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Assiracs & Semaj's Home in Bishan

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Just an update:P ... In the end We continued staying with my mum ... so reno did not happen in 2006.

Right now, mum just sold her flat, so RENO has to happen!:jawdrop:! :lol:

Have shortlisted the following IDs

1. Titan Creative - ID seems very very busy. 8|

2. Spacious Planners - Design was good, but way over our budget :good:

3. Intra Design - Good quote .... :D

4. Baroque D'zign - ID did not pay attention to our requirements. In the end just quoted based on their promo package. Quite a bit of hard-selling... I will drop him out of our shortlisting

5. Ho Bee - Good quote ... :D

Edited by assirac

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You should ask yourself whether you want ID or Contractor....if you want to keep reno to the min...

Just an update:P ... In the end We continued staying with my mum ... so reno did not happen in 2006.

Right now, mum just sold her flat, so RENO has to happen!:jawdrop:! :lol:

Have shortlisted the following IDs

1. Titan Creative

2. Spacious Planners

3. Intra Design

4. Baroque D'zign


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You should ask yourself whether you want ID or Contractor....if you want to keep reno to the min...

We increased our budget a bit cos we wanted to work with IDs instead of contractors. Hopefully I can get a pretty home within 40K .... :(

hehe old blog is coming alive! hope to see ur reno pictures soon

good luck!!

Currently my flat is occupied .... =X rented out ..... Will visit my place soon to get some "before reno" pictures... hehehehehe


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Air Conditioner

Will require a system 4 unit to cool all rooms including the living room. Based on the assumption that averagely, no more than 2 air-con units will be switched on at a time, we will need to select a unit that operates most effectively at half load.

After analyzing the data from the NEA website, Toshiba Model RAS-4M26SACV fairs well at 50% load, and full load. Estimated monthly $$ for half load is S$40 and S$114 at full load.

Prices (Source: Coolserve.com)

RAS-4M26SACV / 4 X RAS-M10NKCV = 3410 SGD or

RAS-4M26SACV / 4 X RAS-M13NKCV = 3810 SGD


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Wat happened to impress21?

Anyway they're one of my finalist.

Till date, thumbs up for just service. No hard sell, and revise my quotation abt 3 times liao even thou i haben sign anything.


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Wat happened to impress21?

Anyway they're one of my finalist.

Till date, thumbs up for just service. No hard sell, and revise my quotation abt 3 times liao even thou i haben sign anything.

The quotation I got from Impress 21 was 2 years back. My requirements changed quite a bit since then.

I'm waiting for the quotations from my "first round" of IDs. I may approach impress21 to get a quote comparison, cost quite frankly Impress21 is very competitive when it comes to pricing.

Only concern about impress 21, they may not have the "design" or "artistic" element ... which .. unfortunately ... US , the owners... also lack ... :good:


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Air Conditioner

Will require a system 4 unit to cool all rooms including the living room. Based on the assumption that averagely, no more than 2 air-con units will be switched on at a time, we will need to select a unit that operates most effectively at half load.

After analyzing the data from the NEA website, Toshiba Model RAS-4M26SACV fairs well at 50% load, and full load. Estimated monthly $$ for half load is S$40 and S$114 at full load.

Prices (Source: Coolserve.com)

RAS-4M26SACV / 4 X RAS-M10NKCV = 3410 SGD or

RAS-4M26SACV / 4 X RAS-M13NKCV = 3810 SGD

I realised that HDB has AMP restrictions for old HDB flats... So I can only have a Toshiba System 3.

:dunno: price is about 2538 ... ... my hubby and I agreed that our living room can survive without air-con :notti:


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The quotation I got from Impress 21 was 2 years back. My requirements changed quite a bit since then.

I'm waiting for the quotations from my "first round" of IDs. I may approach impress21 to get a quote comparison, cost quite frankly Impress21 is very competitive when it comes to pricing.

Only concern about impress 21, they may not have the "design" or "artistic" element ... which .. unfortunately ... US , the owners... also lack ... :yamseng:

Wah u search for ID for 2yrs ah?

Yes price they're very competitive.

Design wise, they're not too fancy but i've got my designs on my own so tt aint too bad.

Do post pics of ur hme ya!


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Wah u search for ID for 2yrs ah?

Yes price they're very competitive.

Design wise, they're not too fancy but i've got my designs on my own so tt aint too bad.

Do post pics of ur hme ya!

No lar ... where got so crazy. Searched for a while... then decide not to reno ... now decide to reno again lor :yamseng:


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No lar ... where got so crazy. Searched for a while... then decide not to reno ... now decide to reno again lor :dancingqueen:

Haha an old bird 'comeback' huh :yamseng:

Welcome back assirac. Enjoyz!


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Trying to decide on whether to engage Hobee or Intradesign.

Which one is better when it comes to ......

1. Price - Hobee (Intra is about 15 - 20% higher, Hobee's quote was very very detailed, ie no hidden costs)

2. Design - Intra (3D drawing and portfolio is definitely more convincing than Hobee)

3. Service/Response Time - Hobee (Replied my email within 3 days) !!

hehehehe .... which to choose leh ??? !!


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Ask them to bring you to their showflats!

See the actual better than rely on 3d.

The ones we went to didnt give drawings de... Oh, 1 got. But totally different from what we wanted. !! So we junked it. Now left 2 more we had yet to view as its CNY times (the owners may not want to let ppl view @ this time which we understand), so everything shifted back 1 more week. :bow: So once we see these 2 more, then can decide liao. I hope no tie... !!


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