both doors and took measurements and he showed me the available color samples for the doors..


Then a week later, He was at my place installing the doors, Both doors were installed in around half an hour and he was supervising the people installing and told me that the doors would be hard to slide cause its new door so gotta put oil or something to lubricate the tracking.. Anyways photos first!

Grey for the common toilet aka guest toilets also :)


Followed by the Master Bedroom Toilets, Same as my room wall color! :)


So, Verdict here being..

I personally feel that the design wise and colors are totally okay, but on using it i feel that the bottom track is slight harder to slide (or maybe now during renovation so all the dust and stuffs trapped there so I'll take a rain check till after I move in and cleaned up and oil-ed it)

And the thing to support the door seems to come out easily from the track, but then again could be the workers during renovation are all so chor lor that they dont treat it gently with love and care, BUT its easy to fix it back yourself like I did so then again another rain check on usage when I moved it! :yamseng:



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Seeing how most of the new houses are similar shape and size, I'm sort of guessing how to lay out the mbr. I wan my tv and speakers in the room. My options are either similar to ur room or makan abit of the other room.

As for the floor, one warned us about upskirt type of thing for black tiles. Thats why asking you of ur floor reflection. My wife and I dun wan normal white or beige tile. Urs looks perfect for us. Will be following ur progress. Thanks for choosing the floor. Haha.

Yup, I personally think its okay to put the TV and speakers in room if you want for MBR, But to coodinate the spaces carefully.. Mine was a beautiful mistake cause in the end my wardrobe already took half the room and I will need to put my dressing table and my bags all in the next room! So if you intend to put all in one room, gotta plan carefully!!!

My method is I will use my measuring tape to measure on site at the room see how to plan where to put what things or how big or small the furniture size I need and measure it against the room on the position I want and adjust the size if need be..

As for floor tiling, I get where you're going, Cause I wont actually do all white or beige, Hahas! As for the black tiles with upskirt, I cant say for sure how it turns out but when I visual it in my mind, I will think anything is possible but match it with matching wall colors! I like to compare it always with my dressing style, always have one thing that stands out and compliment it with matching pieces and accessories!

Audrey :yamseng:


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nice color for the mbr bathroom door! :)

do you mind PM me the price quotation from Andrew?


Shall start section and section of what's around for my house stuffs etc etc :)

Bi-Fold Doors for Both Toilets

Was reading around and reseaching at first for PD doors but then I saw lotsa bad reviews so I decided to forgo it and find Bi-Fold Doors instead, So I outsourced on my own and I remember reading somewhere from this forum about this guy called Andrew for doing windows and initially I contacted him for windows and grilles for quotation but was given to my ID instead BUT at the same time I also realised that he does Bi-Fold Doors!!

And some were saying his works are pretty okay plus the price was cheap cause they were having promotion so I asked him for a site quotation for both doors and took measurements and he showed me the available color samples for the doors..


Then a week later, He was at my place installing the doors, Both doors were installed in around half an hour and he was supervising the people installing and told me that the doors would be hard to slide cause its new door so gotta put oil or something to lubricate the tracking.. Anyways photos first!

Grey for the common toilet aka guest toilets also :)


Followed by the Master Bedroom Toilets, Same as my room wall color! :)


So, Verdict here being..

I personally feel that the design wise and colors are totally okay, but on using it i feel that the bottom track is slight harder to slide (or maybe now during renovation so all the dust and stuffs trapped there so I'll take a rain check till after I move in and cleaned up and oil-ed it)

And the thing to support the door seems to come out easily from the track, but then again could be the workers during renovation are all so chor lor that they dont treat it gently with love and care, BUT its easy to fix it back yourself like I did so then again another rain check on usage when I moved it! :yamseng:



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