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既然你自称修密那么你应该知道密教的根本是法身佛大日如来传金刚萨跺有由龙猛开南天铁塔等传说 。。。在佛教基本的人间传承已经离开了释迦牟尼佛而自成一派。虽然挂着佛教的名义然而截然与释迦牟尼佛的经教不算扯上很大的关系。相反的密教吸取了婆罗门教里的诸多思想以及行为譬如火供双修法等 。。 我不否认佛教的五乘共法的人天乘所以身为佛教徒的我也不能否定诸天护法善神的殊胜之处不过你却忘了归依三宝既是要从基本的人天共法进入三乘共法最终步入大乘不共法。。想您这样的一味崇拜鬼神要这么样迈入佛道呢 诸天的誓愿本来就是要护持学佛办道的人所以我们虽然尊敬它们却不能归依崇拜它们因为真正的功德是回向它们。 佛教里的净土地真言是表达对佛陀说法布萨之处的区分而不是土地神的崇奉。请您不要混淆佛教和道教哟 。。。帮帮忙 至于密教诸多渊源我不愿至评除非你能谈佛教历史从客观的角度研究密教的产生演变与发展。。。 然而召请佛菩萨的“灵光”降临。。谁又有本事呢 所谓奉请诸佛菩萨缘觉声闻是表示对它们的崇敬观察觉照自性。。。你不能把无所不在的佛陀菩萨们当成一种灵体呼能则来唤则送去你说话的与其不仅让我把你跟“真佛宗”扯上关系您对佛教的思想及信仰参杂了许多非佛教的信念有把方便当成究竟把鬼神当成金刚护法把佛陀说法地当成福德正神或土地公公来相提并论。 道教的土地公公又何时见上佛陀啊 难道大伯公庙香火不够跑来佛教讨饭吃 乱把道教的神氐硬扯来佛教难道是尊重他人的宗教人物吗 执着 佛说求正法欲不是执着而是进精 四弘誓愿你一定会背诵吧 祈愿您回归释迦牟尼佛的本怀 。。。顺祝2551卫塞快乐 。。。 南无本师释迦牟尼佛 S


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啊 。。。忘了问你 。。 你老是说佛经说 。。请问是那一部佛经 我也想增广见闻 。。不过要是佛说的唷 感恩


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Hi ahnah,

Oops sorry, shall stop here !

no problem bro, thanks for you and enci's sharing but this content is too chim for our newly wedding and non-religion ppl in this forum.

hope can share outside of this forum. Or really need to .. share only the brief part.

Terima kasik


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a religious person will never question the faith of the other.

god will judge us all, not some mere mortal who is trying to play god.



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a religious person will never question the faith of the other.

god will judge us all, not some mere mortal who is trying to play god.


yeah .. just like some fengshui "masters" who keeps on playing Buddha .. making buddhism a big fool using the name of fengshui ...

fengshui is fengshui ... Buddhism is Buddhism ...


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yeah .. just like some fengshui "masters" who keeps on playing Buddha .. making buddhism a big fool using the name of fengshui ...

fengshui is fengshui ... Buddhism is Buddhism ...

who who .. is it the one that open branches in FLS ?


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who who .. is it the one that open branches in FLS ?

he really needs professional help from woodbridge. Along with those SanKu LiuPO from those fishmarkets which all they do is to make the whole world detest buddhism by irritating every single soul they come across. These are the devils from within.


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he really needs professional help from woodbridge. Along with those SanKu LiuPO from those fishmarkets which all they do is to make the whole world detest buddhism by irritating every single soul they come across. These are the devils from within.

who is "he" ? :jawdrop::)


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the one who opens FLS .. * is one big fool who misuses Buddhism in his fengshui biz ... but hes not the only one ..

many of them are like that .. esp *and many others

Mace. well, plp can detest Buddhism but I still must not allow Buddhism to be fooled ard by fengshui theories and practises.

u can rojak all u wan and i will contine my purist way and a strong NO to any fengshui "masters" who associates buddhism with fengshui.



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the one who opens FLS .. * is one big fool who misuses Buddhism in his fengshui biz ... but hes not the only one ..

many of them are like that .. esp * and many others

Mace. well, plp can detest Buddhism but I still must not allow Buddhism to be fooled ard by fengshui theories and practises.

u can rojak all u wan and i will contine my purist way and a strong NO to any fengshui "masters" who associates buddhism with fengshui.


hey, how you want to live your life nobody can said a thing about it.

but you are really forgetting the teaching of buddha.



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hey, how you want to live your life nobody can said a thing about it.

but you are really forgetting the teaching of buddha.


teaching of the Buddha to associate Buddhism with fengshui ??

lame !

REMINDER.. Plz refrain fm Badmouthing, Slandering and Personal Attacks.

Ref. 3 (b) MEMBER CONDUCT IN FORUMS.. thanks, JuzChris

Edited by JuzChris

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