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Dong Tu

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Then why buddhist practice OM diviation ?

Then u should ask yrself if that person is a BUDDHIST or not loh ... When we call oursleves Buddhists, we heed the Buddha's words and advise.

For peopole who wanna misuse Buddhism .. we cannot do anything other than correcting people's concepts. It is all up to the person if he/she wanna heed the Buddha's advise or the person who practises divinations such as yr OM divination mentioned.

I am a Buddhist, so i follow the Buddha's advise, simply buddhist, uniquely buddhist - Oppss do i sound like Tourism Board ???? n haha :dancingqueen:

Edited by enci

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Then u should ask yrself if that person is a BUDDHIST or not loh ... When we call oursleves Buddhists, we heed the Buddha's words and advise.

For peopole who wanna misuse Buddhism .. we cannot do anything other than correcting people's concepts. It is all up to the person if he/she wanna heed the Buddha's advise or the person who practises divinations such as yr OM divination mentioned.

I am a Buddhist, so i follow the Buddha's advise.

*shake head*

May Buddha bless you and forgive you.


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Hmm .....

U ask for quote wat .,.. i quote u wat the Buddha said regarding divinations ... so now u shake head .... tsk ..

after i quote for u so many ... can i now ask u to quote to me since when n where did the Buddha allow divination or treach OM divination in which sutra ? vinaya ???

be fair right ? i quote u the Buddha's words ... constructive man ...

ENd up Buddha forgive me machiam those words that i quoted not Buddha say one ... very misleading.

i really pray that Buddha will open yr eye of wisdom to see the truth that Lord Buddha himself taught.

Precepts set by the Buddha are golden guidelines for Buddhists not to be disregarded.


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Sorry.. I only read Mandarin Words .. english i dun understand your quote .. can u quote Mandarin ?


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Sorry.. I only read Mandarin Words .. english i dun understand your quote .. can u quote Mandarin ?

Ohh ... Ok .. can when i reach home ... i give u the chinese coding... dun anyhow shake head b4 u reach a comprehension. will mislead alot of plp ... we have to be responsible for our thoughts n actions.

btw, u also give me the quote from any sutra, english or chinese also can ... where did the Buddha teach and allow divination.

If the Buddha really did, its gonna be interesting topic for me to research on ..

thanks alot


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*shake head*

May Buddha bless you and forgive you.

wahahhaa.....there are rules for laymen, monk/nuns, bodhis..etc

not bad wor, he thinks you are a Bodhisattva therefore must abide by the rules for Bodhisattvas. :notti:

even then;

不得卜筮為利 = cannot perform fortunetelling for the sake of greed/money/charges/fees/own's gain.

mis-interpreted into cannot do fortune-telling. wah say! tok kong sia!:bow: cleric leh! WOW!



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What's OM?

Some sort of Tibetan Buddhist diviation .. I just started to know someone who did it last few months.


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hmm... Din u noe that laypeople the 4 orders of Monks/ Nuns/ Male Lay / Female Lay forms a sangha community ????

The Boddhisattva precept is meant for laypeople to observe, ehh ... i think almost every temple u go, sure got plp recieve the PUSA JIE. guang ming shan is a good place to find these people.

It seems that yr understanding for buddhism is really very very wrong and still wanna mislead people

Goodness !

Some sort of Tibetan Buddhist diviation .. I just started to know someone who did it last few months.

hehee ... HERE is the time when yr own personal wisdom works .... =) we must see for anything or anyone that claims to be Buddhist goes in line with the Buddha's advise or not ... It is better if we get scripturial evidence instead of so n so also practise.

Since u can dedicate a room for yr altar, u should be sincere enuff to study the Dhamma. We Buddhists do not stop at worshipping a empty statue ... generating Boddhicitta for the welfare of beings .... to learn and study the Buddha's teachings which is like a vast pool of ocean. We r just a tiny fish in this ocean ... this is why the reason we need the Buddha and his advice and also why we are Buddhists.

Requoted for the benefit of Mace n others:

The Forty-eight Secondary Precepts set by the Lord Budda

Precept 33: On Watching Improper Activities

A disciple of the Buddha must not, with evil intentions, watch people fighting, or the battling of armies, rebels, gangs, and the like. (84) He should not listen to the sounds of conch shells, drums, horns, guitars, flutes, lutes, songs or other music, nor should he be party to any form of gambling, whether dice, checkers, or the like. (85) Furthermore, he should not practice fortune telling or divination nor should he be an accomplice to thieves and bandits. He must not participate in any of these activities. If instead, he intentionally does so, he commits a secondary offense.

(note stanza 85)

Sutra of the Master of Healing also states:

The Bodhisattva Seeker of Salvation said: "The nine violent deaths are;

(1) There are beings who become sick. Though the sickness is not serious but there is neither medicine nor a doctor for the treatment. In case they take the wrong medicine, they may meet violent death which can very well be avoided. Some trust in Maras and Heretics, or masters of magical and bewitching powers. From a frivolous prediction of good or bad luck, fear and uneasiness arises. Those people whose own heart cannot clearly discern, question fortune-tellers whether misfortunes awaits them. Some kill living beings for a sacrifice in order to propitiate the spirits. Some call out to the evil spirits and ask for protection, they wish to prolong their lives, but all to no avail. They are ignorant of the right way. They believe in heterodox views, not recognising the doctrine of moral karma. This leads in the end to a violent death. They enter into **** and can never get out of it. This is the first violent death.

The Buddha's final advise b4 PariNibbana: Bequeathed Teaching Sutra

1. Exhortation on keeping the Precepts ... After my Parinibbana you should reverence and honor the Precepts of the Patimokkha. Treat them as a light which you have discovered in the dark, or as a poor man would treat a treasure found by him. You should know that they are your chief guide and there should be no difference (in your observance of them) from when I yet remained in the world. If you would maintain in purity the Precepts, you should not give yourselves over to buying, selling or barter. You should not covet fields or buildings, nor accumulate servants, attendants or animals. You should flee from all sorts of property and wealth as you would avoid a fire or a pit. You should not cut down grass or trees, neither break new soil nor plough the earth. Nor may you compound medicines, practice divination or sorcery according to the position of the stars, cast horoscopes by the waxing and waning of the moon, nor reckon days of good fortune. All these are things which are improper

forurmmers r always free to check the sources quoted and do a study.

Edited by enci

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hmm, you arose my interest in the sutras hehe no more quarelling, plain debate.

what you mentioned is the 十重四十八戒(10 major,48 minor) , which is totally different from 在家菩萨戒(max only 28).

only those who have become monks/nuns are qualified to go for the 十重四十八戒. not the laymen.

在家菩萨戒 = is the one for laymen.

even then, 不得卜筮為利 does not apply to;

1) a FSM is not a bodhisvatta, he is just a scholar

2) a FSM who make just enough money for a decent living by helping others. a pity there arent many out there now. This does not apply to those PTE LTD fengshui companies which me and ahnah as well as a few others discriminates and even advises newcomers not to use their services.

3) monks who sees fengshui, for the sake of helping and for the sake of funds to be used to maintain a temple. because the money(angbao) collected goes to the temple, not to himself!

Edited by MaCe

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