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Dong Tu

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thanks everyone for your input.

i do not think that adopting fs is going against my catholic faith. fs is not a superstition. it is a practise to harmonise our living environment and can be practise by anyone of any faith.

i am not referring to chanting prayers of other faith like "nan mo or mi tou fu" but more like saying something that we use daily like 好的来, 坏的去. i m sure, whether you are christian or buddist, there are certain traditions, like rolling fruit on the floor, walking over burning stove, cook your first meal when you first move it, right? these practices, imo does not compromise on your faith at all.

if tong du involves praying to the earth god with joss sticks, i will definitely not do.

i also have catholic friends who took up fs course just to learn more about this art. i am very open minded about this as long as it does no harm to anyone.

Edited by tientien

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Tien tien ... as i said, the best is for u to seek advice from priest and the church ... Follow yr beliefs and faiths NOT non-beliver's suggestions.

I am not sure for the Catholic faith if it involves throwing pinapples or not but defintely NOT a Buddhist practise. It' too much of supersitions for Buddhist to adopt such practises. True Buddhists do not mix fengshui with Buddhism, no need to cross over fire stove ... everything also no need. As Buddhists, we believe by the Power n Merits of the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha) itself is enough.

Be open minded and being Rojak is very different .. why dun u wanna seek yr Church's cleric advise ?? I believe any catholic church in any part of Singapore will be more than happy to answer yr questions ....

Edited by enci

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Hi Tien,

Do what you think is right for you, it your call.


most definitely!

i have seen with my own eyes how good fs has helped improved my friend's family. her son has changed from a moody dull boy to a cheery talkative boy eversince she moved to a new place with the help of fs. there are more to this but i dont think it is nice to discuss it here.

nonetheless, this topic has intrigued me and would like to find out what the catholic church thinks about fengshui. i shall be doing some research on it....haha

Edited by tientien

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most definitely!

i have seen with my own eyes how good fs has helped improved my friend's family. her son has changed from a moody dull boy to a cheery talkative boy eversince she moved to a new place with the help of fs. there are more to this but i dont think it is nice to discuss it here.

nonetheless, this topic has intrigued me and would like to find out what the catholic church thinks about fengshui. i shall be doing some research on it....haha

Yeah .. Tien ... u should do that ... afterall, it's yr profession of Faith .. take it as a chance for u to get closer to the Church and God =)

To abide the church or not , it's all up to you ...

In reply to people who believes that placing mirrors in rooms or watever oranaments in the room will enhance the relationship btw (eg: husband n wife) ...

I intro u the Buddha's little "fengshui" booklet ... no need money, no need emply FSM, FOC.

Five Kinds of Duty for a Husband

1) A husband must be kind to and adore his wife

2) He must not treat his wife in an insolent manner.

3) He must not engage in sexual misconduct with other women.

4) He must give her control and authority over domestic matter.

5) He must provide his wife with garments and ornaments.

Five Kinds of Duty for a Wife

1) A wife must arrange chores of the household well and run it smoothly.

2) She must distribute gifts fairly between her relatives and her husband's relatives.

3) She must not engage in sexual misconduct wife other men.

4) She must keep and maintain all things orderly that are handed over by her husband.

5) She must be skillful and diligent in all her house works.

To further enhance the family relationship if child is present, use the following guide:

The Five Kinds of Family Duty for Sons and Daughters

1) Sons and daughters must attend caringly to their parents so as to provide them with all the requisites in life.

2) They must carry out the family affairs, such as the business matters of their parents.

3) They must maintain their parents' properties, their parents' clan name, their parents' religious duties, to try and straighten their parents' religious view if they have a wrong view. They must also maintain the good name of their parents and their lineage.

4) They must obey their parents and make themselves worthy of the parents' heritage.

5) On their parents' death they should do good deeds in dedication to them and share the merits with them.

Five Kinds of Family Duty for Parents

1) Parents must prevent their sons and daughters from misconduct.

2) They must show their sons and daughters the way to good conduct.

3) They must make their sons and daughters learn the arts and sciences.

4) They must give them in marriage to suitable persons.

5) They must give them their inheritance at the proper time.

(from the Singalovada Sutta)

So, if were to think by putting mirrors will enhance the relationship or by abiding such guidelines will enhance so ?

Mirrors n positions are not wonders ... Something so powerful within us is Faith, Joy and Love ... and these 3 factors alone well "positioned" in a home is enuff for a lasting relationship. Most importantly, FOC :bangwall:!! all no need money, no need worries ...

Homage to Lord Buddha !


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most definitely!

i have seen with my own eyes how good fs has helped improved my friend's family. her son has changed from a moody dull boy to a cheery talkative boy eversince she moved to a new place with the help of fs. there are more to this but i dont think it is nice to discuss it here.

nonetheless, this topic has intrigued me and would like to find out what the catholic church thinks about fengshui. i shall be doing some research on it....haha

Really har... That's good. :bangwall:

But fs doesn't help in all cases as it also depend on your bazi and luck cycle. FS is more to ensure balance in life (without having too much/too little of something).

If your life is good, there is not much fs can't help :dunno:

Personally, I'm moody person, so I need more Fire.....


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Yeah .. Tien ... u should do that ... afterall, it's yr profession of Faith .. take it as a chance for u to get closer to the Church and God =)

To abide the church or not , it's all up to you ...

In reply to people who believes that placing mirrors in rooms or watever oranaments in the room will enhance the relationship btw (eg: husband n wife) ...

I intro u the Buddha's little "fengshui" booklet ... no need money, no need emply FSM, FOC.

Five Kinds of Duty for a Husband

1) A husband must be kind to and adore his wife

2) He must not treat his wife in an insolent manner.

3) He must not engage in sexual misconduct with other women.

4) He must give her control and authority over domestic matter.

5) He must provide his wife with garments and ornaments.

Five Kinds of Duty for a Wife

1) A wife must arrange chores of the household well and run it smoothly.

2) She must distribute gifts fairly between her relatives and her husband's relatives.

3) She must not engage in sexual misconduct wife other men.

4) She must keep and maintain all things orderly that are handed over by her husband.

5) She must be skillful and diligent in all her house works.

To further enhance the family relationship if child is present, use the following guide:

The Five Kinds of Family Duty for Sons and Daughters

1) Sons and daughters must attend caringly to their parents so as to provide them with all the requisites in life.

2) They must carry out the family affairs, such as the business matters of their parents.

3) They must maintain their parents' properties, their parents' clan name, their parents' religious duties, to try and straighten their parents' religious view if they have a wrong view. They must also maintain the good name of their parents and their lineage.

4) They must obey their parents and make themselves worthy of the parents' heritage.

5) On their parents' death they should do good deeds in dedication to them and share the merits with them.

Five Kinds of Family Duty for Parents

1) Parents must prevent their sons and daughters from misconduct.

2) They must show their sons and daughters the way to good conduct.

3) They must make their sons and daughters learn the arts and sciences.

4) They must give them in marriage to suitable persons.

5) They must give them their inheritance at the proper time.

(from the Singalovada Sutta)

So, if were to think by putting mirrors will enhance the relationship or by abiding such guidelines will enhance so ?

Mirrors n positions are not wonders ... Something so powerful within us is Faith, Joy and Love ... and these 3 factors alone well "positioned" in a home is enuff for a lasting relationship. Most importantly, FOC :bleah:!! all no need money, no need worries ...

Homage to Lord Buddha !

in fact the duties for husbands, wives, children and parents are also teachings in our catholic faith. some of these are in the ten commandments. i do agreed with you that no fs will help if you flunk all the duties as stated.

btw, mirrors in the room is a NO NO for feng shui. this will in no way enhance any relationships between husbands and wives. one of my friend who didn't heed this had mirror wardrobe facing her bed directly and resulted in extra marital affairs on her part. is this 邪门 or 巧合 or bad feng shui?

to me, a little feng shui or following ancient traditions for any religion 是 无伤大雅! it doesnt hurt to listen or practise as long as it doesnt comprise on your belief.


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btw, mirrors in the room is a NO NO for feng shui. this will in no way enhance any relationships between husbands and wives. one of my friend who didn't heed this had mirror wardrobe facing her bed directly and resulted in extra marital affairs on her part. is this 邪门 or 巧合 or bad feng shui?

巧合 chances is higher.

I had mirror in the sliding door wardrobe. But we are lovely couple .. like super glue wat.


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巧合 chances is higher.

I had mirror in the sliding door wardrobe. But we are lovely couple .. like super glue wat.

my friend and her hubby was also super loving leh. some how along the way she strayed. now she learned her lesson liao and made curtain to cover the entire mirror.


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my friend and her hubby was also super loving leh. some how along the way she strayed. now she learned her lesson liao and made curtain to cover the entire mirror.

her mirror in MBR is expose .. not the hidden within the wardrobe type isit ..

I dunno. But I'm going to put a mirror at my dinning table.

Any bad effect?

Mirror at dinning table ... no no ..

do a search on the internet and u will a lot of NO for house ...


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my friend and her hubby was also super loving leh. some how along the way she strayed. now she learned her lesson liao and made curtain to cover the entire mirror.

dont think it's the mirror. should be something else somewhere in the house.


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Nowhere wrong in the house ...

something just went wrong with his heart .... =)

The world is full of temptations ...when one cannot resists temptations, we cannot push it to external factors ... try puting more fengshui oramanents in supposed positions in the house or hiding all the mirrors in the house and expose yr hubby to a pretty naked woman infront of him everyday ...

I would recommend yr friend to go for marriage counselling or sit down with her husband to have a heart to heart talk ...


Edited by enci

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dont think it's the mirror. should be something else somewhere in the house.

may not ... it might be the Ba Zi .... 走桃花年


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"To reside in a suitable locality, to have performed meritorious actions in the past, and to set oneself in the right direction — this is the highest blessing."

(from the Mangala Sutta, Discourse of Blessings by the Buddha )


Congenial place to dwell,

In the past merits making,

One's self directed well:

This, the Highest Blessing.

Stanza III: "Congenial place to dwell..."

Pa.tiruupa-desa-vaaso means "residence in a suitable and pleasant locality." For life to be pleasant, the dwelling place must be comfortable, secure in construction, tidy and clean in appearance, properly maintained, and besides it is helpful if it is in a good neighborhood and inhabited by agreeable people. The commentators amplify the meaning by explaining that a suitable locality should have in it people who practice the Noble Dhamma, the evidence of this being the existence of shrines, monks and monasteries and many good people engaged in meritorious deeds.

Residence in a place inhabited by quarrelsome and trouble-making citizens, where one is bossed about by a dictatorial and corrupt government, where the climate is inimical with frequent ravages by floods, famines, earthquakes and epidemics, where the air is charged with hatred and mutual suspicion, and where freedom of thought and action are reduced to a minimum: in brief, residence in a place having many factors and conditions obstructive to the practice of Dhamma and not conducive to physical, moral and spiritual well-being, is just the opposite of what is meant by a suitable environment.

When selection of a place for residence is considered, a Buddhist bears in mind the advantage of being near a source of Dhamma, besides, of course, more mundane advantages such as nearness to his work place.


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