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Thanks for the headsup, will check it out. :thumbs up:

Got, tomorrow? Let me jio Kim, :sport-smiley-004: You can also pop back to my place and check out mine :notti: just across 1 street :bleah:

Sure. Just pm me if you have update. haha


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Sure. Just pm me if you have update. haha

Check pm, will add you into our personal chat room. :sport-smiley-004: :sport-smiley-004:

PS: be prepared for spamming

Bro...cant pm you leh. pm ur contact no. to me

Edited by ongcs

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Ok, installed & placed this little dude immediately after I reached home. I never switch on it at all, both my misses & I warmed ourselves up with regular music titles. After a few shots at it, switched on the tiny dude.

:jawdrop: somehow or rather, all the sudden changed. We played Adele's rolling in deep, always at chorus part, I experienced slight boomy, this dude seems to corrected that, bass tighter as a result. :sport-smiley-004: My misses commented it turned airy, different environment it had turned.

Of course it could be due to psychological effects, we switched off it and tried the title again. Yes, don't seems right at all. Well, hear to believe as I type it out. I passed on the review to my missus for her in depth reading on this dude.

After quick fast read, her reply, 'Aiya, told me earlier mah, good for health as supposed to be, confirmed can buy and try'!!!! :dancingqueen: :dancingqueen: Never once I heard that from her before.

The review for those who are interested 6moons audio reviews: Acoustic Revive RR-77

It is recommended to place 5 feets above ground level.

It is placed on top of my rear speaker, left side of my listening position


Where it is from my listening position


The distance between the dude and my systems.


Edited by ongcs

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lol..u fast ah, posted the pix liow...

never post the bialetti ah ? :notti:

Uploaded already but busy chatting away at your place. :sport-smiley-004: :sport-smiley-004:

Here it goes on the preparation of the nice coffee prepared in style & conventional way, mind you all, it is nice hor :thumbs up:

Apparently, a few pax seems SOLD after a drink at it. :notti: :notti:



how come ur pic machiam telling me u keeping a empty slot for another RR77 =)

8| 8| I know where is the location :bleah: my missus asked me how does R777 performed, I told 4X coverage. She said wait for people to sell at 2nd hand market :dancingqueen: :dancingqueen:

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hehehe u slowly wait k lol .... i am looking like at least 450 to sell it ... to "share" with u further... RR77 goes best with Kingrex 12v MKII PSU .... its beside my RR777 on my pic

Edited by melmeow

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Ya, I know, this one can wait, no hurry at all. I knew you will ask me to upgrade the psu supply, I'm toying with linear supply for my Logitech SB too. All can wait, no rush for it. Meanwhile, enjoy the process. :sport-smiley-004: :sport-smiley-004:

But then again, show me the link on the psu :notti:


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Few days back, received this pair of analog RCA cables from UK. Liked the shield wrapped around the copper, warm sound I suppose. Back then, was using a pair on-loan from my friend, sounded bright to me.

Yet to burn in the cables though, my Missus' comment was ok, sounded warmer than before lo, soundstage seems better. 'Heng lo'



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