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Guest Goobii

Bad Service And Attitude By Pd Door Shop

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Guest Goobii

Will not recommend anyone to buy from them.... Zero service and Ah beng attitude....

Never met a BOSS so unglam and ungentleman... Fark tub shop...

Recommendation: - 99% / 100

will post up full story if cant access to read the post in my Facebook....

Now too late to tell the bad bad bad experience encountered... Felt intimated and threatened...

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Hey would u mind sharing what happened?

There are 2 factories located @ Eunos that I know of that are supplying PD doors. Is the company Eastplan21 or another one?

Edited by edenstrauss

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Guest Goobii

Never buy or order or visit this shop @ balestier known as PD Door shop beside the 7-Eleven. Very very very bad

experience with them. http://www.pddoor.com.sg/

576 Balestier Road 383805_10150452763588141_683288140_8776692_852549533_n.jpg

Charles Ng Wad happened?

Geoffery Ho History:

2nd dec - Insist make full payment then will visit house for measurement and do the PD door for toilet enterance and shower screen.

3rd dec - Visited by a man to measure

5th dec - Visited again by another man to measure as the previous saleman and the man who measured resigned.

6th dec - Inform by 14th dec will visit house to install everything...

14th dec - Waited whole day... Nobody visited and not even a single calls... Call back @ 4pm and the sale person inform cannot make it. *Angry and asked when can visit and get it done... Sale person inform by 19th dec*

19th dec - Again waited half a day and base on previous experience must call and scold.. Sale person inform not ready again and got to delay till 21st dec...

21st dec - Finally came @ 12.30pm.... But only 2PD door for toilets and that's all... Furious and fed up of the attitude + delay... Visit shop @ balestier to ask what is going on and also to seek refund of the overpaid payment due which they are suppose to refund.

21st dec @ 3pm - Talk until cow jump over the moon and still cannot give an answer when the shower screen can be done...

21st dec @ 4pm - Still talking and waiting for factory to reply to give a affirmation date and time as they cannot keep delaying us and can afford to do others first.. Saying others had already in quene and cannot delay.... WTF... Then we can be delayed!!!!

21st dec @ 4.30pm - A man suddenly came, we wanted to ask for any compensation of such delay at least something to make us less angry or at least tell us when can be done...

Do be continue....

Geoffery Ho ‎21st dec @ 4.45pm - So called standing man fold arms and directly says NO compensation and Nothing. *Angry me bang table 2 times asking why nothing and WTF for the delay which was due on 14th / 19th / 21st dec....*

Ah beng BOSS suddenly use two finger and pint point and push my forehead two time... Asking me to go outside and talk to settle....

Invited me 2 times to talk outside while I am still sitting down... He is standing around arm crossed... Asked him for explaination he says he not happy we disrupted their business and I bang table twice....

Awhile later asked me to go behind and talk... And I ask this Ah beng boss is he a GENTLEMAN why cannot sit down and talk and must go outside or behind to talk... Somemore I only hit table twice and u criminal force pint point 2fingers and push my forehead... Now got camera who is in the wrong then and how to explain the delay...

Charles Ng Wow!!!and wad happened in d end?

Geoffery Ho Told boss to give a dateline what the fark... Can delay us and cannot delays others.... What is this... Are we not paying $3k for ur PD door or because others pay more than us so must do others before hand. Want to talk then sit down and talk why so ungentleman ...

Lucky my mom in-law suddenly pop out to says sorry as she felt things not right... Then I also tu lan ... As I still sitting and this Ah Beng BOSS still want to insist they are right... And says not happy I bang his table.... Then I told him... Ok lor.. I be gentleman... I says SORRY to ur table let's shake hand as gentleman to get it over... After that I told the young sale man... Is this the boss... Then he says "YES" and I told him to get him sign the cheque to refund the balance which was DUE for overpaying for the products orders...

Ah Beng boss LAN LAN curse and swear at sale man ask why take up such case and make things so troublesome.... Thus so unwillingly signed the cheque and issue back to us...

He is too rude and never even greet or says hello to inform he the boss... Bash in and fold arm and start scolding... As if we there to create trouble when they are the one that been making a mess and delay...

I strongly DON'T recommend anyone or tom, dick or harry to get the products from them... Their serives sucks.... NO wonder they want us to pay in FULL in advance before they start to do... As we got no choice and cannot back out as money is non-refundable...

Attitude and Childish Ah Beng BOSS @ balestier PD door. Shop.... Use finger pint-point and poke my forehead 2 times.. HE lucky my mother in-law ask us not to make a police report for threaten and criminal force.... As he threaten he know where we stay and will come find us....

Na Bei !!!!

Charles Ng Make police report and complain to CASE lah

Charles Ng Sue him for intimidation and see a shrink say u r badly affected by his intimadation acts...

Geoffery Ho I challanege him make police and invite police over but y in-law told me not to... Else I will make him lose face and sue him for insult and intimation.. And threaten....

Geoffery Ho I angry because he provoke me with his bloody 2finger poking and pushing my forehead.... When I stand to talk to him this shorty boss is almost 2head shorter than me.... Want to talk sit down and talk like gentleman lah.... Invite him to sit but refuse my offer twice... TA MA DE..... Tomorrow by 6pm he better make sure his installer is coming together it down as promised by the boss and sale person....

Geoffery Ho Visited police friend and they even told me is criminal offense and threaten.... Ask me to lodge online police reports as the station is busy just now.... Na bei... If not for my in-law... I make sure I make the report and invite him for kopi at police station... Make him troublesome...

Charles Ng Ok la cool dwn le la

Geoffery Ho Cool Liao la

Geoffery Ho Strongly don't recommend their products to my clients... Will curse n spread their bad service slowly when I see client who want to Reno...

Jesslynn Lee Bro, if I were u...I will make a report bec 人善被恶人欺. U may not know what arrange tmr

Geoffery Ho I promise my in-law not to.... Else will do it...

Soh Andrew Bro. Only you can Stand Ppj pointing fingers on your forehead. . If is me he got no chance as my forehead quite HIGH. . Why can't you handle tis situation since you are ex police ?

Geoffery Ho Done lah... Don't want to make a big fuss over it and also my in-law around so respect old folk to move on with it....

Geoffery Ho Warn him and wanted to charge him but I think the boss suddenly Realise I know the law so abit don't dare to do much or say much...

Sara Peng Lol!! This man dunno what u work as last time. If he know, he will sit down talk to u nicely. Cb... Go outside talk lor... Make sure QX waiting for him outside too...

Geoffery Ho Sara help me share.... Voice out to our friends... Cannot let such ah beng boss take advantage of us...

Sara Peng Will share, but not now. Phone cannot share.

AnGie Chua We r not the only one having problems check out renotalk, someone got threaten too and make a police report. Check out the post by SAHM http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22627

AnGie Chua One more http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=42574

Yuki Lim Seriously I dun understand what ur in law thinking le y dun make police report? If later something happen how? I will definitely make a police report make things big since they r so mean plus u guys are nt the only one that kana.. All gang up together n go case! TMD angry for u lor..

Yuki Lim How to share this ah? Gangster somemore le thought police love this kind of ppl.. Point ur forehead lol i won't be able to put this down n low if I were u..

AnGie Chua Previously got ppl report police already but nothing happen. My mum worried that things become bigger as they really know our add and most of the time only the old folks at home. Dangerous lah.

Michie Mich report police pls. who knows the next victim go his shop kena slap

Yuki Lim The more u should make a police report since only the old folks at hm!!!

AnGie Chua But seems like there r already ppl making report before click on the above link but nothing happen. According to some police friend they say police dun care one unless something really happen.

Geoffery Ho After today by 6pm..... If nothing is done. I going to print out the whole email and report to case... Also will update all forum and renotalk to whack the fellow . Got an offence committed will not let it go so easily... Big bully think we are easy to eat.

AnGie Chua Plus we got no prove. My mum was worried as he mention: I know where u stay!!!

Yuki Lim At least u make a report n go case? The more reports against them the merrier.. Send to wan bao n the 前线追踪

Yuki Lim They claim they r gangster? So police can't do much? Say u feel threaten on ur family safety? If things really happen wah too late.. Ask them investigate this company? Lol the police also very heck care la

Norashid Bin Darni Noted sir. Thanks for the juicy news. Stay cool.

Yuki Lim Yes pls stomp it!! seriously who know how many victim r there in total? Dun let this kind of ppl eat us when they know we r afraid of making things big with tat sentence I know where u stay..

Kari Lim Power la... Bro.. I support u too!

Michael Koh bro make the police report

at least next time if they do such stunts to others the police will have a record from your case ..... and also to protect you & your family in case he do something funny....

Geoffery Ho Just help share it.... It would be enuff...

Michael Koh no problem

Geoffery Ho Got video captured... Their own cctv but chances of them to self delete is high... Anyway my sis in-law and mum in-law are there... Like I says, if not for my mum in-law... I would have blow it even bigger and call police on the spot.

Michael Koh make a police report is not to make things worse ..... is to provide security for the family in case they really try something funny

GallenDaddy Ooi · Friends with Michael Koh and 1 other

This pd door company very hao lian wan.. Cos in sg only he do this so he yaya.. I dun recommended my customer doing their door... Will delay my job...

Michael Koh ‎GallenDaddy Ooi: oh no wonder dare to delay ppl's thing

Katie Kate You shld go to CASE n make a police report. at the same time, install CCTV outside ur hse just in case that ah beng really come to ur hse, If anything happen to ur family or house, u got evidence and police know who to look for as u have file a report against them.

Low Shifeng · Friends with Jeffrey Pang

so bad... just by reading this makes me feel angry.. i will help to share this to my friends too..

Terence TeD Yong Please go CASE and Small Claim. . . supported by a police report in case they saw what you posted online and wanted to get back at you, at least the Police know who to short list offically for coffee. . . You should know better than anyone else. My self I having a PD Door given by the HDB, trust me, mechism gone case even i move in.

Geoffery Ho collect money so fast... do things and can delay us for so long... told them we need to move in by 23rd dec and they purposely or unintentionally delayed for 3times... never get things right... worse is WE have to call to ask then realize they not coming on the 14th and 19th Dec ... when they says they are coming...

Justin Tan actually they also outsource to another factory to do the PD door .... CONtractors are like that, better get a reliable one, else major headache and heartache

Geoffery Ho Just angry for the delay and worse the finger pointing issue.. my relative is there and I am calm enuff to sit down and talk... else will surely whack them for injuries... causing headache cannot sleep , nitemare and cannot perform well for work and mental stress...

Timothy Ng Y u put picture of the cheque? Should put picture of the shop, the name and the owner or the guai lan person ma

Geoffery Ho No need lah... address is good enuff...

Geoffery Ho cheque is SIGNED by this AH BENG BOSS from PD Door

:furious: :furious: :furious:

Edited by Goobii

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OMG not only their product sucks...they have such a bad ethic too. :furious:

Initially wanted to install PD door, but my contractor friend adviced against it. He told me the door very easy to spoil.

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Same here. Initially wanted to get two sets of PD door but after visiting my friend's place, dropped the idea completely. They used it for less then a week, and the catch that makes the PD door fold after sliding halfway is getting lose. They said they regretted purchasing it. Of course they bought it through a contractor so they did not have to contend with this company with an attitude.


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Guest Goobii

Geoffery Ho collect money so fast... do things and can delay us for so long... told them we need to move in by 23rd dec and they purposely or unintentionally delayed for 3times... never get things right... worse is WE have to call to ask then realize they not coming on the 14th and 19th Dec ... when they says they are coming...

Justin Tan actually they also outsource to another factory to do the PD door .... CONtractors are like that, better get a reliable one, else major headache and heartache

8 minutes ago · Like

Geoffery Ho Just angry for the delay and worse the finger pointing issue.. my relative is there and I am calm enuff to sit down and talk... else will surely whack them for injuries... causing headache cannot sleep , nitemare and cannot perform well for work and mental stress...

3 minutes ago · Like

Timothy Ng Y u put picture of the cheque? Should put picture of the shop, the name and the owner or the guai lan person ma

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Guest Goobii

Timothy Ng Y u put picture of the cheque? Should put picture of the shop, the name and the owner or the guai lan person ma

6 minutes ago · Like

Geoffery Ho No need lah... address is good enuff...

3 minutes ago · Like

Geoffery Ho cheque is SIGNED by this AH BENG BOSS from PD Door

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Guest Goobii

so did they come to install the door? haha...its like hong kong drama...

By today 6pm... if nothing done.. going to FILE a case against them and print out this full story let them read... LAZY to explain liao..

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Guest Goobii

Just read this story from Fb punggol breeze group.. Scary..


Do help to share... thanks...

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Guest Goobii

Should take pics of the ah beng boss and post it here. : :sport-smiley-018:

If can take... will post... else will rather PUNCH his face and SMASH all his PD door in the showroom..

I will kill him~!

Edited by Goobii

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