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Fengshui Tips Required For New House

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Young hearts don't appreciate and understand broken hearts. Only broken hearts can comfort young hearts.

Once damged, can never be "healed", scars always there liao. Why law of nature is set in this way? Why the "pains" are always beautiful? Anyone?

You must a certain category of person. Why such sentiments? Not very healthy.

Learn to look back and smile at the rose that pricked you.


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You must a certain category of person. Why such sentiments? Not very healthy.

Learn to look back and smile at the rose that pricked you.

Finally one responses, means you know what are sorrows. Sorrow soul makes bones dry.

Smile at the rose that pricked you is an art, take time to learn, books cannot teach. Once learnt, is a source of strength. Thank you.


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Finally one responses, means you know what are sorrows. Sorrow soul makes bones dry.

Smile at the rose that pricked you is an art, take time to learn, books cannot teach. Once learnt, is a source of strength. Thank you.

Sorrow can immobilise a person. Sorrow can also give another type of energy to the person.

Learning and inhibiting are worlds apart. I try to learn accounts but can never be good at it nor become an accountant.

Still, its worth a try, cheers


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Do you know we have subconscious mind which influences significantly our belief, emotion, habit, addiction and moral values? We can start with disciplining the mind which is the root of most of our extreme behaviour.

We can also tap into our subconscious mind via meditation and concentrate on the things that we want to achieve and desire.

In today's world, there are many types of tools used to reach the inner recesses of our subconscious mind in order to strengthen the will power to overcome our inhibitions such as phobias, fears, worries etc. There are modern science such as Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Techniques which experts used to help us achieve inner peace.

I almost enrolled my youngest son to one of these programmes when I learnt from his bazi chart that he is a Strong Metal person who like to challenge authority and inclined to be rebellous, hoping that he will utimately be forged into a useful 'excalibur' after the programme.

The TS started this topic as 'feng shui tips', hence, one tip I can give here is that I relocate his bed in his favourable direction, tapping into Longevity which is his favourable Life Gua direction. Somehow, this does help to control his ego to exert his influence & temperament and he is getting along better with me and siblings. :yamseng:


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Write so long and bit of jargon, read till bottom forget the top liao. Let me "cut" it short and make easy to understand:

- This is what management calls " Restrainning forces Vs Driving forces" within a human being.

-FS environmental settings basically "generates" these 2 forces within one, depending on HOW one reacts to it.

-Restrainning = holding back one from doing something. Driving= "drive" & motivate one to do certain thing.

All these have to do with one's "heart" & "mind". Don't say I never give any tips.


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So how do you react? Or the better question: is the person reacting the right way?

If one have read Steven R. Covey's " The 7 habits of highly effective people" (wow lau, one-inch thick book)then, more or less, he will know what is "inside out" - a kind of gravity force which change a person, and the processes of dependance, independance and interdependance which has no short cut, no quick fit, all have to be step by step, stage by stage.

Unlike FS discussion here, ppls like to do "quick fit" and short cut. Quick fit and short cut can work "superficially" only. If "deep inside" never change, the same old things will re-surface in no time again, want to bet?


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Books of different kinds are many.....but strangely, even some authors themselves couldn't reach what they preach.....don't say practise hor...


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Young hearts don't appreciate and understand broken hearts. Only broken hearts can comfort young hearts.

Once damged, can never be "healed", scars always there liao. Why law of nature is set in this way? Why the "pains" are always beautiful? Anyone?

So you must had a broken heart :)

The pain was so great that nothing, not even sleeping, drinking or doing irrational acts can reduce the hurt, isn't it?

Many years passed and when certain events remind you of the scarred images or incident, your emotions ripple as like a stone dropped into your still pond, don't you feel so?

Your this 'pain' is beautiful because you haven't found someone or something as comparable to replace the 'feeling' you had first experienced.

Keep it, this is your eternity :)


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Books of different kinds are many.....but strangely, even some authors themselves couldn't reach what they preach.....don't say practise hor...

Out of question. Different spectrum. Jealousy kills.


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So you must had a broken heart :)

The pain was so great that nothing, not even sleeping, drinking or doing irrational acts can reduce the hurt, isn't it?

Many years passed and when certain events remind you of the scarred images or incident, your emotions ripple as like a stone dropped into your still pond, don't you feel so?

Your this 'pain' is beautiful because you haven't found someone or something as comparable to replace the 'feeling' you had first experienced.

Keep it, this is your eternity :)

You are precise, broke yet beautiful. Little ppl understand.

No choice but to "keep it", it can't be ereased or replaced!


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You are precise, broke yet beautiful. Little ppl understand.

No choice but to "keep it", it can't be ereased or replaced!

You all sound like poemzzzzzz


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Anyone know what is KUN in term for the fengshui ? Is it every house got this location. :unsure:

If you pinyin correctly, this should be SW. Of course everyhouse got this location.


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