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Finally A House To Call It My Own!

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Hi everyone!

Been reading up stuffs on renovations, various IDs and Contractors etc etc and esp viewing topics on people's progress on their new house with the good and bad reviews on reno, Hence decided to start a small and slowly progressing thread of my own reno blog here (hopefully I have the effort and time to slowly chart progress!)

Hope that the seniors in renovating can give me more ideas and help me along the way as well cause I know nuts about renovating! Geez, am still in the midst of confirming ID/Contractor cause mostly cannot make it and some too expensive that makes me feel like we are putting our neck there for them to hack!

So enough of my own intro, shall put the floor plan first! :)


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PS: I may ask loads of questions along the way so please bear with me, Thanks all in advance! :yamseng:


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Basically now midst of confirming ID/contractor to start actual renovation on the house.

We have confirmed the tiles for living/dining and room 2 cause my daddy's helping me to do FOC as a sponsor for me as he's a general contractor and has contacts with people for laying neat and beautiful tiles nicely without problems! Cause we feel tiles should be done nicely and not compromise on the workmenship and I trust my daddy's works and his many contacts hence we let him do the tiles first! :)

Went to Sin Lek Materials, Hafary and White Horse Ceremic to look at the tiles and see if there's any we like. In the end we choose the tiles from Hafary cause there's this one on new arrival and the patterns look marble like and its pretty modern so we decided on that for living/dining area + the passage ways! * Forgotten to take photo of the tiles but will take again when its done! *

The price wasnt cheap for that particular one we chose cause its $4 p.s.f but hope it's worth it in the end! * Fingers Crossed *

Meanwhile every weekend is burned by looking at electronic items and furnitures! -_-

But we have already brought fridge, cooker and hob, oven and washing machine & dryer! And also a 42" LED TV from courts the other day when we were out shopping for about $800 plus, already discounted at half price for our own master room!



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thedottyness: Thanks! Yeah shall try and post the pictures soon of the empty house before reno! :)

brandonlky: Thank You! :)

mikeyong500: Thank You! Yeah hopefully the renovations goes smoothly without much hiccups! :)



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Good Luck to your renovation! I'll be camping here!

Same floor plan as mine...

May i ask which floor yours is?

Mine is 10th...

Seems like i have my 1st neighbour here... haha...

Edited by RAX

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Good Luck to your renovation! I'll be camping here!

Same floor plan as mine...

May i ask which floor yours is?

Mine is 10th...

Seems like i have my 1st neighbour here... haha...

Hahas, Hello..

Same blk too? if same blk then yeah we're neighbours on the same floor cause I live on the 10th as well! :yamseng:

You done your renovation already?



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Hahas, Hello..

Same blk too? if same blk then yeah we're neighbours on the same floor cause I live on the 10th as well! :yamseng:

You done your renovation already?




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Hahas, Hello..

Same blk too? if same blk then yeah we're neighbours on the same floor cause I live on the 10th as well! :yamseng:

You done your renovation already?

Yesh~ Same block! Maybe can organize steamboats in the future~ still sourcing for ID / quotes... Targeting start work at Oct though...

Edited by RAX

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brandonlky: Wah why so happy like that? hahas :)

Rax: Hahas, Can ar! Know more neighbours and can have gatherings often also to build bonds between each other in the same blk! :)

Edited by xinyu90

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Shall start to post photos of the empty and virgin house of mine! It was in this state when I got my keys and without any doors cause we didnt want the doors from hdb inside the house and tiles as we wanna do it ourselves!

So I will slowly introduce picture by picture for better understanding! :)

This is the walkway towards the main door


This is our small and cosy kitchen of the left side with sink therekitchenleftside.jpg

And the right side of the kitchen where fridge and cooker would be placed!kitchenrightside3.jpg

And the Service Yard!serviceyard.jpg

And right side of the service yard for washing maching and dryer!




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Figured and realised that each post only 5 photos! And I am having a hard time uploading those pictures at ImageShack, But anyways yep..

And the photo tour continues! :)

And the inside of the household shelter with the extra tiles from HDB!


Here's the Dining area for dining tables and chairs!


Living Room! Its actually not that small cause i was standing in the middle hence looked small! :)


And the other side of the dining area for our mini bar counter, so we can slack at home more often since we can have drinks at home! This is the part where I'll be doing it up nicely!


And the common toilet also known as guest toilet! :)




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