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Final "resting" Home In Jurong East

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Are the mum/daughter photographed the aggressor or the victim? Whichever way, their neighbour will know liao :curse: . Even staying in pte property also got problem, flat dwellers' risk would be higher.

they claimed to be victims. like all the neighbours against them. jiat lat lah


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Yawn ... zz Marathon discussion with contractor yesterday to finalise quotation from 5.30pm to 1.30am. Yes, 8 hrs :jawdrop: at our place taking exact measurements of every corner, width, length, height.

There are markings on the floor and walls to show us how much space we have to move about, for storage, for eating (leg room at the breakfast table), bathing .. hehe, hubby even enact his movement in the redesigned toilets. New design needs to accommodate him. :D Everything was meticulously taken down, corrected, quotation reprinted on the spot. 80% completed. Only need to see window contractor and electrician to ensure exact requirement.

We have confirmed and now the ball is in Andrew's court to present the actual contract.


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At last! :dancingqueen: After triple checks that nothing has been omitted from both sides and final calculations and adjustment had been made, the contract was printed out at our place, signed and deposit issued :deal:. This was after we had gone through 3 drafts. Yesterday's discussion was from 6.30pm to 12.30am with dinner and free hands-on computer lesson for Andrew thrown in :sport-smiley-004: .

Browsed through WhiteLogic and targeted a couple of laminates. This week will get to see more samples of laminate as well as tiles/colour so that 3D drawings can be prepared closest to what we have in mind. Materials will only be ordered upon our confirmation of 3D drawings.


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Wow... Andrew is really professional. I like ID/contractor who can sit down with us for many hours to go through single details of what we want to do, what do we expect to see, what should we look out for. At least three people brainstorm together then an outcome or solution will reach. That is the way to do things.


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Wah! andrew like spending a lot of time with you.... must be a long tiring weekend. hahahaha..... but so nice of you to have dinner and computer lesson for him! :yamseng:


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At last! :dancingqueen: After triple checks that nothing has been omitted from both sides and final calculations and adjustment had been made, the contract was printed out at our place, signed and deposit issued :deal:. This was after we had gone through 3 drafts. Yesterday's discussion was from 6.30pm to 12.30am with dinner and free hands-on computer lesson for Andrew thrown in :sport-smiley-004: .

Browsed through WhiteLogic and targeted a couple of laminates. This week will get to see more samples of laminate as well as tiles/colour so that 3D drawings can be prepared closest to what we have in mind. Materials will only be ordered upon our confirmation of 3D drawings.

wow. congrats and yay for your progress..

do show the laminates u choose.


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Yes Ayazumi, he is very professional in his work. Downright honest too. Told us frankly what kind of common hiccups to expect, which he will try his best to make sure it won't happen in the 1st place. However, he will personally rectify any discrepancy should it arise. This was before we sign the contract. :thumbs up: Warned that there will be about 20 groups of people working on my reno. He intends to submit application for hacking this week as it takes about 2 wks for HDB to approve. Thought it was a bit early but he said since we already know the date to start hacking, might as well get HDB to approve the date. If drawings not approved, still got time to adjust. :D

@ May - Yeah lor .. but very fruitful and well spent :good: . Most time spent on the common toilet. Such a small space and 3 designs churned out. Office table also. Hubby and I became his parental guide counselor too. Haha. Hubby taught him how to better use his excel in the course of his work while I taught him how to go on renotalk for viewing. Kekeke.


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I'm impressed with Andrew, frankly speaking. If we are diligent a bit to do our research before signing contractor, I'm sure this renovation journey can be a smooth and pleasant one. Some contractors/IDs really assume that we home owners have renovated or moved many homes before, so we should know our things better, don't need give us advices. For myself, this is my first home renovation, of course I have many queries or doubts that I need to clarify. I need a contractor/ID to put himself into my shoes and think for me. He has the responsibility to assure worried home ownwer like me. Some contractor/ID first thing open mouth is $$$$$.


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Yes Ayazumi, he is very professional in his work. Downright honest too. Told us frankly what kind of common hiccups to expect, which he will try his best to make sure it won't happen in the 1st place. However, he will personally rectify any discrepancy should it arise. This was before we sign the contract. :thumbs up: Warned that there will be about 20 groups of people working on my reno. He intends to submit application for hacking this week as it takes about 2 wks for HDB to approve. Thought it was a bit early but he said since we already know the date to start hacking, might as well get HDB to approve the date. If drawings not approved, still got time to adjust. :D

@ May - Yeah lor .. but very fruitful and well spent :good: . Most time spent on the common toilet. Such a small space and 3 designs churned out. Office table also. Hubby and I became his parental guide counselor too. Haha. Hubby taught him how to better use his excel in the course of his work while I taught him how to go on renotalk for viewing. Kekeke.

ya loh, took so long for mine to get approved... too much hacking. hahaaaah.... that is why its better to get approval as early as possible since you are already the owner.

i also wanted to teach him but he got no time for it.... hahahahaha.... happy that you are using it cos i am sure he will get it done nicely for you. :thumbs up:


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Hi LLChing,

Your floor area is almost the same as mine. I remembered I went to house viewing with similar floor plan as yours. We loved the space but it was poorly maintained, ceiling turn black and mouldy, pipes dripping... can faint! We try to source for similar units but very limited in our area.

Can share where do you store your stuff? I'm going to be homeless in 3 weeks time :~


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Since moving piano is costly and a huge hassle, ID told me no need to move my piano and Q bed frame. Just secure piano/bed frame with plenty of protective wraps especially the corners and he will designate a place for it in the house. He will put wood board below and instruct his workers not to move the piano out of the boards. He will be revanishing my bed frame, so leaving it behind is a wise move.

I will store my fridge, washing machine,dry cabinet, TV, Q mattress and cartons of stuff at my sister's unlived 3 rm flat(only fit to store things, not to live).Then, just bringing our clothes and laptops, we'll move to a short term rental place for 2 mths.

Check out temporary storage warehouses. They charge units big and small on weekly, monthly basis. Jurong side, there's IMM. Geyland area has one called Orange Storage, I think. There are many of these around.


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Since moving piano is costly and a huge hassle, ID told me no need to move my piano and Q bed frame. Just secure piano/bed frame with plenty of protective wraps especially the corners and he will designate a place for it in the house. He will put wood board below and instruct his workers not to move the piano out of the boards. He will be revanishing my bed frame, so leaving it behind is a wise move.

I will store my fridge, washing machine,dry cabinet, TV, Q mattress and cartons of stuff at my sister's unlived 3 rm flat(only fit to store things, not to live).Then, just bringing our clothes and laptops, we'll move to a short term rental place for 2 mths.

Check out temporary storage warehouses. They charge units big and small on weekly, monthly basis. Jurong side, there's IMM. Geyland area has one called Orange Storage, I think. There are many of these around.

Thanks LLChing! I might also get a rented place. Moving back to my patents house is way way too far and inconvenient for my children' school.


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Yesterday recd reno permit to lay wall/floor tiles for kitchen and both toilets nia. No tampering of existing structures is allowed???? :jawdrop: Apa ini? When I saw who the officer in charge is, almost faint :bangwall: :bangwall: . He is rather yaya papaya and has the brain of a scarecrow.

Let's see how Andrew handles him :rolleyes: I want my open concept kitchen and WIW!!


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Yesterday recd reno permit to lay wall/floor tiles for kitchen and both toilets nia. No tampering of existing structures is allowed???? :jawdrop: Apa ini? When I saw who the officer in charge is, almost faint :bangwall: :bangwall: . He is rather yaya papaya and has the brain of a scarecrow.

Let's see how Andrew handles him :rolleyes: I want my open concept kitchen and WIW!!

I know yr feelings.... I also have that problem with hdb. So I call and beg and cry. Haha.....


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Yesterday recd reno permit to lay wall/floor tiles for kitchen and both toilets nia. No tampering of existing structures is allowed???? :jawdrop: Apa ini? When I saw who the officer in charge is, almost faint :bangwall: :bangwall: . He is rather yaya papaya and has the brain of a scarecrow.

Let's see how Andrew handles him :rolleyes: I want my open concept kitchen and WIW!!

i got a hdb officer with similar attitude when i applied for my hle. he questioned why i wanted the hle so urgent and yet applied only on that day (i answered it's ur hdb rule i can only apply on birthday or later) and he never look at me in the face. he was looking elsewhere! so rude!


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