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yar yar! busstop almost literally just downstairs :P heh.

you are very familiar with clementi hehehe, yar facing the fire station more than the temple cos my unit is perpendicular to but still quite near the main road (commonwealth ave west) yah very windy so not installing aircons in living room. i always thought low floor no wind one but was pleasantly surprised!

argh i suddenly craving for rocky's pizza. you see that's why sunset location good ler.

Hehe, I used to take bus 99 (wen still studying) whh will go by ur place. And now everyday take mrt will bio those EM flats too. hehehe... Should be cuz unblocked mah, tats why very windy. Shiok, dun need to use aircon, can save on electricity. :P

I like the ice cream at sunset way there. :P Now clementi reali good, more stuff to buy/eat with the new mall.


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I have a newspaper clipping, sunday plus..tis guy staying in hougang hudc dont have rail in his starcase..looks neat..

but for safety concern..i better put ah..i dun 1 my child to jump down from 2nd floor..

if u gimme ur email..i send u a pdf copy of it.


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the daily scoop ice cream! yumyum.

no railings won't work for me - it is a nice clean look but i got two little imps in the house.....but if just one couple, i think it is okay - wait until preggie then install railing also can i guess :)


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yar yar! busstop almost literally just downstairs :P heh.

you are very familiar with clementi hehehe, yar facing the fire station more than the temple cos my unit is perpendicular to but still quite near the main road (commonwealth ave west) yah very windy so not installing aircons in living room. i always thought low floor no wind one but was pleasantly surprised!

argh i suddenly craving for rocky's pizza. you see that's why sunset location good ler.

yahh i agree that sunset way's location is better due to the amenities! that was why my family and i decided to go ahead with the purchase even though the place was 80k more expensive than the one at clementi avenue 6. :(

my unit on the ground floor is very windy too! I was surprised at the breeze when I first viewed the unit with my family. We fell in love with the place immediately! Even my immediate neighbour on the left doesnt get any breeze at all. (i dont share a common wall with the neighbour on the right cos there is this common walkaway between the two units).

actually, your block is really nice! I love that unblocked view. Moreover, the school building beside your block used to be occupied by my primary school (which doesnt exist anymore!) so I always have fond memories of clementi ave 6. :)


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hahaah yah yah i think the estate is growing old or issit fertility rate not so high in s'pore so not enough children and 5 primary schs in clementi merge into one school :) no more jinshan, jubilee, clementi town etc - i think all merge into clementi primary sch now. i also grew up in that area.

is your groundfloor unit at sunset bigger? and issit one of the 4 storey blocks?

everyone tell me the low floor unit will be very hard to sell but i still bought it any way. at most rent out in future as i think clementi is a very rentable area with NUS location stuck there forever.....


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hahaah yah yah i think the estate is growing old or issit fertility rate not so high in s'pore so not enough children and 5 primary schs in clementi merge into one school :) no more jinshan, jubilee, clementi town etc - i think all merge into clementi primary sch now. i also grew up in that area.

is your groundfloor unit at sunset bigger? and issit one of the 4 storey blocks?

everyone tell me the low floor unit will be very hard to sell but i still bought it any way. at most rent out in future as i think clementi is a very rentable area with NUS location stuck there forever.....

Yahh! I think there are too many primary schools in Clementi, therefore these schools have to be merged into one. I was from Clementi North Primary School and I used to stay at Clementi Ave 1. I am a Clementi-boy! :)

My unit is slightly bigger than yours cos the floor area is 159sqm (inclusive of a small small recess area at the front entrance). Yahh, it is situated at the 4-storey maisonettes. So, I only have two immediate neighbours. One on my left, and the other above me! I must say that my unit is one of the biggest ground floor units in sunset way as the regular-shaped ones with huge balcony is only about 152sqm.

I doubt I will rent out my unit because my family and I love the location so much. Beside, nobody is going to take care of my gardens if I move out. :P


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hahaah yah yah i think the estate is growing old or issit fertility rate not so high in s'pore so not enough children and 5 primary schs in clementi merge into one school :) no more jinshan, jubilee, clementi town etc - i think all merge into clementi primary sch now. i also grew up in that area.

is your groundfloor unit at sunset bigger? and issit one of the 4 storey blocks?

everyone tell me the low floor unit will be very hard to sell but i still bought it any way. at most rent out in future as i think clementi is a very rentable area with NUS location stuck there forever.....

Yeah! good rental in clementi... =D

and its within the vicinity of NHPS =D


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the daily scoop ice cream! yumyum.

no railings won't work for me - it is a nice clean look but i got two little imps in the house.....but if just one couple, i think it is okay - wait until preggie then install railing also can i guess :)

hey...that's a thought. install only when needed.

but well, nice as it is, safety is always of paramount importance.

guess i have to obey my fiancee's wishes to install glass as substitute



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hahaah yah yah i think the estate is growing old or issit fertility rate not so high in s'pore so not enough children and 5 primary schs in clementi merge into one school :) no more jinshan, jubilee, clementi town etc - i think all merge into clementi primary sch now. i also grew up in that area.

Hmm Clementi Pri is a merger of Clementi Town and Clementi North Pri .. The rest not sure..

I must agree daily scoops is =D~


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Hi all,

I am new here!

Can't believe that I stayed up to finish reading this thread till 3am. :)

Got really excited when I saw doodbug cos I am really interested in EM at Clementi Ave 6!

I was lucky to be able to view one unit at Blk 206 when I first started house search early this month, mid floor - PRC owner asking 570K +20K.

While I am able to compromise with the pricing, the agent informed that owner has done a re-financing and decided not to sell unless I am willing to pay for the penalty that owner will incurred upon selling - which is about an additional of 7K.

Well, I believe I should not be spending the $$ on a decision of a uncertain seller - thus giving that unit a miss this time.

I guess it's not meant to be mine.

So, I am currently waiting for the next available unit there "patiently". :D

Edited by mysweetlittlethings

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Hi all,

I am new here!

Can't believe that I stayed up to finish reading this thread till 3am. :)

Got really excited when I saw doodbug cos I am really interested in EM at Clementi Ave 6!

I was lucky to be able to view one unit at Blk 206 when I first started house search early this month, mid floor - PRC owner asking 570K +20K.

While I am able to compromise with the pricing, the agent informed that owner has done a re-financing and decided not to sell unless I am willing to pay for the penalty that owner will incurred upon selling - which is about an additional of 7K.

Well, I believe I should not be spending the $$ on a decision of a uncertain seller - thus giving that unit a miss this time.

I guess it's not meant to be mine.

So, I am currently waiting for the next available unit there "patiently". :D

I was like you, staying up late to read old posts when I was new too! =D

Good luck searching for the Right unit ^^ V


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